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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Smoking Guns wrote:

Axl did a lot more talking than previously reported as well...Brought up their last show, etc.  Very cool.  I hope he talks some in Vegas and the dumbfucks around me shut the fuck up so I can hear him... ha.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:

before the slide solo in Rocket Queen Slash did an extended talkbox solo, when he finished it Axl had a huge smile on his face and looked at us and said "you missed that, didnt you?"

Awesome. I want to hear the new Better now.

Me too!!! That review has me so jacked up, I may just spontaneously combust!  HAHA. VEGAS IS GOING TO BE OUT OF CONTROL.  2 NIGHTS OF GNR GLORY!!

Nice to see you happy again, bro. Totally envious of you. smile

 Rep: 664 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

James wrote:

-Frank started a long countoff on the hihat and Slash launched into the Chinese Demoracry riff. I was like no way are they fucking playing this right now. It was very raw and punk rock sounding. It was pretty awesome and Slashs spin on the solo was great.

Looks like they took it back to its 2001 roots. Unreal.

-Better had a whole new intro. It was this really heavy riff that just kept building and we're in the crowd goin holy shit theyre playing a new song. The riff kept building until it somehow came to a crash with Duff starting "no one ever told me when..." It was epic and strange seeing Slash completely rocking out in the chorus. Again he did a killer solo and did a cool slide part in the last verse. Again Axl slayed the "i never wanted you to be so full of anger" section.


I cant even imagine what these guys could have done to the album had this happened in 2006. It sounds like they're bringing the songs back to life.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Smoking Guns wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

-Frank started a long countoff on the hihat and Slash launched into the Chinese Demoracry riff. I was like no way are they fucking playing this right now. It was very raw and punk rock sounding. It was pretty awesome and Slashs spin on the solo was great.

Looks like they took it back to its 2001 roots. Unreal.

-Better had a whole new intro. It was this really heavy riff that just kept building and we're in the crowd goin holy shit theyre playing a new song. The riff kept building until it somehow came to a crash with Duff starting "no one ever told me when..." It was epic and strange seeing Slash completely rocking out in the chorus. Again he did a killer solo and did a cool slide part in the last verse. Again Axl slayed the "i never wanted you to be so full of anger" section.


I cant even imagine what these guys could have done to the album had this happened in 2006. It sounds like they're bringing the songs back to life.

I know it man... I cannot wait to see what Slash has done with Better and CD.... Very exciting!!!!!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

-Frank started a long countoff on the hihat and Slash launched into the Chinese Demoracry riff. I was like no way are they fucking playing this right now. It was very raw and punk rock sounding. It was pretty awesome and Slashs spin on the solo was great.

Looks like they took it back to its 2001 roots. Unreal.

-Better had a whole new intro. It was this really heavy riff that just kept building and we're in the crowd goin holy shit theyre playing a new song. The riff kept building until it somehow came to a crash with Duff starting "no one ever told me when..." It was epic and strange seeing Slash completely rocking out in the chorus. Again he did a killer solo and did a cool slide part in the last verse. Again Axl slayed the "i never wanted you to be so full of anger" section.


I cant even imagine what these guys could have done to the album had this happened in 2006. It sounds like they're bringing the songs back to life.

Called it. As crazy as it sounds, it's remix #4,356,981 of Chinese.

Minus Riad & Prostitute or so... there will be a Slash/Duff re-record of Chinese released as a bonus disc to SOMETHING in the future imo. My opinion is Chinese II/next album will have the remix album (not Brain's version), but a remix album on the deluxe edition.

Slash & Duff ain't going through all of this if there isn't a financial component compelling them to do it.

 Rep: 96 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

-Frank started a long countoff on the hihat and Slash launched into the Chinese Demoracry riff. I was like no way are they fucking playing this right now. It was very raw and punk rock sounding. It was pretty awesome and Slashs spin on the solo was great.

Looks like they took it back to its 2001 roots. Unreal.

-Better had a whole new intro. It was this really heavy riff that just kept building and we're in the crowd goin holy shit theyre playing a new song. The riff kept building until it somehow came to a crash with Duff starting "no one ever told me when..." It was epic and strange seeing Slash completely rocking out in the chorus. Again he did a killer solo and did a cool slide part in the last verse. Again Axl slayed the "i never wanted you to be so full of anger" section.


I cant even imagine what these guys could have done to the album had this happened in 2006. It sounds like they're bringing the songs back to life.

Called it. As crazy as it sounds, it's remix #4,356,981 of Chinese.

Minus Riad & Prostitute or so... there will be a Slash/Duff re-record of Chinese released as a bonus disc to SOMETHING in the future imo. My opinion is Chinese II/next album will have the remix album (not Brain's version), but a remix album on the deluxe edition.

Slash & Duff ain't going through all of this if there isn't a financial component compelling them to do it.

I find myself wondering if they aren't going to rework a couple of Chinese Democracy tracks for the hypothetical best-of disc.

A 2-disc best-of (since that's what was in the pipeline previously) would need more than one new track as a selling point – but they'd want to keep their powder dry and save the novelty of multiple all-new tracks for a new album. So you give the hardcore fans one new vault track with Slash and Duff on it (Atlas Shrugged, per rumours) and tack on Slash/Duff reworkings of Chinese Democracy and Better. Suddenly you've got three "new" tracks.

Also: interesting that it looks like Fortus took the slide solo on RQ. I really want to find out if he did the shred stuff on Better and Chinese Democracy, and if KOHD was the more recent Fortus "Mick Taylor-esque" version rather than the classic Slash arpeggios version, too – if both are true it lends weight to my theory that this really is Slash and Duff "plugging in" to the existing touring setup. The acid test is: does Fortus get one of the November Rain solos?

 Rep: 268 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Olorin wrote:

I knew Slash wouldnt play that bullshit intro to Better, its horrendous. Its good news for the vault if Slash is prepared to re-jig some of that material, bet Axl wont be half as apprehensive about releasing those songs if Slash has had his wicked way with them.

 Rep: 96 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Olorin wrote:

I knew Slash wouldnt play that bullshit intro to Better, its horrendous. Its good news for the vault if Slash is prepared to re-jig some of that material, bet Axl wont be half as apprehensive about releasing those songs if Slash has had his wicked way with them.

Also interesting: as I expected, Slash borrowed the "tease" intro to WTTJ, as pioneered by Finck back in '01:

They really are taking the best bits of old and new.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Awesome clip, just sat watching these short vids trying to take it all in, very surreal. It's gonna be a good year !!!

 Rep: 664 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

James wrote:

Throw me into the group that expects some of this to be reworked and released on something. Not sure about them going balls deep into a CD rerelease but anything is possible.  I doubt two CD tracks have been reworked for shits and giggles just to perform them live when they aren't even required songs.

We need to hear CD. If its really close to that 2001 version like the description implies, its possible they loved that version of the album and are toying around with those tracks. These guys sure as shit weren't listening to HOB boots and decided to do it like that. They've been listening to the vault. Need I remind everyone that Axl wanted Slash on some of those tracks back then? Now he has his chance and Slash has access to those same songs even though its 15 YEARS later.

Maybe it was a good thing CD II never got released.  14

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