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 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:

Best Buy isn't returning Rolling Stone or MTV's phonecalls...

I'm sure they'll tell anyone on a message board to fuck off.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

I wouldn't get all shook up or "all shook down" about this.  I am sure there are some final pieces which need ironed out.  Remember, this album is unusual, in that it has received free, heavy promotion for the past five years.  The album is almost a household name by now.  One month of heavy promotion is all that is needed.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Neemo wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

Remember, this album is unusual, in that it has received free, heavy promotion for the past five years.

heavy promotion? where the fuck have i been?

 Rep: 59 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

jorge76 wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

I wouldn't get all shook up or "all shook down" about this.  I am sure there are some final pieces which need ironed out.  Remember, this album is unusual, in that it has received free, heavy promotion for the past five years.  The album is almost a household name by now.  One month of heavy promotion is all that is needed.

I know the cliche is "any publicity is good publicity", but I'm not sure if I agree.

I completely agree that Chinese Democracy is bordering on a household name already.  The problem is that it's a household name because it's become a running joke to a lot of people. 

A lot of people will buy it for the curiosity factor (which I think is sort of what Bright Eyes was getting at) but I don't think you can look at that as a good thing, or depend on those sales. 

Those things will push it to big first week sales, but it'll fall off after that. With how much was spent to make this thing, you need as many different ways to market it as possible to make as much as possible of that back.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Part of being a great entertainer, is entertaining.  It's ok to be the butt of a joke--"It's only Rock and Roll" and I like it.  Think of Jagger and Richards, they are running jokes, and use it to their benefit.  When you are as big as GNR, jokes go with the territory. It's a backhanded compliment in a sense.

 Rep: 43 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

gnfnraxl wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

Part of being a great entertainer, is entertaining.  It's ok to be the butt of a joke--"It's only Rock and Roll" and I like it.  Think of Jagger and Richards, they are running jokes, and use it to their benefit.  When you are as big as GNR, jokes go with the territory. It's a backhanded compliment in a sense.

I'm sorry but not in this case.  Again you can hide your head in the sand and pretend all is fine in GNR but it's not.  The last tour was not a huge success.  At least not in North America.  At the show I was at, when they played the new songs the crowd went silent.  That's not a good sign for an album that has supposedly received heavy promo for the last 5 years.

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

i was at the very same show and everyone loved the new songs.

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Sky Dog wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

Part of being a great entertainer, is entertaining.  It's ok to be the butt of a joke--"It's only Rock and Roll" and I like it.  Think of Jagger and Richards, they are running jokes, and use it to their benefit.  When you are as big as GNR, jokes go with the territory. It's a backhanded compliment in a sense.

I'm sorry but not in this case.  Again you can hide your head in the sand and pretend all is fine in GNR but it's not.  The last tour was not a huge success.  At least not in North America.  At the show I was at, when they played the new songs the crowd went silent.  That's not a good sign for an album that has supposedly received heavy promo for the last 5 years.

you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground...just sayin.:peace:

 Rep: 768 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

Axlin16 wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

Part of being a great entertainer, is entertaining.  It's ok to be the butt of a joke--"It's only Rock and Roll" and I like it.  Think of Jagger and Richards, they are running jokes, and use it to their benefit.  When you are as big as GNR, jokes go with the territory. It's a backhanded compliment in a sense.

I'm sorry but not in this case.  Again you can hide your head in the sand and pretend all is fine in GNR but it's not.  The last tour was not a huge success.  At least not in North America.  At the show I was at, when they played the new songs the crowd went silent.  That's not a good sign for an album that has supposedly received heavy promo for the last 5 years.

By all accounts the 2006-07 shows were resounding successes. Just because they're lucky to get 10,000 people a show, doesn't mean it's a failure. VR gets less, and they were a mainstream act, with a multi-platinum album.

Captain Winkler wrote:

i was at the very same show and everyone loved the new songs.

I'm sure that's the case.

The new songs got mixed reviews at the shows I was at, but I have seen posters across the GN'R internet universe, that just because fists weren't in the air, the same way they were for Jungle, the songs had a negative reception.

The shows I was at, The Blues got a reception similar to November Rain, and CD was one of the hottest electrifying songs of the night. People were slamming and headbanging... it was great. 9

 Rep: 108 

Re: The "Best Buy" leaks

war wrote:
madagas wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:

Part of being a great entertainer, is entertaining.  It's ok to be the butt of a joke--"It's only Rock and Roll" and I like it.  Think of Jagger and Richards, they are running jokes, and use it to their benefit.  When you are as big as GNR, jokes go with the territory. It's a backhanded compliment in a sense.

I'm sorry but not in this case.  Again you can hide your head in the sand and pretend all is fine in GNR but it's not.  The last tour was not a huge success.  At least not in North America.  At the show I was at, when they played the new songs the crowd went silent.  That's not a good sign for an album that has supposedly received heavy promo for the last 5 years.

you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground...just sayin.:peace:

Madagascar, I think I like you a little bit more every time you post

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