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Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion


Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think this album is fucking amazing.  I don't think there is a single song I don't like (though If The World is my personal least favorite) and none qualify as filler to me.  I really digg these new songs, and I think Catcher and the Rye is the unknown masterpiece of the album.  I can't wait to have the thing in my hands in a few more weeks.

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Sky Dog wrote:

I am starting to agree with you except for Shackler's is my least favorite but it isn't bad.

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Sky Dog wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Brett wrote:

I forgot to ask; Any of these songs feature profanities?


I agree with Elmir. This I Love doesn't come close to the old ballads. I can see why people like it, but comparing it to the old classics is a bit much. Like they say though, music is subjective.

James and everyone else, we can argue about individual songs until the cows come home. Everyone has their own favorite and their own personal taste in music. In my opinion, as an album, I think this record is easily as good as either UYI. Is there an Estranged or Civil War on here? Maybe not, but as a record, the album will be solid. It is a very eclectic group of songs held together by the common theme of broken relationships. Critics usually dig albums with "themes". I am pretty damn excited about how these final mixes sound.:rock:

 Rep: 664 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

James wrote:

Oh I agree. Its a solid album through and through. I actually wish Shacklers had been dropped as its definitely a flow killer. Other than that, few complaints regarding the quality of the music. Not gonna judge the album based on these leaks, but we can tell by these previews that the album is indeed very, very good.

 Rep: 268 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Olorin wrote:

I heard a perfect Sorry, I never downloaded it though as it had a virus. Its a great song musically but the bitter lyrics kinda ruin what would be an exceptional song. I really hope madagascar has been reworked to give it that moody vibe.

 Rep: 16 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

axlgod wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I heard a perfect Sorry, I never downloaded it though as it had a virus. Its a great song musically but the bitter lyrics kinda ruin what would be an exceptional song. I really hope madagascar has been reworked to give it that moody vibe.

how did you hear a perfect Sorry - without downloading it?

 Rep: 268 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

Olorin wrote:

There was a stream option. I dont know if that kept me safe, I'm sceptical. But it was probably cleaned up by a fan. I have heard a high quality version but it has all those fruit machine noises, so I guess it wsnt the real deal I heard.

 Rep: 118 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

mickronson wrote:

pass it my way if you like.. virus wont affect me

 Rep: 10 

Re: (OLD NEWS!)The Limewire Leaks Discussion

JIP wrote:

i'm a i can deal with some viruses...

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