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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:

Good info. Should you be telling us this though? Wouldn't want you to lose your job thats all sad

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

The thing with Sony working on an emulation update is common knowledge to most hardcore gamers, hopefully its true. I bought the 60gb that plays ps2 games anyways, i paid 639euros for the f**ker. I did'nt mind the price what pisses me off is the lack of quality games. I mean i have both xbox and ps3 and the same game on both tends to look and play better on xbox. This i do not understand i mean the ps3 is more powerful so why the fuck do most 3rd party games seem better on xbox??? What im trying to say is when i pay double the price for a console over another console it should have way better looking games and the fact is it does not.

Still im happy it got a price drop now hopefully with a bigger user base developers will concentrate their efforts more to the ps3 and take full advantage of the hardware.........hopefully.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:

All I know is there's one game coming up right now that really makes me want a PS3: M.A.G.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

This i do not understand i mean the ps3 is more powerful so why the fuck do most 3rd party games seem better on xbox???

cuz XBox is basically a PC....coding for the PS3 is different....or so i understand, i could be wrong

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Yeah i know its a much easier console to code for, that does'nt mean the devs should be lazy wankers and just do straight ports of the xbox versions but rather make games now and then with the ps3 as the base console. Its just frustrating, atleast i got both consoles but i bought the ps3 to kick ass and it aint.......sigh.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Oh and M.A.G. does look cool lets hope they can pull it off.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

No joke: Batman: Arkham Asylum could be best superhero game ever
by Ben Silverman


Despite the booming popularity of his films, Batman has a spotty video game track record. The game based on fabulous franchise reboot Batman Begins landed with a thud, while the game based on the blockbuster sequel The Dark Knight didn't land at all, instead becoming the victim of poor timing and problematic design while costing EA around $100 million to not release. Call the Bat-broker and tell him to sell, sell, sell!

But like the denizens of Gotham he's sworn to protect, fans of the Caped Crusader have stood by their man, patiently waiting for a game maker to step up and embrace Batman as the perfect video game hero.

Looks like that patience finally paid off. Big time.

Currently averaging a smashing 92% on review aggregation site Gamerankings, the brand new Batman: Arkham Asylum for the Xbox 360 and PS3 is already among the year's best reviewed titles. Created by developer Rocksteady and Tomb Raider publisher Eidos, it's a thinking man's action game set in the horrific halls of Arkham Asylum, which the Joker has turned into his personal playground filled with villains, traps, and puzzles. It's dark, scary, gorgeous and fun.

And according to the reviews, it's quite possibly the best superhero video game ever made. So what makes this particular Dark Knight such a bright outing?

Plenty. Top print mag Game Informer gave the bat a whopping 9.5/10, noting that it "dishes out water cooler moments like they are going out of style." IGN certainly agrees, doling out a major-league 9.3/10 while praising it left and right. "This is an adult Dark Knight story that is well-told, packs some truly fun gameplay elements, has topnotch voice talent, and feel like it's part of Batman canon." But can it cut through this tin can?

Gamedaily seems to think so. "Batman's known for having equal parts brawn and brains, and the game experience reflects that by deftly combining action sequences with exploration -- not an easy balance to strike." Need more specifics? Take it away, Gamespot.

"Everything about this game--the impressive visuals, stirring soundtrack, superb voice acting, fiendish puzzles, hard-hitting combat--feels like it has been lovingly crafted by a development team that's both knowledgeable and passionate about the source material." Is it any surprise they gave it a 9/10?

Of course, every superhero needs a few flaws to stay human, and Batman: Arkham Asylum is certainly no exception. Despite a stirring A-, review site 1UP knocks the game's climactic end fight to be "totally out of character," a concern echoed by Game Informer, who calls the final confrontation "a major letdown." And while Ars Technica was thoroughly blown away, they also thought "the aspects of the game where you track your prey in detective mode are lame."

Still, nearly every review considers the game a must-have, with numerous sites already bandying about 'Game of the Year' talk. IGN takes it a step further, calling it "the greatest comic book videogame of all time." Looks like the concerned gamers of Gotham can finally rest easy.

Official site:


And to top it all off, Kevin Conroy (Batman/Bruce Wayne) & Mark Hamill (The Joker) reprise their roles from Batman: TAS in this.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axl S wrote:

Some review sites are saying it's the best game of 2009 so far.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Yup playing it at the moment, very solid game. i would go as far as to say a must buy.

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