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 Rep: 194 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

It's like a tar pit... Once you're here, there's no getting out.


 Rep: 77 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

smoke wrote:

Intercourse has it right about being a GNR fan. As much as I was all doom and gloom the other day, it will take very little for me to get excited about GNR again. I'll still go see them, and I'll hold out hope to my dying day that something new and awesome is about to drop.
Fact is, Axl's tiny amount of output interests and touches me more than than all the others' combined, with a few rare single song exceptions here and there.

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

Sky Dog wrote:

I won't go see them again without a new ground zero for me.

 Rep: 200 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

apex-twin wrote:
smoke wrote:

Fact is, Axl's tiny amount of output interests and touches me more than than all the others' combined, with a few rare single song exceptions here and there.

Whatever anyone says about Axl, his artistic output has integrity. By this I mean, he does the songs exactly the way he wants, love it or leave it. He's always done that, the November Rain outro as a good example.

I remember Slash saying it may be overblown, but he respected the hell out of the fact that Axl sampled every horn and whatever individually.

 Rep: 423 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

buzzsaw wrote:
apex-twin wrote:
smoke wrote:

Fact is, Axl's tiny amount of output interests and touches me more than than all the others' combined, with a few rare single song exceptions here and there.

Whatever anyone says about Axl, his artistic output has integrity. By this I mean, he does the songs exactly the way he wants, love it or leave it. He's always done that, the November Rain outro as a good example.

I don't know about that.  Wasn't one of the early new band releases called a demo by him (forget which one it was)?  I really hope CD wasn't the final product he envisioned either.  I think he used to have artistic integrity.  I think maybe he still does, but his work doesn't reflect it.

 Rep: 633 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

misterID wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

I won't go see them again without a new ground zero for me.

And no, "Oh My God" is not a new song. This is GNREVO, you're not going to getaway with any technicalities here.

 Rep: -4 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

ninic wrote:
johndivney wrote:
ninic wrote:

cause he definitely has to prove a point now, at this point

don't mean to cause offense, but this is some bs.

he has "had to prove" a point or 1000 before this latest debacle.

it is not "back to" anything (& certainly nothing near normal!)
things remain as they've always been - on axl time.

the rnrhof was just another blip. it wasn't a seismic shift in the make-up of GnR.
the net result of it is simply: anyone left daft or deluded enough to care or have thoughts of an AFD/UYI reunion should have finally be disabused of those wishes. it's only a few more people have joined the rest of us in reality.

it is closer to 'whatever'. what you're left w/is the same situation we've faced for over a decade: you place your fandom @ the feet of axl's truculent whimsy & wait/hope as best you can - or you say "fuck it/catch you later" - or you can be an asshole about it & post on the internet how axl ruined everything.
me? i like to do all 3.

but yea. this rnrhof shit hasn't altered the picture one bit for me. maybe it's clarified it somewhat for others. like walter sobchak some nutjobs have taken this as the excuse to "draw a line in the sand", but to me they just haven't been following the script from the past 20yrs.....
the more things change the more they stay the same w/axl.

no offense taken now I hope you don't take this the wrong way but boo hooey, some needs to stop pretending being "taken a back/or disgusted at Axl" and get over Axl and his "ways" yes he does have something too prove, and I  hope he has a fire lit under his behind to actually RELEASE music just like I said at first.  He is truly now public enemy no.1  (well not like he wasn't at first;) but still he has the whole word on him and he can either go back into the nest, just randomly tour to pay off debts or whatever or shut a few folks up (he won't be able to win over most but still) with some new music.

oh and of course post about how Axl ruined everything lol everyone else does so (whether it's true or not), well why not?

 Rep: -4 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

ninic wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

Sane GNR fans are like bears, we go into hibernation when there is nothing to feed on then come running back out when a feast looks possible.

I'll be tailing Slash's tour and album, seeing GNR & Chris Cornell, Dublin 2012, watching for VR and waiting for GNR CD II.

Its not ideal, but not bad either.

The first part would be ideal and we would go on about our lives but some of us we egg on anyone who claims to have a whif of of a new leak (MSL) and then wonder why Axl hardly speaks on the net and when he does it isn't pretty lol:haha:

 Rep: 341 

Re: So Back to normal or whatever?

bigbri wrote:

There is no going back to normal. Not when he's gone this far over the line. Better run as fast as he can from this moment in time as he can. And that's with new music. Less than that and I have zero interest anymore.

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