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 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

If you think Biden wants to pack the court, let alone will have a complicit senate, you have no idea what’s going on. That’s why Biden won’t answer the question. And two justices wouldn’t change the power grab, it’d be 6-5. Democrats do that and they lose power in 2022. Your opinions aren’t reflective of the mainstream.

And you think yours are mainstream? You Think trump wins despite being extremely unpopular and even your precious Rasmussen poll has him down by 12.

I separate my personal opinions with what I understand to be populist sentiment. But absolutely, my beliefs are much more in line with the average American than yours. I’m not an irrational partisan telling people we deserved COVID.

Oh really...if you're so grounded in reality then why did you vote for Hillary despite criticizing her repeatedly? After lauding Trump and Republicans for months, you chose Hillary.

Why do you spend all your time bashing Dems and Liberals if you're so middle of the road.

If you can separate your personal feelings from your amazing feel for the american public...why did you stop posting the Rasmussen poll when it no longer reflected your narrative? You no longer acknowledge any polling.

Why can't you admit white supremacy groups are just as involved in what's going on as that wonderful word Antifa you love to throw around.

You are a partisan hack you just don't have the balls to show it.

Oh's a poll that says you're wrong about the supreme court. … -filled-by

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

I lauded Trump in 2016?  You’re making things up again because your ideas and opinions aren’t based on fact or reality.

I was worried nutso Trump would fuck us. He didn’t. He gave us the greatest point in history until COVID. You can’t give an example of what was worse under Trump. I’ll wait.

So in 2020, I’m choosing to go with the guy he got us out of conflicts and the best standard of living in American history. I’m not saying he deserves credit, but I know Biden’s handlers are hell bent on fundamental change. And they’re willing to use threats of violence and corruption typical in 3rd world shitholes to get it. Madurro packed the court too. I know that’s who I want to emulate.

Who’s been killed by white supremacist in the past 5 months, Mitch?  You have no idea what you’re talking about. But by all means continue. I love watching you become unhinged and exposing all the weak points when progressive talking points are exposed. White supremacist aren’t rioting in Portland right now and across the nation. They didn’t burn down and loot police cars and businesses. I can’t tell you the last time I saw a klucker, but I saw ANTIFA and BLM assholes torch a police car.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Hey PaSnow, what court case is going to end the ACA?

Isn't the SC hearing one the week after Election Day?

 Rep: 205 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

He gave us the greatest point in history until COVID

"Until" lol

"Despite"  "Until"  "except for"  "Not his fault"  "it wasn't me"

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

He gave us the greatest point in history until COVID

"Until" lol

"Despite"  "Until"  "except for"  "Not his fault"

Is there a single nation better off today than in March?  A pandemic struck the globe. You’re free to blame Trump, but you sound like an idiot doing so. You think you have something here, but you’ve only proven your knowledge is 1/2 inch deep. You still haven’t gotten your flu shot.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Hey PaSnow, what court case is going to end the ACA?

Isn't the SC hearing one the week after Election Day?

Yea, what are they hearing?  What can they rule?  Do you have any idea or are you just repeating what you saw someone tweet.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:

My take on this version of the whole populous movement:

By sub-voter group:

1) Evangelicals - I don't know where to start with these people. These people are so brain washed and suppressed by religion they don't even know who they is interesting how much they love porn though. It is impressive that they are such a significant voting block. But religion is one of the things holding this country back more than anything.

The hypocrisy of choosing someone like Trump only makes sense is if deep down they are fine with 'sin' because they indulge in sin as much as he does. The constant cognitive dissonance between supporting Trump and their religious teachings must be enough to make you want to commit suicide some days. Don't worry though...every Sunday, not matter how shitty and selfish a person you are, you get to go somewhere that absolves you of all that you have done wrong so you can start the week again with a clean slate furthering the perpetual cycle of stagnant thinking and a lack of any development or progress of the individual or the group.

2) White, uneducated males

This here is an interesting group. This is a group that must reconcile paying more taxes than a billionaire and still supporting Trump. They think it's cool and makes Trump smart that he doesn't pay taxes; all the while realizing that the more people there are in this country who do what Trump does, the more they all will pay eventually. These are people that want the wages back of from the 1950s, 60s and 70s but want the cost of goods that NAFTA created. This is a real tough nut to crack but this (along with the Evangelicals) are the bulk of Trump's irrational and illogical base. These people sold out their unions which were the only things that gave them any real power in this economy. Instead, they traded it for the illusion of power that Trump gives them. They have no power and 2020 labor is as disposable as a Starbucks cup.

So as I watch Trump point his laser pointer on the ground, and subsequently, watch his supporters chase that little red dot around the room, I am only comforted by the fact that if people really get out and vote there is no way that this guy can win again. There are far too many in the Obama coalition and if these numbers that are coming are correct, they're better than Obamas.

And it's not because Biden is great, it's because Trump is that awful.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

After a failed term, do you expect those are the kind of voters who will vote for him again?

I wouldn't call it a failed term, people are saying despite covid, they're better off now than 4 years ago, I'd say they're more fatigued from a chaotic term and an infuriating President.

If I were a Republican I'd invest big time in Latino communities. Trump actually improved with that demographic while Dems are growing with rich, college educated white folks.

"Despite" lol.  despite covid... lol.  That's the entirety of his failure. and the Dow Jones has been riding Obamas record highs since 2013.

And Bidens been gaining on seniors, and women.

Why is that funny? The world economy crashed because of covid, and we're actually doing well considering. If we're being honest, Obama did well because he didn't do what he said he'd do and repeal the Bush tax cut, but made them permanent. After four years, it's Trump's economy. You can't have it both ways. When it's good it's because of someone else, and it's only his economy when it's bad.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:

Dbbl post

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

What does trump have to do to be declared a white supremacist? Does he have to say, ‘I’m a white supremacist?’

Well, yeah, say he believes in racial superiority.

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