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 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

cool 11

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:

Interesting. One thing: Notice the lack of sword tongue

Some pretty interesting changes in gameplay perhaps.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I thought that VH footage was pretty cool.

Yeah but then wolfgang showed up and ruined it. If they're gonna put Van Halen in like they were from their hey-day you don't throw in someone who wasn't even born when they were like that.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Interesting. One thing: Notice the lack of sword tongue

Some pretty interesting changes in gameplay perhaps.

I would'nt say there is no sword, look closely at the girl and then look at a picture of the master sword Link always uses. Now i'm a long time Zelda fan and i'm betting that girl IS the master sword. Too many similarities.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Unlikely. They've got a strategy and it's working. They're rolling in it by focusing on casual gamers and it works. Even if they lose ALL the hardcore which won't happen because there's always some Nintendo diehards they've still got virtually all of this new casual market. The notion that Nintendo are getting knocked out of the console business is absurd. Also they're showing at E3 wasn't too bad.

You could have said the same exact thing about Sega in 2000.

Nintendo is lucky they survived the Gamecube disaster. It was basically the "Sega Saturn" era in their company.

Actually Nintendo has made a profit (except for virtua boy) from every console it has ever created including the Gamecube. When Microsoft or Sony make a console they spend more on making the machine than they sell it for and depend on game sales to make the profit, (the original Xbox never made a profit) which can take years to finally catch up on the loss of console development. Nintendo on the other hand always make sure to make a profit off the consoles from the start. Not to mention they are also one of the biggest games makers as well and nearly all the games they make are multi million sellers.

Also Nintendo are the real innovators in the gaming market and pretty much always have been for example - Dpad on a console, shoulder buttons, first to have a save feature, rumble in a joypad, first proper use of 3d in a game, First to have side scrolling 2d game and on and on.

In regards to Nintendo getting knocked out of the market, i can't see this happening for a very long time. People can complain about them ignoring the hardcore market (and i do too) but at the end of the day they are a business and they want to make money. Believe me Sony or Microsoft would have went for the casual market only they did'nt think of it. In fact they now are trying to get in on the action as both are introducing their own motion controls and i bet you wil see plenty of mediocre party game for them too.

The fact is the casual market is FAR FAR BIGGER than the hardcore market and thus way more profitable.

Microsoft & sony have got to sell tens of millions to make profit, Nintendo usually has to sell roughly 3 million.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

I thought i'd share this video to any of you guys that play Call of Duty online. Me and a couple of mates made it, maybe we are a bit obsessed with Call of Duty games. 16

Yes i know its lame but it might amuse you, we sure had a laugh making it.


 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:

Since Super Nintendo, they always hit a brick wall. Sure they pull in all the Sesame Street freaks right off the bat, then the brick wall approaches...... age. The kids who wanted it to play Sesame Street now want to play Grand Theft Auto or one of its clones. You don't get to do that on Nintendo because their big enchilada coming for you is Sesame Street 2.

So you either keep investing in games on this Romper Room platform, or you branch out and buy one of the other consoles.

When the final chapter is written this console will be in third place, mainly due to the demographic responsible for the initial sales explosion growing up.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

I respect your opinion but i do not agree with it. While you do have a point with the age thing on previous consoles, on Wii its a different ball game you have a wider range of varying ages on that console than any other due to its accessability. You have people who would never play a game now playing Wii. Sure you get tons of kiddie crap but thats always the case on the lead console the PS2 was exactly the same and PS1 before that. We just choose to remember the classics but i can assure you they had their fair share of Sesame street games too. You could be right about the Wii finishing in 3rd place in sales (i personally think it def will be 1st or 2nd) but it will easily be 1st for profit. According to Sony themselves they won't start making profit for the first 7 years of the PS3's life and Microsoft are again not sure if 360 will ever be profitable. Nintendo has been making it since day 1. I got all the consoles my fav is actually the Xbox360 but i think its great that Nintendo are doing so well. I think the games market would'nt be the same with out them. They seem to be the company that force the others to step up their games which is good for all of us.

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