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 Rep: 386 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Bono wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
misterID wrote:

I read your post, I know what you're saying, but Izzy wasn't going to lift a finger to play with a Myles fronted GN'R.

Yet he's ok with playing with Richard, Ashba, Bumble and Tommy?

No shit. ID makes it out as though Myles is a piece of shit and Izzy has beef with him and only pathetic fools would play with Myles.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:

Although there's an element of truth to what ID that

It's obvious Izzy pulled the plug when Axl did: "I have waited up to this point to see what would become of the GNR induction into RRHOF"

But the question is why

is it:

* Because he feels it's not GNR to play with Myles, but is GNR to play with Ashba and co.

* Because playing with Myles would anger Axl and fuck up what's left of his friendship with him.

* Because he has some beef with Slash/Duff or Adler

* Becasue he just does things at random when he feels like it.

My issue is that fans really wanted to honour him, and, I think steven should have been given this night too, the band owed him that much. So to me none of these reasons sound very convincing or acceptable.

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

Sky Dog wrote:

Because in the end, Axl and Izzy are tighter than Izzy and the rest....that's it. They started the band together, they are old school buddies. It is pretty f'n obvious.

 Rep: 661 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah it does seem that way...but then if that's the case then it's almost like Izzy is taking sides in terms of the whole debacle.

You know like had he shown at RRHOF, and then shown up with GNR in london you could say he's just doing his thing.

But to boycot RRHOF cos he's tight with Axl...It's just snubbing the old band, playing with the new, well, it sort of validating what's like saying "you were right to make me an employee are GNR"....which just surprises me.

I'd have liked to have seen Izzy take Duff's position...which is that he's mature enough to be friends with Axl and play with them for fun...but he also shows up to stuff like RRHOF because he knows he was GNR and it was a band.

 Rep: 59 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

jorge76 wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

Because in the end, Axl and Izzy are tighter than Izzy and the rest....that's it. They started the band together, they are old school buddies. It is pretty f'n obvious.

I would say at this point it seems Izzy is tightest with Duff.  Duff has played on his last few albums, and it was Duff that Izzy went to to get his statement released.

I think Izzy no showing the hall of fame is no more complicated than "If it's not gonna be everybody what's the point."

Lots of us (myself included) feel differently than that, but I think that's where his head was at.

 Rep: 231 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

-D- wrote:

Speaking of Izzy. He couldn't be THAT rich could he?

He missed out on huge windfall of UYI tour... they didn't have the greatest contract during Appetite.....

i know song royalties pay but 20 plus years.. etc..

 Rep: 59 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

jorge76 wrote:
-D- wrote:

Speaking of Izzy. He couldn't be THAT rich could he?

He missed out on huge windfall of UYI tour... they didn't have the greatest contract during Appetite.....

i know song royalties pay but 20 plus years.. etc..

It sounds like the UYI tour wasn't all that profitable.  I read at some point (don't remember where) that the reason they added the "Skin N' Bones" leg at the end was as a way to get the tour as a whole into the black.

 Rep: 281 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

faldor wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Yeah it does seem that way...but then if that's the case then it's almost like Izzy is taking sides in terms of the whole debacle.

You know like had he shown at RRHOF, and then shown up with GNR in london you could say he's just doing his thing.

But to boycot RRHOF cos he's tight with Axl...It's just snubbing the old band, playing with the new, well, it sort of validating what's like saying "you were right to make me an employee are GNR"....which just surprises me.

I'd have liked to have seen Izzy take Duff's position...which is that he's mature enough to be friends with Axl and play with them for fun...but he also shows up to stuff like RRHOF because he knows he was GNR and it was a band.

It's different though.  Maybe Izzy felt since Axl wasn't going that it wasn't "right" to celebrate GNR when not all of it's core members were going to be at the induction.  Duff and Slash did it for the fans, and that's great of them.  I will forever be grateful to them for that since I got to see a pretty great performance that night.  But I don't see Izzy or Axl's decision to not go as a slap in the faces of the fans.  They have their reasons.  I can respect that.  It is what it is.  We got what we got.

And Izzy playing with Axl and modern day GNR is much different than Izzy not showing up for the Hall.  He's not saying THIS is GNR now and THAT isn't or anything like that.  He's playing a gig with an old friend of a band he used to be in and wrote many classic songs for.  As opposed to he would have jammed with some old friends celebrating the career of said band without their lead singer.  Maybe that didn't jive with him.  Maybe he too is waiting for that one special day when it all comes together and they are ALL willing to participate and he didn't want to sully that moment by performing as GNR without the lead man.  Of course, he probably knows as well as us that day may never come.  And I'm sure he's fine with that.  But just in case.

 Rep: 633 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: London, May 31 (14 Years and Dead Flowers w/ Izzy!)

faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:

Speaking of Izzy. He couldn't be THAT rich could he?

He missed out on huge windfall of UYI tour... they didn't have the greatest contract during Appetite.....

i know song royalties pay but 20 plus years.. etc..

Howard Stern often brings up the "how much you're worth" quotes from these online sites to celebrities when he's interviewing them and they all have the same reply.  It's a gross exaggeration.  Now, they could be just saying that or it could be just that.  I've learned one thing over the years though.  You can't believe everything you read.

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