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 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

misterID wrote:

Come on now... We all know these arguements are nothing more than just pissing in the wind. There's no right answer just a lot of pissed off emotions.

Chill, dudes.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

tejastech08 wrote:
madagas wrote:

just another two ignorant guys who haven't even listened to the entire Replacements catalog....too funny. Fuck Gnr, fuck this board......fuck it.


 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

misterID wrote:

Just looking back a few pages... Stinston isn't a rock star.... Jesus Christ. This thread is just oozing with sillyness, with the same "negative" vomit against memebers of the new line up, specificaly Tommy, as usual by the same people.

von wrote:

There is going to be a reunion. Fact. There's a reason the Guns camp is bumfucked as to how to promote Shackler's or this "impending" release of Chinese Democracy. I agree that the reunion is what'll ultimately see any form of release for Chinese Democracy. I also believe there are more clues to be found in the various VR tidbits that come out now and again, if only anyone ever visited that part of the forum. A lot of what's been going on with those guys is a smokescreen/safety net. The reason a new singer hasn't been announced is because they're hoping they won't need one. Mark my words.

Not going to happen. This is the same statement that's been going around for almost ten years. And you know what? Jack shit has come of it. It ain't going to happen.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Saikin wrote:

Are we really debating between the Replacements and GNR?

I don't know where you have been, but not too many people have heard of The Replacements, but just about everyone has heard of GNR.

Replacements having better songs and better quality albums?  Not a chance. 

I can't even believe this is being debated.

What next- Green Day is way more influential and much better songwriters than The Beattles?

 Rep: 77 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Von wrote:
misterID wrote:

Just looking back a few pages... Stinston isn't a rock star.... Jesus Christ. This thread is just oozing with sillyness, with the same "negative" vomit against memebers of the new line up, specificaly Tommy, as usual by the same people.

von wrote:

There is going to be a reunion. Fact. There's a reason the Guns camp is bumfucked as to how to promote Shackler's or this "impending" release of Chinese Democracy. I agree that the reunion is what'll ultimately see any form of release for Chinese Democracy. I also believe there are more clues to be found in the various VR tidbits that come out now and again, if only anyone ever visited that part of the forum. A lot of what's been going on with those guys is a smokescreen/safety net. The reason a new singer hasn't been announced is because they're hoping they won't need one. Mark my words.

Not going to happen. This is the same statement that's been going around for almost ten years. And you know what? Jack shit has come of it. It's ain't going to happen.

You must have a different insight on the situation at hand than the one I'm being presented with.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

misterID wrote:

Yeah, I've been staring at the same situation since 2001 and have been listening to the same bullshit reunion theories ever since.

It's a bunch of old school fans who are holding onto an unrealistic hope that something will happen to fulfill a fantasy, without looking at the reality of the situation. Since this new line up has formed every little thing that happens in the GNR world is viewed upon (by the same people, over and over) somehow points to a reunion, no matter how ridiculous. Been there, done that a thousand times over. There is nothing at all that points to a reunion, only wishful thinking.

And The Replacements vs GNR debate is lame.

But Tommy's Bass riffs in Chinese Democracy fucking owns!:mosh:

 Rep: 485 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

Neemo wrote:

i admit i havent heard the replacements yet, but VGH is really good...surprisingly good, i boguht it for shits and giggles and was pleasantly surprised. as for duff respecting tommy probably, replacements surfaced out of the american punk scene which has hugely influenced duff. as for tommy repsecting duff? most likely...duff is an icon of rock music

the recent leaks ahve definately showcase tommy's talent more than the earlier ones

And The Replacements vs GNR debate is lame.

gotta agree...two different ends of the spectrum...abotu the only thiing that can be said with any certainty is that gnr are much more commercially successful..the rest is personal opinion...and noone is right or wrong on that front

 Rep: 664 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

James wrote:
Neemo wrote:

the recent leaks ahve definately showcase tommy's talent more than the earlier ones

I had a new appreciation for Stinson when the 9 leaks happened a few months ago. Never cared much about him before, and have always been one of the notorious bitchers regarding some of his CD related comments over the years.

He's obviously there for a reason. He seems to be able to aim for specific sounds that Axl(or someone) is looking for. I have no idea who Tommy likes or what his influences are, but he seems to be channeling Timothy B. Schmit and Ben Shepard on some of these tracks. Tommy a fan? Doubtful, but we know Axl is. Reminds me of that article where Axl wanted the drum sound on Nirvana's Nevermind for specific tracks, and it took the GNR camp months to even consider listening to that album to know what he meant.

Riyadh is basically a Praxis track. Could Bootsy have improved that? I doubt it, and even if he could, why bother? Tommy suits the track perfectly.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

metallex78 wrote:

This album is never coming out...

At least that's what I keep telling myself these days.
Because really, aside from leaks here and there, new songs on games, and band members leaving, I'm just tired of all the bullshit.

I don't hate GN'R or Axl, but I just feel silly that after all these years we're all  still speculating the same kinda stuff year in year out.

There's just far too much drama for what, at the end of the day, is just an album of music. Nothing more, nothing less.

Prove us wrong Axl.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses on Universal Music Group Release List

misterID wrote:

I could never really hear Tommy's bass too much in th old leaks except for The Blues that I thought was cool, but since the new leaks... DAMN...

The CD riff is fantastic. And now I can actually hear him on TWAT and his bass is just fucking sick. These leaks show what a killer bass player he really is.

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