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 Rep: 30 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Acquiesce wrote:

I don't really like the two different layers of Axl's vocals on the verses, but otherwise I think the final version is much improved.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

buzzsaw wrote:
dr_love6977 wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Oh and I sincerely hope that CD is the opener at all future shows. That would just kick ass.

Because, as I've explained, in my opinion it's a good choice for a first single as well as the first song in a set!


 Rep: 14 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

ereeper wrote:

I would like to see a mix up with the opener.  Now the day I get to CD as the opener would be a jaw opener.  An occasional Jungle as opener would still be pretty cool.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Acquiesce wrote:

Edited: Nevermind 14

 Rep: 212 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

BLS-Pride wrote:

K-Rock has a page about the album with comments and a poll. Most of the comments are good. The poll is led 60% favoring the song. A lot of people think the song is good or great but not worth the wait which is true for me anyway. Not too sure what people are calling in and saying though. Time will tell.. I think its improved in the guitar area through out the song it was filled in nicely. Good first single.. A bigger second single closer to November 23rd would be the wise choice. Maybe even release two songs.. A rocker and ballad.

As for opening the shows? I could see it if the set list was mostly Chinese Democracy.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single


 Rep: 768 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Axlin16 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Who the fuck died and made you boss?  I'm entitled to an opinion just as much as you are and last I checked, I'm free to post any relevant comment in any section of this site that I please.

You are entitled to your opinion, as long as your opinion has merit and doesn't come with a slant or bias. Your's ALWAYS DOES, leaving your opinions to come across as intentionally negative for no reason whatsoever.

If it deserves a negative comment, it gets a negative comment.

But it doesn't deserve a negative comment.

Believe me, I'm biting my tongue in a lot of cases.

I believe that. Do it more.

This whole situation is nowhere near as good as you guys are making it out to be

So a majority opinion still won't sway you.

There's nothing else GN'R can do for you.

but I'll let you have your day in the sun.

That's frickin' sad. That's really sad that you are such a negative person when it concerns this band, that YOU feel you are doing new band fans a FAVOR to let us enjoy the BAND WE LIKE.

Why thank you Mr. Buzzsaw. I appreciate you letting me like the band I knew I liked without you having to tell me. Thanks for the permission to like new Guns.

don't appreciate you giving negative karma for stating a valid opinion as though I'm just posting to cause trouble.  Guess what?  This song IS NOT getting glowing reports from everybody, so stop fooling yourself into thinking it was some magical song selection.  It isn't that good and was a poor song choice for a first single.  Hell, I should be happy about that according to you, but I'm not.

That right there is why I gave you a negative karma. On the most positive day since 1993 for GN'R fans, the most positive moment since, you come and be negative. Even if you feel it's warranted.

There isn't anything I can think of that DESERVES NEGATIVE KARMA more than that. Why, because your karma is actually negative, per the definition of the word.

GnR fans from the boards are being told to go to different sites to support the song "we need positive reviews on this" is what one site fucking credible is that?

Perfectly credible. Sorry, but there's too many Slashites (aka trolls) running around that will down this thing just to down it. GN'R managment doesn't need that, and any fan that gives them that, isn't a true fan. Yes, i'm with GN'R on this one.

What happens today means NOTHING.  New cars get old, some faster than others.  Let's talk after the album comes out and the old material outsells CD.  With CD being a BB exclusive, I'm willing to bet that's exactly what happens.  We're the only people dragging ourselves to BB to buy it...sorry to break that news to you

That's not news to me. In fact it's almost an entire lift of everything i've been saying for months. I know the only people this matters to me, and other diehards.

Still doesn't mean that it's not great hear GN'R on the radio, and that CD is a great rockin' track.

Eventually we just have to say "we love it". Same with Axl. Fuck the naysayers, whether it be you or anyone else. This album cannot escape the myth, and it'll do it in imo, but it doesn't mean the music doesn't fucking rule. 9

 Rep: 423 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

buzzsaw wrote:

Another double standard...the only credible opinion is one that supports the band?  Sorry, you're wrong.  So wrong that even if you had a point somewhere in that post, it went away with that paragraph.

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

Sky Dog wrote:

Buzz, you are being a bit of an made your point 20 posts ago.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Guns N' Roses to release Chinese Democracy single

RussTCB wrote:


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