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 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

You know what I love? Righties saying the left is full hate and rage and simultaneously call lefties...

"Not genuine"
"Have half a brain"
"Full of rage and anger"

Are you really asking us to be tolerant of nazis?

What ever happened to the days of the Eisenhower Republican? guys even make Nixon look like a saint.

I sat back and watched for 8 years while you all blamed obama for race related issues. Now you're president can't be bothered to sincerely condemn white supremacist nazi folks bc his base is made up of so much of these types. Yes, he read a pre-scripted message condemning it that he clearly didn't while heartidly believe. In the span of 4 days, repeatedly contradicted himself. I'm left to believe his off scripted remarks were the genuine ones.

So you want to talk about being genuine? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

You know what I love? Righties saying the left is full hate and rage and simultaneously call lefties...

"Not genuine"
"Have half a brain"
"Full of rage and anger"

Are you really asking us to be tolerant of nazis?

What ever happened to the days of the Eisenhower Republican? guys even make Nixon look like a saint.

I sat back and watched for 8 years while you all blamed obama for race related issues. Now you're president can't be bothered to sincerely condemn white supremacist nazi folks bc his base is made up of so much of these types. Yes, he read a pre-scripted message condemning it that he clearly didn't while heartidly believe. In the span of 4 days, repeatedly contradicted himself. I'm left to believe his off scripted remarks were the genuine ones.

So you want to talk about being genuine? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

No idiot, I'm asking you to be equally intolerant of the alt-left that you love so much in spite of all of the problems they cause.  Only a complete ignorant asswipe would equate asking for equality as asking you to support Nazis.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

You know what I love? Righties saying the left is full hate and rage and simultaneously call lefties...

"Not genuine"
"Have half a brain"
"Full of rage and anger"

Are you really asking us to be tolerant of nazis?

What ever happened to the days of the Eisenhower Republican? guys even make Nixon look like a saint.

I sat back and watched for 8 years while you all blamed obama for race related issues. Now you're president can't be bothered to sincerely condemn white supremacist nazi folks bc his base is made up of so much of these types. Yes, he read a pre-scripted message condemning it that he clearly didn't while heartidly believe. In the span of 4 days, repeatedly contradicted himself. I'm left to believe his off scripted remarks were the genuine ones.

So you want to talk about being genuine? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

No idiot, I'm asking you to be equally intolerant of the alt-left that you love so much in spite of all of the problems they cause.  Only a complete ignorant asswipe would equate asking for equality as asking you to support Nazis.

Equality and nazis should never be in the same sentence

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

...and people like you with so much ignorance are why we have a problem in the first place.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

...and people like you with so much ignorance are why we have a problem in the first place.

And what praytell am I so ignorant about?

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

No idiot, I'm asking you to be equally intolerant of the alt-left that you love so much in spite of all of the problems they cause.  Only a complete(ly) ignorant asswipe would equate asking for equality as asking you to support Nazis.

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

You cannot be taken seriously when you condemn the hate from one group while embracing it from the other group regardless of the excuse each group uses for being hateful.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You cannot be taken seriously when you condemn the hate from one group while embracing it from the other group regardless of the excuse each group uses for being hateful.

And the reason I can't take you seriously is bc you seem to only have outrage for the "alt-left."

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You cannot be taken seriously when you condemn the hate from one group while embracing it from the other group regardless of the excuse each group uses for being hateful.

And the reason I can't take you seriously is bc you seem to only have outrage for the "alt-left."

I have a lot of posts on this site.  I welcome you to go find any racist post I have made.  Surely if I was a Nazi sympathizer, that would have slipped out at some point. 

You do this every time.  You accuse people of things that are not at all correct, but you have nothing left to do because you're backed into a corner.  You've accused me in the past of being a Republican, yet I didn't vote for Trump and I've voted Independent more than either party for as long as I've been voting going back to Ross Perot.  I'm supporting a Democrat for mayor where I live because I like what he has to say.  He also happens to be an African-American.  I live in a neighborhood that is 60%+ African American as well.  Pretty strange behavior for a racist Nazi sympathizer. 

So...what else you got?  You're being played and don't even see it.  It's a bit funny from where I sit, but it's sad too.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You cannot be taken seriously when you condemn the hate from one group while embracing it from the other group regardless of the excuse each group uses for being hateful.

And the reason I can't take you seriously is bc you seem to only have outrage for the "alt-left."

I have a lot of posts on this site.  I welcome you to go find any racist post I have made.  Surely if I was a Nazi sympathizer, that would have slipped out at some point. 

You do this every time.  You accuse people of things that are not at all correct, but you have nothing left to do because you're backed into a corner.  You've accused me in the past of being a Republican, yet I didn't vote for Trump and I've voted Independent more than either party for as long as I've been voting going back to Ross Perot.  I'm supporting a Democrat for mayor where I live because I like what he has to say.  He also happens to be an African-American.  I live in a neighborhood that is 60%+ African American as well.  Pretty strange behavior for a racist Nazi sympathizer. 

So...what else you got?  You're being played and don't even see it.  It's a bit funny from where I sit, but it's sad too.

Do what? What am I doing? All I see posted on here is your rage against "libtards." Or whatever other word it is to describe us Democrats.

I'm not being played by anyone...I am firmly aware of what's going on. Sorry...I like and voted for Bernie in the primary. And it's not because I expected anything for free. I liked what he had to say.

I've hardly been backed into a corner. I never once said you voted for trump nor did I say you were a republican. I'm relatively new to this politics thread compared to many of you. But every time you post you're frothing at the mouth with anger and slights like "librard" and whatever other 4 letter word you feel like throwing.

You're posts are always designed to be an attack. And the target of those attacks is very consistent.

I hate Trump and he will never have my support. He gives me more reason to hate him everyday. He's as incompetent as they come. I'd vote for a tree stump before Trump.

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