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 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

Just finished dragonage inquisition

Just over 83 hours

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:

Finished the main game @ 90hours (I think the save file was something exactly like 90hrs 1min). 105hrs clocked by the time I finished dragon hunting. Too much I think.. It was a hell of a game, but I dunno if I need games that big anymore.

Saying that, I dread to think how many days I've spent on gtao. There used to be a gtao stats site but I don't know it anymore & don't really want to..

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

I got all the trophies except finish game on hard diff and one on nightmare diff and the plat

I think I was way to high a level at the end cuz only 2 dragons were remotely challenging

I kinda glossed over 2 or 3 areas at the end just to get the shards...prolly coulda put another 10 hours in easy. Maybe I'll do another playthru later on nightmare difficulty to get the Plat

Fallout is up next

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Fallout is up next

Haha another epic undertaking.

Aye there's no way I'm going thru dragon age for a plat.
Aye I was a bit overpowered when it came to the dragons but sure.. I'd have liked a multiplayer element where you could've went killed dragons together.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

Dragon age multiplayer was shit

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

DA 3 is definitely a game where if you play completion you end up Over Powering everything. Just doing everything in the Hinterlands made everything else too easy. I should pick up DLC's though at some point. I never went back after I finished it.

Neemo RE: Fallout 4, This will sound contradictory but you should focus on side quests/explore instead of main quests first. The main questline isn't that long, but  it does block off certain side quests at a point later on.

Do not do Preston Garvey quests, leave them to later. It's mostly random/repeatable quests that makes it look like you're progressing when you're not.

Apart from that have fun tongue.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

Cool I'll do that Atari...shouldn't be a problem Cu I'm bit of a completist...I wanna tackle gta story again as well ... I have really played the single player on ps4 so and I just blasted thru it a few years ago on xb360 so it should be fairly fresh for me

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Dragon age multiplayer was shit

Yea I heard that before, how come? Inquisition was the first DA I've played. Thought hunting dragons could've been built like raids n shit where teamwork would've been important - as it is, except the team's controlled by one player.

Origins was on ps+ there. I'd like to do it but I don't think I'll find the time any time soon. It's more like its there now in my library if I ever want to try it rather than something I really want to play ahead of anything else.

Going to do unravel next then far cry.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

The da online is like a crappy version of diablo...but you need to have 4 people or its pretty much impossible...and in true ea fashion they make it so that u are crippled unless u spend real money with their stupid potion and crafting system

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:

Ah yea I can see that now. Fuckin shit that. Cause there is definitely potential multiplayer fun to be had a la WoW but yea microtransactions have been one bad business model for gamers.

What do you make of the balance of gtao's microtransactions? It's completely different now than when it launched. Not only glitches but mission/race payouts were constantly nerfed/rebalanced. Oh god thinking back on the reaction of the playbase the day they changed rooftop rumble.. Flip me. & race payouts. So many people rage quit.
Interesting note - rooftop rumble was misnamed, takes place in a freaking parking lot. think it was meant to be called whatever that one that actually takes place on a rooftop of the building site..?? Ah what a game.. Used to spend 5 hours in freeroam then grind missions for a couple of hours trying to recoup the money lost. Well I wasn't recouping money cause I glitched it. Didn't glitch enough tho. I want a yacht.
Did get caught once on PS3 when modders were giving out billions. R* took it all away left me (& others) 50k! Fortunately another glitch popped up pretty quick after that.. Ugh the amount of hours spent duplicating & selling adders.. But I suppose if I hadn't done that I prob wouldn't still be playing. I tried world of tanks but that grind tho.. Can't do it.

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