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 Rep: 341 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

bigbri wrote:

If you go in with guns blazing like you suggest, there would be nothing stopping the Taliban from killing a bunch of Americans still there. They kind of hold the cards right now with no boots on the ground.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Smoking Guns wrote:
bigbri wrote:

If you go in with guns blazing like you suggest, there would be nothing stopping the Taliban from killing a bunch of Americans still there. They kind of hold the cards right now with no boots on the ground.

Who said guns a blazing?

But yeah, Biden has completely blown this and has put us in horrible situation

 Rep: 475 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

misterID wrote:

The Taliban is telling us to be out on the 31st or else. They're backed by Iran and probably China, so they don't give a shit. There are reports both Isis and Al Qaeda are in the crowds. This could turn really, really bad in an instant.

If anyone was curious, Adam Shiff has pretty much let it out that Biden has been lying about everything. And there's no way we can get our people out by the 31st.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:

The Taliban is telling us to be out on the 31st or else. They're backed by Iran and probably China, so they don't give a shit. There are reports both Isis and Al Qaeda are in the crowds. This could turn really, really bad in an instant.

If anyone was curious, Adam Shiff has pretty much let it out that Biden has been lying about everything. And there's no way we can get our people out by the 31st.

I saw that. This is a terrible fall from grace. My God…. and it can still get worse. Hopefully the Taliban works with us to get our folks out. What a fvcking cluster.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

bigbri wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
bigbri wrote:

If you go in with guns blazing like you suggest, there would be nothing stopping the Taliban from killing a bunch of Americans still there. They kind of hold the cards right now with no boots on the ground.

Who said guns a blazing?

But yeah, Biden has completely blown this and has put us in horrible situation

Who said guns blazing?

Smoking Guns wrote:

Put Trump on this situation and you think he is letting Tali’s call the shots? No fvcking way. Hi ass would be opening up Bagram Air Force base and sending a message.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

slashsfro wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

If Biden gets everyone out by end of month, this whole fiasco will be forgotten and the media will return to talking about the nuclear explosion that happened at the Capitol in January.

Nah.  That's already been forgotten for the most part.  It's going to be about Covid 19 and how it's over running health care, hospitals and communities  (all true too).

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Smoking Guns wrote:
bigbri wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
bigbri wrote:

If you go in with guns blazing like you suggest, there would be nothing stopping the Taliban from killing a bunch of Americans still there. They kind of hold the cards right now with no boots on the ground.

Who said guns a blazing?

But yeah, Biden has completely blown this and has put us in horrible situation

Who said guns blazing?

Smoking Guns wrote:

Put Trump on this situation and you think he is letting Tali’s call the shots? No fvcking way. Hi ass would be opening up Bagram Air Force base and sending a message.

So they can get more flights out, not start a damn war. Such a colossal disaster

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Axl S wrote:

You can’t escalate this further and start shooting.

The United States negotiated a deal with the Taliban that they would leave by August 31st, excluding their ally the Afghan government from those negotiations. The Taliban are sticking to the date because they hold all the cards and have all the leverage as the US gave up all theirs.

The only way the US regains leverage is with incredible levels of bloodshed, levels that they’re probably not willing to accept.

The withdrawal was screwed with the terms of the deal negotiated, screwed when it wasn’t renegotiated, screwed in that it was time based not condition based and screwed with the execution of the withdrawal operation.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Smoking Guns wrote: … =copy_link

This is a former Navy Seal acting as if he was president. I wouldn’t fuck with this guy lol.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Taliban control of Afghanistan on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Smoking Guns wrote:
Axl S wrote:

You can’t escalate this further and start shooting.

The United States negotiated a deal with the Taliban that they would leave by August 31st, excluding their ally the Afghan government from those negotiations. The Taliban are sticking to the date because they hold all the cards and have all the leverage as the US gave up all theirs.

The only way the US regains leverage is with incredible levels of bloodshed, levels that they’re probably not willing to accept.

The withdrawal was screwed with the terms of the deal negotiated, screwed when it wasn’t renegotiated, screwed in that it was time based not condition based and screwed with the execution of the withdrawal operation.

The main fuckup is with the execution. Biden is president. He came up with 8/31, not Trump, not his Generals. Joe has put America in a very bad spot because of his 9/11 exit date bullshit so he could take credit. That was a selfish reason to put our troops in harms way.  We can blame trump all we want, but Joe had like 7 months of prep time to get this right. They failed at almost every level. Then, they come on TV and lie about it every fucking day. We can’t keep saying “Trump caused this with the deal” but Joe wanted this. This was bi partisan. Everyone wants out, but just like the fvcking border, there appears to be no plan what so ever to actually execute it.

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