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 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

thats what they want...its easy to overspend when money is an abstract commodity

 Rep: 207 

Re: The Rant Thread

DCK wrote:

Actually, I feel it's the other way around

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

really? say you have a $20 bill or whatever and you walk into a store and say the thing you are looking for is 17$....would you be more likely to buy it and break your $20 bill? or would you be more likely to say fuck it and not worry about it and pay with debit?

i find that i have a harder time parting with cash than i do with swiping a card

 Rep: 207 

Re: The Rant Thread

DCK wrote:

can't say, haven't used a bill like that here for ages. however, like in poland, we used cash, and a lot of them.

im just not that type of a person. if i dont want the thing, i dont want the thing. if i want the thing, id break the bill.

statistically you might get your result, where people might think twice and drop it since they have to break a twenty.

when i have cash in my wallet, i know i can use them because theyre there. if i dont have them, i have to pull out my card, push it in, type the damn code..plenty of work. less about breaking bills for me, and more about work.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm a bit old fashioned too. I like to have a bit of cash in my pocket.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:

It's a bit of both for me.

I find when paying by card it seems less "real" it's just numbers on a screen, and even though I keep pretty good track of my finances, I usually don't know my exact balance, so like it always seems ok to just chuck on an extra $22 or something as you know in general there's money there.

But you do that too many times and one day you go to the bank and there's like $180 dollars missing from your account and it seems like "how did this happen" lol.

So i guess it seems more real when i'm handing over our brightly coloured Australian notes!! But then again - that said - there is no more certain way for me to spend dollars than put cash in my wallet - I know damn well if I break a $50 then i'll never see any of that again, it will vanish into a car park here, a soda there, etc etc.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

i REALLY wish sarah palin would fuck off already...I'm so sick of seeing that stupid bitch's face plastered all over the internet and tv....GODDAMN!!!


but seriously, go away

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm sick of being told how much of a "lady" and a "model for young women across America to follow" her daughter is

So a 17-year old slut who gets knocked up out of wedlock is a model of "lady" that all young women should follow...

Then I wanna fuckin' die

Even her name is fuckin' stupid - Bristol.

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Rant Thread

BLS-Pride wrote:

I'd still hit it. Her daughter too.

Re: The Rant Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

If I hear or see anything related to Brett Favre EVER again, it will be one time too many. For fuck's sake, he sucks this year-his team sucks-etc. Good God do I hate the media.

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