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 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

monkeychow wrote:

There's a thread around where a GF of mine left me for a 50 year old man and I went on a I get what you guys are saying....age differences are quite inappropriate and confronting to many of us.

I was just saying it's not pedophile behaviour, and I object to that term. If Axl wants to be balls deep in a 20 year old, that's not the same as him wanting to touch a sexually undeveloped little child...that's all i'm saying. It may or may not be sick and wrong in it's own way but it is not in any way pedophiliac.

So in short:

1. No one in the band is a pedophile.

2. While it may disgust younger people, from an empathy point of view, I can imagine that when a person is 50 sometimes people in the prime of their life in their early 20s or whatever are still attractive. Especially if you are a person who is turned on visually rather than mentally or whatever. If you like the look of an ass or something...that's the age range when it looks good..just sayin wink

3. I totally believe bumble that the guys in the band are respectful to their families. When I went back stage I actually witnessed a girl who was a would be groupy (in my opinion) seeking band members. Bumble made it very clear he was heading out to skype his wife. It's like when u hit on a girl with a boyfriend and she keeps mentioning him. Bumble was polite to her but referred to his wife like 15 times in the sentence lol...and then Tommy pretended he was a photographer and not even in the band cos he wanted rid of her wink So I do think that the band themselves are not behind this.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Bono wrote:

Good post Monkey.

To paint a  better picture though Imagine Axl  boning Myley Cyrus. She's 19 and still it'd be fucking creepy.  If Bono were single and to be messing around with someone the age of Selena Gomez I'd find that incredibly lame.

Nobody is saying Axl is fucking these broads and nobody called him a pedophile(reading comprehension comes in handy once in a  while folks). The story in itself though that a 50 year old Rock Icon would need to solicit barely legal models to fill his front row is rather lame.

Who was/is behind it we don't know but the coversation stems from  on what we were given in the article and grew from there. This notion that we need to know all the finer details before we start discussing a topic is getting really old Ali and ID roll

 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

monkeychow wrote:

Not arguing with you Bono seems we're mostly agreed...but regarding reading comprehension...I believe bro-mero originally made a reference to pedophile activity in a post (#34) that has been subsequently edited to remove the comment smile

 Rep: 287 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Aussie wrote:
Bono wrote:

If Bono were single and to be messing around with someone the age of Selena Gomez I'd find that incredibly lame.

19  16

 Rep: 231 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

-D- wrote:

Ron saving face for his wife.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

misterID wrote:


Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

Jimmy Page and Steven Tyler both had 13 yo girlfriends in ther 30s. Ted Nugent sought out underage girls. Axl is nowhere near that.

When I was 17 I was doing my damndest to get with this 40 year old chick. She was friggin hot.

Some of this shit is just crazy. 50 yo and a 19 yo is not a big deal. She's an adult, so is he. Good Lord.

Do you not realize what you're doing here? Most of us have been talking about what we find attractive and how age plays a part in it and nobody has flat out called Axl a pedophile yet that's how you and Ali read it because you're both so incredibly sensitive to what's said about your hero,  Mr. Axl Rose. Some have said they find this situation strange and slightly disturbing that a  50 year old would seek out an 18 year old model. All this discussion is based on the article as it's written so chill the fuck out. It's personal opinion of people on this board and how they feel about the situation. It's not your job to defend the honor of the Holy One.  For many it's hard to relate to where Axl or whoever requested this is coming from. Why you have to come flying in here to defend the guy as if we're all chastising him is just crazy. 

Imagine it's not Axl Rose for a minute and it's just some old 50 year old dude in a bar hitting on some 19 year old chick. I have no doubt in my mind you'd think he's a creepy old man and the situation would be weird yet because it's Axl Rose you run to the defense. Seriously dude take a pill.

Shut up with that whiney "Axl is your hero" bullshit. Bromero said Axl was a "boderline pedophile" (that he subsequently REMOVED, along with his entire post) which is completely fucking stupid. I gave an example as to others who have actually "crossed a line" which Bromero said Axl had done. I don't care what the age difference is with consenting adults. Sorry, but I don't, just like I don't care if a young guy is going after a milf/cougar.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 231 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

-D- wrote:

Dedicated to Axl

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

misterID wrote:


Love that line.

 Rep: 23 

Re: Guns N Roses Requst 20 Models For Front Row Of Glasgow Concert

Bro-mero wrote:

I did call Axl a BORDERLINE pedophile. And I explained my reasoning in a latter post by saying that it's disturbing for me to see my idol possibly banging a chick 31 years younger than himself. I don't care if other rockers did the same, my opinion still stays the same. It's still disturbing. Everyone's moral standards on life are different. I am well aware that the actual definition of a pedophile is someone who molests anatomically undeveloped children, and that's not what I was trying to portray Axl as. When I called Axl a borderline pedophile, I obviouslly did not mean he was molesting a 5 year old. If u can't figure that out then that's your problem, not mine.

If you had a 19 year old daughter and she was hooking up with 50 year old men, I guarantee You would have a problem with it as well

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