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 Rep: 664 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

James wrote:

Hilarious though.

 Rep: 67 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

Tommie wrote:

Austrian Horror Dad: I Was 'Born to Be a Rapist'
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
VIENNA, Austria '”

Josef Fritzl, the Austrian builder who locked his daughter in a cellar and fathered seven children with her, sees himself as a born rapist, a victim of his own tyrannical mother.

According to the first leaked account of interviews with a forensic psychiatrist, which is due to appear in two Austrian newspapers today, Fritzl hatched his plan to incarcerate his daughter, Elisabeth, while he was in prison for rape.

'I have realized that I had a mean streak. For someone who was born to be a rapist, I have managed to contain myself for a relatively long period,' Fritzl is quoted as telling the psychiatrist in a 130-page report leaked to the tabloid newspapers Kronen Zeitung and Österreich.

Fritzl, 73, is awaiting trial for sexually abusing and incarcerating Elisabeth, 42, in a purpose-built dungeon beneath his house in the town of Amstetten. He fathered seven children by her, one of whom died shortly after birth and Fritzl burnt his body in an oven.

Three of the surviving children were allowed to live upstairs with him and wife, Rosemarie, 69, while their three siblings were condemned to a shadowy existence with their mother in the cellar. They never saw daylight until they were freed by police on April 26. It emerged that Fritzl had a previous criminal record for sexual offences.

In 1967 he was sentenced to 18 months in prison for brutally raping a 24-year-old woman at knifepoint in her home.

According to the report compiled by Dr. Adelheid Kastner, a prominent forensic psychiatrist who conducted in depth interviews with the builder, Fritzl found the 'ideal solution' to his deranged fantasies after he was released from prison. It was then that he decided to lock up his daughter in the cellar so that he could 'live out' his 'evil side' while leading a seemingly normal life in the flat upstairs.

Fritzl told the psychiatrist that his relationship to women was shaped by his experience with his abusive mother, who allegedly beat him and isolated him from other children until he started school. He was an 'alibi child,' Fritzl told the psychiatrist - his mother only had him to prove to her partner that she was not sterile.

Dr. Kastner came to the conclusion when she was dissecting the personality of Fritzl that the builder managed to distance himself from what he was doing by never looking his victim in the face when he raped her.

'He was not only incredibly able to lead a double life but also managed to maintain a triple life without any problems,' Dr. Kastner wrote, indicating that Fritzl played down the gravity of his crimes in his mind.

'Mr. Fritzl resembles a volcano; under the surface that appears almost banal there is an evil streak. He is torn apart by his desires that he cannot master,' Dr. Kastner wrote.

The report declared Fritzl clinically sane and fit for trial, but also diagnosed a 'severe combined personality disorder and a sexual disorder'.

'It is to be expected that Mr. Fritzl would perpetrate deeds with severe consequences also in the future,' Dr. Kastner concluded.

On the basis of her report the prosecution has demanded from the court that Fritzl be tried and sentenced, then committed to an institution for the criminally insane, where he would receive psychiatric care and therapy including, if deemed necessary, medication.

The trial is expected to start early next year.,2933,442925,00.html

 Rep: 67 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

Tommie wrote:

Fritzl Pleads Guilty to All Charges in Incest Case
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
ST. POELTEN, Austria  —

In a stunning turn of events, an Austrian on trial for imprisoning his daughter for 24 years and fathering her seven children pleaded guilty Wednesday to all charges against him — including negligent homicide — after hearing his daughter's heart-wrenching testimony.

Saying he had a change of heart, Josef Fritzl calmly acknowledged his guilt on the third day of a trial that has drawn media attention from around the world for its shocking allegations.

"I declare myself guilty to the charges in the indictment," Fritzl, 73, told a panel of judges, referring at one point to what he called "my sick behavior."

Fritzl faces up to life imprisonment on the negligent homicide count for the death of a twin baby boy, which he initially had contested along with an enslavement charge. Prosecutors also had charged him with rape, incest, forced imprisonment and coercion.

Fritzl expressed regret that he didn't bring the ailing infant out of the dungeon and get medical help.

"I don't know why I didn't help," he said. "I just overlooked it. I thought the little one would survive."

Wearing a mismatched gray suit and a blue shirt, Fritzl did not hide his face behind a binder as he had done for the last two days when led into the courtroom in St. Poelten, west of Vienna.

Asked by the presiding judge what had led him to change his mind, Fritzl said it was the videotaped testimony from his daughter that he, jurors and the rest of the court had viewed during a closed-door session on Tuesday.

Elisabeth is the prosecution's key witness against Fritzl. Now 42, she was 18 when he allegedly imprisoned her in the cramped, windowless cell he built beneath the family's home in the town of Amstetten.

Fritzl had been charged with homicide in the death of an infant — a male twin born to Elisabeth in April 1996 — who prosecutors say might have survived with proper medical care had he and his mother not been locked in the basement.

Police say DNA tests prove Fritzl is the biological father of all six of Elisabeth's surviving children, three of whom never saw daylight until the crime came to light 11 months ago.

Three of the children grew up underground in Amstetten and the other three were brought upstairs to be raised by Fritzl and his wife, Rosemarie, who apparently believed they had been abandoned.

Prosecutors have alleged that Fritzl refused to speak to his daughter during the first few years of her ordeal, coming downstairs only to rape her. They said the rapes sometimes occurred in front of the children, and described Elisabeth as a "broken" woman.

Elisabeth and her six surviving children, who range in age from 6 to 20, have spent months recovering from their ordeal in a psychiatric clinic and at a secret location.

Psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner told the court that Fritzl had a very serious personality disorder and a need to control people, and knew what he was doing was wrong.

She said Fritzl would still pose a threat — even at his advanced age — if freed, and she recommended he serve out his sentence in a psychiatric ward.

"Fritzl is guilty for what he did," she said.

Officials had said earlier that verdicts in the trial could come as early as Thursday. It was not immediately clear whether Fritzl's guilty pleas to all of the counts would speed up that process.

The Associated Press normally withholds the names of victims of sexual assault. In this case, the withholding of Elisabeth's name by the AP became impractical when her name and her father's were announced publicly by police and details about them became the subject of publicity both in their home country and around the world.,2933,509620,00.html

 Rep: 341 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

bigbri wrote:

Dude is getting off easy. He deserves to suffer like his daughter and grandkids.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

Paxcow wrote:

what an asshole!

 Rep: 57 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

supaplex wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Dude is getting off easy. He deserves to suffer like his daughter and grandkids.

whatever the punishment he would still be getting off easy.

 Rep: 67 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

Tommie wrote:

Fritzl gets life sentence in incest case
Found guilty of homicide, he'll serve time in secure psychiatric facility
The Associated Press
updated 9:49 a.m. ET, Thurs., March. 19, 2009

ST. POELTEN, Austria - A jury in Austria convicted Josef Fritzl on Thursday of homicide and sentenced him to life imprisonment in a secure psychiatric facility.

Fritzl also was convicted of enslavement, rape, incest, forced imprisonment and coercion for holding his daughter captive for 24 years and fathering her seven children.

Fritzl accepted Thursday's verdicts and waived his right to appeal.

The homicide count — "murder by neglect" in German — was the most serious of the charges against 73-year-old Fritzl, and the jury gave him the maximum punishment allowed by law.

The verdict brought a dramatic end to a case that has drawn worldwide attention.

© 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


 Rep: 77 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

Von wrote:

The best in medicine should be utilized to keep his 73 year old ass alive for 24 more years so that he can be constantly, constantly raped in prison. On a daily basis. Then, on the 24th anniversary of his punishment, they take him out back and blow his fucking brains out.

This thread made me sick, and I run Horrorshow.

 Rep: 67 

Re: Man held daughter in cellar for 24 years

Tommie wrote:

Police: Incest Dad Fritzl Suspected in 4 Unsolved Murders
Saturday , March 21, 2009

Depraved father Josef Fritzl, convicted after imprisoning his daughter Elisabeth for 24 years, is being investigated over at least four unsolved murders and disappearances.

Even as he was led away to prison, police were re-examining missing person and unsolved murder cases over the past four decades.

Click to view photos.

One is the 1986 murder of Martina Posch, 17, who was raped, strangled and dumped in a lake a short distance from where Fritzl and wife Rosemarie ran a guesthouse.

"What really stands out is that Martina looks similar to Fritzl's daughter. The likeness is incredible," police chief Alois Lissl said.

Other cases include the shotgun murder of Anna Neumayer, 17, near Fritzl's workplace in 1966 and the disappearance of Julia Kuehrer, 16, near his home in 2006.

The investigation also includes sex worker Gabriele Superkova, 20, was murdered and dumped in a lake near where Fritzl was holidaying in 2007.

Click here to read more from,2933,509999,00.html

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