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 Rep: 485 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Neemo wrote:

bottom line here is that its the 14's to mid-20's that are generally doing the requesting for radio and that is the target group that needs to be reached by gnr...i'd go to a highschool to interview people but it may be seen as creepy 16

anyway the promotion hasnt started yet so at best right now we are seeing curiosity votes for this track...alot of people will wanna hear it just to see what the long wait has produced

 Rep: 664 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

James wrote:

As far as 'cheating' results, as already stated a LOT of fans do this. Sometimes with prodding from the artist themselves. When Paper Planes cracked the top 10 on Itunes, MIA practically begged for fans to buy it on there and spread the word. It immediately shot up to number 2(couldn't beat Rihanna).

We'll see a similar move with this track if it ever goes on sale as a single. What separates that example from this radio stuff is people have to do the talking with their wallets. Calling a DJ 50 times is different than buying a track 50 times.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

Sorry Buzzsaw, but at this point, I 100% disagree. Im in Los Angeles and our biggest rock radio station which has a very anti-gnr DJ, KROQ106.7 just had Chinese Democracy at number 3 on their furious 5 at 9 (the top 5 requested tracks of the day.) No forum had anything about spamming this radio station and even I didn't call in about it (although now that I see people are voting for it, I will.)

It's not just a bunch of GNR nerds man. Maybe in some areas, but in Los Angeles? There's probably 5000 GNR fans on active forums... Los Angeles has like 3 million people... even if only 10% of LA listened to KROQ, there's no way that the tiny online GNR fanbase would get this song on the 5 most requested of the day.

Like James said, I think we are in the curious stage, people are requesting this song and trying to see if they like it or not. But it's definetly not some GNR nerds in LA... believe what you want, and I understand because even I was blown away to hear it doing so well. Hopefully it keeps up because it's just setting up a springboard for the next single wink

Just because you didn't do it or this site didn't do it doesn't mean it didn't happen.  There are some pretty large sites out there.  Regardless, only number 3?  That's pretty telling as well...what masterpieces were 1 and 2?

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:

karma captain winkler for saying what i was thinking

the positive reviews are unanimously more objective and acually point out the reasons they like and dislike certain aspects to the song.

the negative reviews are shorter much more subjective and irresponsible.

What a joke - they are more objective?  Give me a break.  The only opinion that is valid is the one that agrees with you?  Bullshit.  It's funny that the same people that claim every opinion is valid when it works for them are now claiming the exact opposite when it works against them.  You are all a bunch of hypocrits.

The song is in the top 5 because the internet idiots are plugging it, not because the general public wants to hear it.  You want proof?  Go to EVERY GnR forum and you'll find at least 1 thread pushing people to vote for the songs and followed by posts of people proud that they did so.  But all those votes in your mind are real and people really want to hear the song?  Now who's being irresponsible?

as usual you blindly disagree when someone says something you are not willing to consider and without looking at the facts.

let's simplify things for you buzz, k?

here's a little exercise for you..i want you to pick out which statement is more objective and constructive and unbiased and which one resembles 90 persent of the song's negative reviews.

1. gnr's new song chinese democracy sucks. where's slash?

2. gnr's new song chinese democracy starts of with a creepy build up to a slightly industrial guitar riff that leads way to the first verse, "It don't really matter, You're gonna find out for yourself." It's pretty straight forward song structure wise with a lot going on in the background. It lack's a catchy chorus but makes up for it with fearless purpose. The vocals are ferocious and have the attitude of the old axl that once sang "it's so easy when everybody's trying to please me, baby"  but the lyrics are at times hard to make out due to the layering of several vocal tracks. the guitar work is dynamic and the song leaves you wondering what the rest of the album will sound like.

like i said the more positive review is the longer and more objective and this is what i am reading/hearing unanimously.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

As far as 'cheating' results, as already stated a LOT of fans do this. Sometimes with prodding from the artist themselves. When Paper Planes cracked the top 10 on Itunes, MIA practically begged for fans to buy it on there and spread the word. It immediately shot up to number 2(couldn't beat Rihanna).

We'll see a similar move with this track if it ever goes on sale as a single. What separates that example from this radio stuff is people have to do the talking with their wallets. Calling a DJ 50 times is different than buying a track 50 times.

thank you for pointing that out because it is very true yet, despite it seeming to be obvious, some people don't seem to wanna get it. "realists" should understand that this is a reailty of the world.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
war wrote:

as usual you blindly disagree when someone says something you are not willing to consider and without looking at the facts.

let's simplify things for you buzz, k?

here's a little exercise for you..i want you to pick out which statement is more objective and constructive and unbiased and which one resembles 90 persent of the song's negative reviews.

1. gnr's new song chinese democracy sucks. where's slash?

2. gnr's new song chinese democracy starts of with a creepy build up to a slightly industrial guitar riff that leads way to the first verse, "It don't really matter, You're gonna find out for yourself." It's pretty straight forward song structure wise with a lot going on in the background. It lack's a catchy chorus but makes up for it with fearless purpose. The vocals are ferocious and have the attitude of the old axl that once sang "it's so easy when everybody's trying to please me, baby"  but the lyrics are at times hard to make out due to the layering of several vocal tracks. the guitar work is dynamic and the song leaves you wondering what the rest of the album will sound like.

like i said the more positive review is the longer and more objective and this is what i am reading/hearing unanimously.

90%?  Now THAT I want you to prove.  If (I mean when) you can't, you'll make a post retracting that statement.  Hold on, let me try what you did:

1. gnr's new song chinese democracy sucks. it takes way too long to get to the actual song and once you get there, there is nothing to pull you into the song.  the structure is ok and Axl sounds good at times, but the song is overproduced and lacks direction.  the guitar work is solid but hidden at times.  not a song that should have been used to re-introduce what was once the world's greatest rock band.  hopefully the rest of the album will have better production value and a more natural sound and feel to it.

2. gnr's new song chinese democracy rocks!!!  Axl rulz, $la$h drulz!!!!111!!!

Wow, that was easy.  I thought it might be more difficult to make a completely rediculous and meaningless point, but it was quite simple.  Thanks for the exercise!

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:

calssic response in classic form, BUZZ. if you want proof. go listen to the radio or read the online reviews. you won't find reviews like the ones you just gave. my examples are accurate, that was the point, i wasn't manufacturing them to build up and promote the song. i was writing examples, that closely simulate the ones i have heard and read, out as a teaching to tool for you to better understand the words 'objective and 'constructive. i clearly should have posted actual examples and thought about it but you are not worth the effort anyways for you are never willing to admit fault and let others inpact you in a positive manner.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:

So you can't prove it?  Thank you and good day.

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Sky Dog wrote:

You do realize both of you sound like a bunch of idiots arguing over NOTHING.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

You do realize both of you sound like a bunch of idiots arguing over NOTHING.

I tried to point it out in the post where I made shit up like he did, but he didn't get it.  Think of it as an internet Sinefeld episode.  It can be very entertaining if taken the right way or very annoying if it isn't.

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