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 Rep: 287 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Aussie wrote:
Furbush wrote:

I love this board as is for the same reasons today as I did then.
Waaay back when Ol Furbush called himself "tylerdurden"...


I didn't realize you were tylerdurden. Lol

 Rep: 107 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Furbush wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Furbush wrote:

I love this board as is for the same reasons today as I did then.
Waaay back when Ol Furbush called himself "tylerdurden"...


I didn't realize you were tylerdurden. Lol

Recent change, brutha.... I'm Furbush everywhere else... I snuck that in there so guys like you who didn't know, would know its me... Lol

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Sky Dog wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Bono wrote:

One thing I would suggest given the evolution of Gn'R and the name of this site itself,  is a new banner at the top of the site. I realize it's not as easy as clicking a button and at the same time it's kinda long over due since it's outdated as DJ isn't even on it.  Also as cool as the current one looks I've never been overly keen on Buckethead being the figurehead of the banner.  In my honest opinion if we're to support the new band while respecting the old band I think Bucket, Robin and Paul should be in the shadowy background ala Slash, Izzy and Gilby while DJ, Ron and Richard should be front and center.  There's 9 of them so 3 CD era guys to the left, 3 current guys in the middle, 3 AFD/Illusion guys to the right.

Just a suggestion. Or something totally new and fresh.

I agree on this 100%.

Unfortunately, I know not one thing about design/web design. Anyone in the user base with talent in that regard? If so, I'd love to see someone come up with something that fits and we could switch it out.

I say just put your the site logo front and center and leave all pictures out. That way you don't show any bias one way or the other

 Rep: 70 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Furbush wrote:


I came here from 6 years ago (!!!) And I'm never fucking leaving.
I love this board as is for the same reasons today as I did then.
Waaay back when Ol Furbush called himself "tylerdurden"...

Sure, shit's been getting squirrely lately, but this too, shall pass.
In the half decade plus that I've been a member of this place, I've joined no less than 5 other forums with a variety of main topics... MetallicaBB, the down board, Celticsblog, etc.. and while there are a bunch of great posts on those boards, they can't hold my attention unless something big is happening with the main subject. I'll lurk for a day or two, maybe post a couple sentences, and I forget about the place for a year.
Everyone so far has it nailed with EVO... I came here for Guns, and I stay for the community... I at least scan the latest thread updates here every other day at a minimum. I could go a month without even glancing at the GNR section.

The intelligence of our community here in unmatched. Sure, motherfuckers (including myself) have been getting a little testy about Uncle Axl lately, but it sure as fuck ain't the first time, and it won't be the last.

Another anomaly around here, is that GNR isn't even the favorite band of the most prolific posters...

I know if I wanna talk about any band I like, there are my BOYS at EVO (Axlin, BLSPride, Neemo) that'll be just as knowledgeable and excited to talk about the shit as me...

We all know who to go to....

Soundgarden... Lofton
U2... Bono
Elvis.. Russ
VH... MeWise

All of the off topic threads are engaging and current, no matter what is going on...

I was recently asked by a very good friend of mine to join HIS guns board, and... Well... I did.

The problem was/is, since then... I haven't been there once.

Yeah... Don't change a fucking THING, bro...

Well I wouldn't say I'm the best at updating Van Halen information, but I will try my best! 16 Thanks!

 Rep: 70 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

russtcb wrote:
Bono wrote:

One thing I would suggest given the evolution of Gn'R and the name of this site itself,  is a new banner at the top of the site. I realize it's not as easy as clicking a button and at the same time it's kinda long over due since it's outdated as DJ isn't even on it.  Also as cool as the current one looks I've never been overly keen on Buckethead being the figurehead of the banner.  In my honest opinion if we're to support the new band while respecting the old band I think Bucket, Robin and Paul should be in the shadowy background ala Slash, Izzy and Gilby while DJ, Ron and Richard should be front and center.  There's 9 of them so 3 CD era guys to the left, 3 current guys in the middle, 3 AFD/Illusion guys to the right.

Just a suggestion. Or something totally new and fresh.

I agree on this 100%.

Unfortunately, I know not one thing about design/web design. Anyone in the user base with talent in that regard? If so, I'd love to see someone come up with something that fits and we could switch it out.

That would be great is somebody in the community could change it up a little bit by including DJ or adding some more graphic logos around the different threads! I completely agree with Bono's comments on how to edit it. I like some of the name designs they are using for the recent tour posters. Overall, I would be just fine if no changes took place it's terms of sprucing up the forum. cool

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Sky Dog wrote:

don't add any more pics! Reminds me of what a freakshow the whole thing has become. GNRevolution logo with some cool background colors and that is it. Simplicity.

 Rep: 212 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

BLS-Pride wrote:

Thanks for all the replies you fuckers.

I personally love it here no matter what the bitchfest topic of the week is. Sometimes shit is taken too far but I think we all know deep down there is no hard feelings. This is why I am a loose Mod and rarely slap yous across the face with my mod stick. You need a bit of a tough skin at times to post here but that is what makes us special. People who really wanna be here are here and well to those that oppose well.. 16

We will never be huge and accepted by all, but who really wants that. We aren't sell outs.

The shit that has been going on lately is just due to GNR and people getting fed up and not getting what they want or feel should happen. Of course there are those who are happy with anything but some need more to be pleased.

 Rep: 4 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Impostor wrote:

Let's hug.

 Rep: 386 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

Bono wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

don't add any more pics! Reminds me of what a freakshow the whole thing has become. GNRevolution logo with some cool background colors and that is it. Simplicity.

I like that idea and it goes with this line of thinking.

Bono wrote:

Just a suggestion. Or something totally new and fresh.

The GNRevolution logo is pretty cool looking to be honest. You could ahve that front and center and then blured in the background could be various actual Guns N' Roses logos. Nothing too prominent just sorta vaguely in the background. I wish I knew how to do this kind of stuff.

 Rep: 231 

Re: State of GNRevolution (PLEASE READ, discuss)

-D- wrote:
Furbush wrote:

We all know who to go to....

Soundgarden... Lofton
U2... Bono
Elvis.. Russ
VH... MeWise
Bon Jovi/Prince... D

There ya go 9:rock:

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