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Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Incognito at it again

That blog has always been interesting, to say the least. I'd love it if two more songs leaked, but really only if CD would still have 4-5 new songs on it. If everything on it has previously leaked I'm going to feel a little let down (like I was with the new Blind Melon, who spoiled their album by leaking each track months and weeks before album release).

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Incognito at it again

Arcade Roses wrote:

Right listen up you hoarding richboy...

Incognito wrote:

AR is in the chat @ claiming to have inside info that Rose is preparing to release another open letter. Anyone else hearing this?

Neemo wrote:

whats classified as an "insider" though? anyway its not surprising, there are several people that i know of on this board who have contacts with different "people" ...i wouldnt be shocked if there are more to be honest

I've never claimed it to be 'inside info'.  Stop putting words into my mouth, hoarder (Incog.).  If anything, it's 'outside info'.

James Lofton wrote:
Incognito wrote:

AR is in the chat @ claiming to have inside info that Rose is preparing to release another open letter. Anyone else hearing this?

I'm not hearing that, and how does AR have "inside info"??

Its just a safe guess. Shackler is out, and Rock Band 2 is near. Someone from GNR has to make a statement, so why not the king himself?

This letter wouldn't tell fans the release date of the album.  All I know - and that's the key point - is that it would tell fans the reason for the delay of the album.  But it was late April (this year) that I heard this information so plans may have changed now....

As you should know, this information came to the Spanish-speaking guy I spoke to earlier this year - and he has been partly vindicated by some of MSL's recent findings/posts.

Apparently the reason for the update is to 'put the fans against FINCK', if I am reading this stuff right....  Again - don't shoot the messenger.  Remember, I only asked for info.  Nothing wrong with that....

Incognito wrote:

I agree it's only a safe guess.


Incognito wrote:

I haven't heard anything like that either.

No you haven't - and that's because
1. I can only imagine you are now out of the loop with these guys/to some extents MSL (though again this may, of course, be 'misinformation'; or they did not tell this info to everyone)...
2. You have less chance of being told it after blabbing on here.

Incognito wrote:

I just figured I'd be nice about it instead of calling him the wannabee insider that I think he is.

I just figured I'd be nice instead of calling you the open hoarder you have become...

and confirmed to me just now in PMs.

I am not hoarding this info - I am releasing it.
You are hoarding the VMAs - and your arrogance alone is starting to prove that.


 Rep: 287 

Re: Incognito at it again

Aussie wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:

2. You have less chance of being told it after blabbing on here.

Do these postings of yours now cause you a similar problem since you appear to have done the same thing?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Incognito at it again

James wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:

Right listen up you hoarding richboy...

Lose the attitude...

I've never claimed it to be 'inside info'.

You insinuate it is further down your post...

This letter wouldn't tell fans the release date of the album.  All I know - and that's the key point - is that it would tell fans the reason for the delay of the album.  But it was late April (this year) that I heard this information so plans may have changed now....

Anything said in April by a random forum member is irrelevant.

Apparently the reason for the update is to 'put the fans against FINCK'

Bullshit. Only a few people care about him, and there's no point in Axl/Azoff going down that road again.

No you haven't - and that's because
1. I can only imagine you are now out of the loop with these guys/to some extents MSL (though again this may, of course, be 'misinformation'; or they did not tell this info to everyone)...
2. You have less chance of being told it after blabbing on here.

Not playing that game here.

I just figured I'd be nice instead of calling you the open hoarder you have become...

and confirmed to me just now in PMs.

I am not hoarding this info - I am releasing it.
You are hoarding the VMAs - and your arrogance alone is starting to prove that.

Like I said.....not playing that game here.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Incognito at it again

Neemo wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:

Right listen up you hoarding richboy...

Incognito wrote:

AR is in the chat @ claiming to have inside info that Rose is preparing to release another open letter. Anyone else hearing this?

Neemo wrote:

whats classified as an "insider" though? anyway its not surprising, there are several people that i know of on this board who have contacts with different "people" ...i wouldnt be shocked if there are more to be honest

I've never claimed it to be 'inside info'.  Stop putting words into my mouth, hoarder (Incog.).  If anything, it's 'outside info'.

my post isnt directed at you nor is it about you AR 19 hell my post isnt even in response to that post by incog

it was in response to this one

Incognito wrote:
Neemo wrote:

your guess is as good as mine...i would say probably...wasnt that clown speaking in tongues as well?

Don't know about that. I read that idolator article that mentioned evolution and how we supposedly have "insiders" among us. I think the quack at admitted to be phony.

 Rep: 0 

Re: Incognito at it again

Incognito wrote:


No offense man, but everytime I talk with you, I feel like I'm having a conversation with a 6 year old little kid. "Hoarding Rich Boy?" You have no idea the chuckle you have just given me - and just how much of  a joke that you have become throughout the community. Just to get the rest of Evolution up-to-date, this wannabee trader typically spams my inbox at least once a week on different sites, acting like he has "in the know" info or material that he is willing to come off with, if only I will "hook him up" with something first. I won't even get into all the specifics because MSL did a pretty damn good job of owning this "outsider information guy" about a week ago. I just thought it was important to point out why he is showing these childish public outbursts at a few of us.  I personally feel sorry for him.

Re: Incognito at it again

Sky Dog wrote:

here we go again....a bunch of knuckleheads with a whole lotta nothing....yes, having backstage footage of the VMA's from 6 years ago is NOTHING. Spamming industry boards and multiple sick Gnr forums is pathetic. AR and Incog can both go fuck themselves for all I care.:peace:

 Rep: 14 

Re: Incognito at it again

ereeper wrote:

Now let's all play nice.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Incognito at it again

Neemo wrote:

we dont need public spats please

i think its pretty clear that you both dislike each other...can we drop it now?


 Rep: 341 

Re: Incognito at it again

bigbri wrote:

Incognito, all I know is we all pretty much detest hoarders here. Yet, it seems you have more than you let on. It seems like you don't want to come clean with us.  I can understand using VMA to get stuff, but no one cares anymore about that.

But, if you had other songs ...

Frankly, I feel you want to become an MSL, but you're never gonna get there this way.

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