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 Rep: 50 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

Gagarin wrote:
JordanRose wrote:

I couldn't disagree more about the TIL lyrics. A cliche isn't a cliche when it's completely and obviously sincere.

I can completely relate to the way Axl has seemingly obsessed over Seymour for so long. I know how it feels to believe more than anything that nobody could mean as much to you as this one person who doesn't feel the same. Some people have endless relationships and get married multiple times, for others, people like Axl and myself, the breakdown of one such relationship.marriage is enough to mess you up bad, but to go through it again has a permanent emotional effect on you; you're never quite the same again.

This I Love isn't like some Tim Rice/Jon Bon Jovi made to order, by the numbers love ballad with cliched, empty platitudes; Axl means every single line in the song with every fibre of his being.

Before I'd heard the song once, when I read the lyrics, I knew it was going to be great because I related intensely to them, the same was I do to Twat, IRS, The Blues and Prostitute.

If you don't get/like it, you have to realise that when he sings 'I'd search the universe and find mysrlf in her eyes', he hasn't just knocked those words off like some session writer making a record for Britney Spears. There are times of emotional extremes when such sentiments are the absolute truth.

Absolutely insightful and true. The composition is simple but it manages to be fresh. Gives voice to why people think it's cliche and why others are really engaging with it.

I think it's curious why he's singing about "if she's near me" and "hears me" - well, she or Dylan is going to hear the song NOW, that's for sure.

Scraped and Better have the lyric rapid-fire we got used to. It seems like his lyric writing has been stripped down. It's obvious the guy was emotionally destroyed as this record was getting started.

 Rep: 20 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

Brett wrote:
Gagarin wrote:

Scraped and Better have the lyric rapid-fire we got used to. It seems like his lyric writing has been stripped down. It's obvious the guy was emotionally destroyed as this record was getting started.

Finally, someone else realizes the lyrics on many songs are incredibly primitive compared to his other work. It seems every second rhyme consists of "you" and "do" or "day" and "away". What saves it? You know he means what he is saying. Like another guy said, it's not just some bullshit.

 Rep: 108 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

war wrote:


 Rep: 50 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

Gagarin wrote:

Unfortunately, IRS on my first listen seems to suffer from the "same vocal placed on new instruments" that the IRS demos did. It just doesn't stand out. I wouldn't care if it's old or not - it just doesn't sound mixed right to me right now. IRS is one of my favorite songs... ever.

New drum fill - new high-wah wah sounding guitar on the left channel, wished it was up higher, though. It's definately a great idea and I wished that was the 'main part'.

That's the trouble with all the leaks we had - we hear new things and wish they stood out more, or we hear old things and wished they were gone, and we hear a song and it sounds messed up because we're focusing on the new parts and not percieving the same parts correctly. Maybe that's why I'm all amiss about the mix on this song. Lots of new small guitar parts but it mentally bogs down the vocals.

 Rep: 16 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

axlgod wrote:

it's 0454 in the morning (uk), just getting ready for work.
could anyone hook me up? otherwise it's going to be a boring day.

 Rep: 386 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

Bono wrote:

All I'm gonna say is I like it. Honestly I do. It's not mindblowing but I like hearing it as it's ment to be. These songs belong to us. We're the ones who have been listening to them behind closed doors for years so it's like we finally get to share our toys with the world. It's not the best album but it's entertaining and it's different.  As much as I pick it apart it is a breath of fresh air for mainstreme music(yes folks Gn'R is mainstreme haha) If the World is cool I think.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

Smoking Guns wrote:

Sooo, any surprises?  Is Sorry still among the best tunes?

 Rep: 386 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

Bono wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Sooo, any surprises?  Is Sorry still among the best tunes?

Right before the last solo in Better the guitar coming out of the "electro" part was cool. My head snapped up when I heard that.

 Rep: 16 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

axlgod wrote:
axlgod wrote:

it's 0454 in the morning (uk), just getting ready for work.
could anyone hook me up? otherwise it's going to be a boring day.


 Rep: 221 

Re: When will it leak? *It Leaked*

polluxlm wrote:

Anybody still left without a full cake? The baker is open.

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