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 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Axlin16 wrote:

I would be STUNNED if the new band tour to support CD... even if they ain't dead.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:

"i just never thought it would actually come out"


"my date is going to end up being the closest"

don't go together and so you lose, my friend


Wrong.  My guess was an actual date even though I figured it would never come out.  I don't remember exactly what it was, but if I remember the rules right, you couldn't go past the date, so i think I was in pretty good shape.  I had sometime in 2009 or 11 I was so long ago and so unimportant at the time.

Right! 22

you may have picked an actual date but if you say it's never coming out you are contradicting yourself. morally speaking ofcourse, you lose. whether you win the contest or not.

i was just playing around by the way but you always have to be so argumentative don't you.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

GNRBABY wrote:

According to

It's all happening: according to, Chinese Democracy-- the unfathomably delayed LP from what's left of Guns N' Roses-- will arrive at your local Best Buy on Sunday, November 23, just in time for prime real estate in the electronics chain's weekly advert. No, really: the article mentions that "the move is tied to the structure of Best Buy's sales week, which runs from Sunday to Saturday."

No further details on the Best Buy-exclusive disc have been revealed, though notes that Appetite for Destruction will be reissued on vinyl October 28 from Interscope. So that's at least one decent GN'R record on shelves this fall, then. And one Dr. Pepper can in the hands of every American...? … lease-date

PS. Sorry if this post is not appropriate, I'm just excited!

 Rep: 20 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

harmon420 wrote:

Very misleading title. Everyone is somewhat excited but, until it's confirmed by the band, management, label etc, change the title.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

GNRBABY wrote:
harmon420 wrote:

Very misleading title. Everyone is somewhat excited but, until it's confirmed by the band, management, label etc, change the title.

no problem.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

My guess (as it has always been) is CD comes out and then there's a reunion.  It's the only thing that makes any sense and explains the lack of promotion, lack of news on any of the "band members", etc.  The album is being released through Best Buy to get the money upfront, contribute an album to satisfy the recording contract, and prepare for the real cash cow.

I've always said I wanted CD to come out ASAP because a reunion wouldn't happen until it did, I just never thought it would actually come out.  I think I win the free copy of CD that was offered at the old RoV date is going to end up being the closest.

Yeah I was way off with my guess.  I forget when that was, 2006 I think?  I chose November of THAT year I think.  At least I had the month right.  Do I get a consolation prize?

I don't see a reunion happening, not anytime soon at least.  However, if Robin doesn't come back, say Tommy re-joins the Mats, then anything could happen.  But I expect Tommy to stay put and I even think Robin may actually return now that things are starting to shape up.  Give the new or current lineup at least one tour to promote a record that's theirs that's actually released first.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the new band - is dead. Done, over. The post-96 era is not officially closed because the album isn't out yet, nor has a reunion been announced... but it's like a TV show. Once the album is released, that'll be your 'series finale'. When the reunion is announced - 'official cancellation'.

Either way - show's over.

Robin is with NIN
Richard is with Rihanna
Tommy is back with Paul and 'rumored' talking Replacements reunion
Dizzy is working on a solo album

Buckethead & Brain, who both presumably appear on the album (Bucket is confirmed) are LONG GONE. If you were an 'active band', a true band, why would former members work be on your album? Doesn't make sense, unless they're all hired Guns. No different than the Oh My God sessions.

Only way Guns N' Roses re-emerge at this point, at least as a 'live act' will be in a reunion. Doesn't mean Axl can't continue the brand name on as a 'studio only' act, but he knows he can barely sell tickets at this point with the new band.

I also don't see Irving Azoff backing the new band. He's a BIG player, and if he knows more money can be made with a reunited GN'R, he'll push for it - HARD. If Axl balks, Azoff will have no problem showing AXL the door. He's not going to work with talent who don't want to work at their upmost potential both artistically and financially. He has a line WAITING outside of his door. He doesn't have time to dick around with Axl's feelings. It's all about the benjamins baby.

Robin with NIN is a concern, admittedly.  But it's never been stated that he won't come back. 

Tommy messing around with Paul could lead to a Mats reunion, but again nothing has been announced. 

Richard with Rhianna?  Seriously, are you still concerned with that?  He's a member of her backup touring band.  Can you name the guitar player for Madonna's backup touring band in the 80's?  How about Michael Jackson?  Who played guitar during "Dirty Diana"?  Did that guy leave a band like Guns N' Roses?  He's keeping himself busy but I'd bet my life if he was given the choice of GNR/Rhianna backing band he'd choose GNR every day and twice on Sunday. 

And I respect Dizzy, but do you think his solo album is gonna set the world on fire?  Will he be the next Dave Grohl?  I wish the best for him, but I view that as a side project.  And even if the band is dead, I'd think Dizzy would be a part of the reunion.  Or is his solo gig gonna interfere with that too?

I'm surprised you didn't mention Bumblefoot is now more interested in appearing with GNR cover bands.

I know some people want to see a reunion and are more than ready to bury the current incarnation of Guns N' Roses, but let's at least let them have their time in the sun.  We'll cross the reunion bridge when we get to it.  People seem to think that Axl, Slash, and Duff could get back together with a snap.  Do you really think it's that simple?  When's the last time Axl said something positive about any of those guys?  It's not that easy.  I'd be willing to bet you'll have to wait another 9 years for a reunion.  If that's what you wanna do, be my guest.

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Arcade Roses wrote:

Ceefax in the UK was, to my surprise, I'll admit, as it's not yet confirmed, reporting it today.  It was on page 506 or something.  Said album would come out on November 25, and that the date was official, but in the US only.

UK I would imagine would of course be thereabouts.

Hard to fathom there may only be 6 weeks to go.

Article mentioned 'Shackler's Revenge' as well.  Only certainly 'noticeable' IMHO '*promotion*' it's got in the UK thus far.  What a waste.

(Ceefax BTW only carries occasional but noteworthy GN'R mentions and the last two were Cogill's arrest and before that Axl's arrest (in Sweden), IIRC.  This got a mention in Teletext's international news summary section; last time they were probably in the *news* over here, IIRC.)


 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

My guess (as it has always been) is CD comes out and then there's a reunion.  It's the only thing that makes any sense and explains the lack of promotion, lack of news on any of the "band members", etc.  The album is being released through Best Buy to get the money upfront, contribute an album to satisfy the recording contract, and prepare for the real cash cow.

I've always said I wanted CD to come out ASAP because a reunion wouldn't happen until it did, I just never thought it would actually come out.  I think I win the free copy of CD that was offered at the old RoV date is going to end up being the closest.

Yeah I was way off with my guess.  I forget when that was, 2006 I think?  I chose November of THAT year I think.  At least I had the month right.  Do I get a consolation prize?

I don't see a reunion happening, not anytime soon at least.  However, if Robin doesn't come back, say Tommy re-joins the Mats, then anything could happen.  But I expect Tommy to stay put and I even think Robin may actually return now that things are starting to shape up.  Give the new or current lineup at least one tour to promote a record that's theirs that's actually released first.

They already toured to support the album (multiple times)...they even quit the last one to finish the album (it had nothing to do with poor ticket sales).  I think it's far more likely that they don't tour for CD than they do tour for it.  I believe the next tour will have Slash and Duff in the band (for better or worse).

I realize they've had the multiple Chinese Democracy tours, but that was BEFORE the album was released.  I don't know for certain but I'd expect AFTER the release IF they were to tour they'd play more than 4 or 5 songs per show from the new album.  If not then that might be a telling sign.  I'd think the new guys would want to play a good chunk of the material they helped create and a failure to do so would kind of be a slap in the face.  Let's just let things play out, shall we?

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy release date?

Neemo wrote:

i really doubt we will see a reunion any time soon...if anyone ever reads any Slash interviews he pretty much shoots it down every single time with out a shadow of a doubt...axl and slash are just on oposite ends of the spectrum right now...slash has a 3rd VR disk and a Solo album...Axl is trying to get the CD era off the ground....

the planets are just not aligned at the moment

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