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 Rep: 341 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

bigbri wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Serious question, mods, because the thread here is pure BS now and I can see the same thing happening when we actually have a new CD in our hands.

Those types of posts are gonna get thrown into the TWAT section. I'd do it now but this thread would be a fucking mess after it was finished.

I don't have anything against the whole new vs old thing. It does create some lively discussion, but it should be done either in a separate thread or different section(TWAT, VR). When most people(including me) click on a Chinese Democracy related thread to either see the news or what fellow members are saying about it, the last thing people want to see in those specific threads is how great the past was.

I was literally shocked this afternoon when I came home, logged in to this site, went to this thread since its the latest CD news, and reading posts about Shotgun Blues, November Rain, Velvet Revolver,etc.

That's good to hear. That's gonna be a hard job to handle with this thread.

A serious suggestion for when CD does come out: We definitely need a spot for the inevitable old-vs. new discussion. A separate topic maybe.

 Rep: 13 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

strat0 wrote:

Honestly moat of the people who aren't hardcore GN'R fans that I've played the demos to love them. A few thought they were overproduced, but still liked them.

 Rep: 664 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

James wrote:

We'll use this thread for the old vs new debate. Nothing wrong with such discussions, but they shouldn't hijack threads dealing with actual Chinese Democracy news. Not saying we cant mention old GNR in certain context regarding the post 93 era in other sections, but massive thread hijacks aren't necessary when the debate can stand on its own merits aside from news about the album and its potential release.


 Rep: 485 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

Neemo wrote:
bigbri wrote:

That's good to hear. That's gonna be a hard job to handle with this thread.

A serious suggestion for when CD does come out: We definitely need a spot for the inevitable old-vs. new discussion. A separate topic maybe.

yeah i wish those arguments would stop too .... alot of times though its the aparent diehard of NuGnR that seem to start with messed up comments which virtually dare an oldschool to get rid of these types of off course debates it needs to be a whole board effort to refrain from posting anythign which will start the same old debate...

i dont think i have ever hidden that Slash is one of my guitar idols...someone disses him its hard to refrain from defending him...itd be the same with you bri if someone says shit about BH...while we're on the subject can the BH vs BBF comments go away too (not directed at you Bri)

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

buzzsaw wrote:

Don't tell me what I think.  What I posted is 100% the truth.  You may not want to admit it, but that's your problem, not mine.  This music is OK at best, and in most cases, it sucks in the form that we've been given.  Maybe on the album it will be mastered better and it will sound better, but the UYI demos smoke every single demo we have right now musically.  Every single one of them.  Not some of them, not a few of them...every single one of them.

It has nothing to do with anything other than the music.  I call it the way I see it, and when CD comes out, you'll see I'm not alone.  So don't tell me what I think...I know exactly what I think, and if you go back and read through my posts, I'm usually right on.  You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it.

are you being frustratingly hypocritical deliberately? or are you just really really ignorant?

 Rep: 485 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

Neemo wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

are you being frustratingly hypocritical deliberately? or are you just really really ignorant?

dude....we dont bash forum members and this old vs new debate has just ended

thanks for the cooperation

 Rep: 30 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

Acquiesce wrote:
Neemo wrote:

yeah i wish those arguments would stop too .... alot of times though its the aparent diehard of NuGnR that seem to start with messed up comments which virtually dare an oldschool to get rid of these types of off course debates it needs to be a whole board effort to refrain from posting anythign which will start the same old debate...

i dont think i have ever hidden that Slash is one of my guitar idols...someone disses him its hard to refrain from defending him...itd be the same with you bri if someone says shit about BH...while we're on the subject can the BH vs BBF comments go away too (not directed at you Bri)

I completely agree with everything you said, but I can see how this old debate constantly gets started when it's only natural  people would compare the old material vs the new.

One thing concerns me though it seems like anyone with a negative reaction gets shouted down and written off as someone who is biased because they live in the past. I don't think that's fair because I think someone can be a fan of the old band and remain objective to the new material. Some of the fans of new material certainly aren't the most objective in the world either when some are such Axl diehards that they convinced themselves this album was going to be great before any leaks ever appeared. I just wish people could speak their opinion without being labelled and shouted down. I'm saying this as someone who is a fan of the old band who also enjoys the current material.

 Rep: 341 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

bigbri wrote:

Wow, Acquiesce, you certainly are seeing something I don't if you think people with negative reactions get shouted down. Negative is the name of the game here. It's embraced and worn as a badge of honor.

 Rep: 661 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

monkeychow wrote:
Acquiesce wrote:

I completely agree with everything you said, but I can see how this old debate constantly gets started when it's only natural  people would compare the old material vs the new.

I agree with the above comment. I think by virtue of the changes to the personel, the changes in musical genre, the controverys, the branding of the new/old band and simpily the passing of time, to an extent it's going to be inevtiable for comparisions to be made and fans are going to have to accept that there is never again going to be a consensus point of view regarding the band again, and learn to deal that some 'tired' arguments will always develop over the issues.

However at the same time. I can see a need for us to try and keep it somewhat undercontrol. If every thread gets back to the same topic it becomes boring for us all. Imagine. The band plays a nude resort. Someone says Axl has big balls. Someone else says that was obvious because of how he fired the old line up. Someone else says that the old line up are quitters. Then we decend into an the abyss of which camp is more talented, truthful, sucessful, streetcred, sold-out and the nude resort gig becomes irreleveant to it's own thread.  That's a silly example but exactly the way it goes.

I agree maybe when we express our opinions we just have to not intentionally phrase things in ways that turn it into a team arguments. NGNR vs GR or Slash vs Axl, or Bucket vs BBF etc.

Myself I'm a fan of both the new and the old band. Slash is why I decided to play guitar, Axl is my absolute favourite vocalist and lyricist and frontman, bumblefoot shows me how much better on guitar some people are than me....I like them all for different reasons.

 Rep: 661 

Re: New GNR vs old GNR/ GNR vs Velvet Revolver thread

monkeychow wrote:

Good Call smile

I'm a fan of all three of the bands you've listed, and all the artists within them, both as solo musicians and group performers. I think they all have various strengths and weaknesses....which is what makes these arguments so endless. just thought i'd say's a big cheer of "Thanks and Respect" to them all before we get started endlessly analysing who is better and worse...(of which i'm sure i won't be able to help myself either) - as its all going to be subjective and all these musicans have brought something to my life.!

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