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 Rep: 268 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

Olorin wrote:

If they can find someone to transcribe all of Josh Freese's drum patterns for Brain, surely they could find someone to type up some song lyrics and proof read them and proof read them again and again and again... before making millions of copies to send around the world for people to purchase.

This is not some garage band thats knocked up a cd overnight and threw together a booklet with what little resources they could manage.

Some booklets have a misspelled word or two, occasionaly there might even be a line missing. This is a whole different kettle of fish though. I'm very disapointed.

There seems to be a "you got the fuckin album so stop your fuckin whinging bitches" attitude from a lot of people.
I dont understand that, because I bought the album after all, it wasnt a gift.

Its a bit far fetched but if GNR were to hold there hands up and say, "there has been a mix up apologies etc." then that would be a nice gesture.
They way the topic keeps getting deleted at HTGTH is not promising.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

Furbush wrote:

i'm not sure if it's been mentioned previously, but in the recording credits, they refer to "Sorry" as "Sorry for You".....

 Rep: 268 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

Olorin wrote:

Yeah I seen that as well, wonder if that was a working title?

Didnt Beta say before last Christmas "the recordings done, eveyone knows that"? So what the hell were they doing all year?

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

Neemo wrote:

ok i've gone through all the lyrics and there are a few typos i didnt bother listing, so if anyone else wants to take a stab at it, list them in this thread and i'll update the first post smile

 Rep: 30 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

jimmythegent wrote:

It just absolutley beggars belief. Lends creedance to any theories of this being forced out legally by the label somehow? Surely that would be a matter of public record though?

I know others feel the production is amateurish (I don't for the most part), but this is just absurd. You would think with an album of this magnitude, no stone would have been left un turned in regards to the presentation of it. I would have prefered no lyrics than this - a plain black insert with no photos and just the song names. That would have been 10X more effective than this garbage.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

faldor wrote:

gnrsource has the final verse in Chinese Democracy as

You think you got it all locked up inside
And if you beat them enough, they'll die
It's like a walk in the park from a cell
And now you're keeping your own kind in hell
When you pray for us, blame yourself
While their arms reach up for your help
And you're out of time

I've always thought it was, "when the great wall rots" but they're rolling with "when you pray for us"

 Rep: 475 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

misterID wrote:

My posts in jarmo's "errors in Slash's book" thread is what got me banned at HTGTH. 16

I keep wondering if Beta and Fernando did the booklet themselves. And you know what, I wouldn't be surprised if that's where the sensitivity is coming from.

The picture in my head of them sitting at their computer reading our comments is PRICELESS.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

Neemo wrote:

at the the start of catcher does he say "If they thought that i was COZY well i guess i'd have more fun"?

and faldor at the end of CD ithink its slightly different than i have posted, but instead of

"And if your Great Wall rots blame yourself" or "When you pray for us, blame yourself"

now I'm hearing

"When your brain will rot by yourself"

fuck i dunno 17

 Rep: 12 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

huntermc wrote:
faldor wrote:

gnrsource has the final verse in Chinese Democracy as

You think you got it all locked up inside
And if you beat them enough, they'll die
It's like a walk in the park from a cell
And now you're keeping your own kind in hell
When you pray for us, blame yourself
While their arms reach up for your help
And you're out of time

Yeah, I've always heard it as "keeping your own kind in hell"

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lyric discrepancies in the CD booklet

Neemo wrote:

anyone thinkt hat the first time through on catcher he sings

"if they thought that i was COZY [...]" ???

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