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 Rep: 212 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

BLS-Pride wrote:

Until Axl speaks there will be all sorts of theories among the fans. Bringing up Axl's lack of promotion when not needed is not going to change anyone's mind. If Axl cooperated all those things like Letterman could have been a possibility. They got as much as a push as they could have with out showing up. I doubt I would ever see Axl at a wrestling event though. Ozzy yes. Axl Rose no.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

Gunslinger wrote:

Looks like Azoff is doing his part.  Now if Uncle Axl would decide to do a few things.  A video REALLY needs to happen.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

faldor wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

Looks like Azoff is doing his part.  Now if Uncle Axl would decide to do a few things.  A video REALLY needs to happen.

This promotional campaign has certainly been unique.  They've gone in so many different directions.  It's like it's subliminal advertising.  They're hoping to wear down on people.  Maybe it'll work if they keep at it, at least it appears they're continuing to do their part.  As for Axl not doing his part.  I still contend he eventually will.  Why he hasn't to this point is anyone's guess.  The fact is none of us know.  You can speculate all day long that this record was put out against Axl's will.  Axl's not proud of the material.  Axl's retiring.  Axl can only succeed with the top-hatted one.  Those are all fun things to speculate on, but there's no apparent truth to any of them at this time.  His silence could solely be due to the fact that he doesn't want to go full throttle until he has the whole "who's actually in the band?" situation taken care of.  For all the crap he takes and for everyone who calls this version of GNR, "The Axl Rose Band", he very much likes to give credit to the band.  He doesn't want people to view it as a solo act.  So if he were to go out right now with Robin out playing with NIN and apparently not budging from that, he'd ultimately be asked about that.  Maybe he doesn't want to broach that question until he has a replacement lined up.  It took nearly 2 years to replace Bucket and Ron was added to the fold in the weeks leading up to the Hammerstein shows.  So while many of you seem to think Axl is just sitting back in his mansion twiddling his thumbs and counting his money, it's entirely possible he's actually actively searching to round out the bands lineup, ONCE AGAIN.  And once that's taken care of, then it's full speed ahead.

I know many of you will view this as far fetched, but from where I'm sitting all the other conspiracy theories I've read on here aren't any more likely.

 Rep: 107 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

Furbush wrote:

this'll all sort itself out soon enough....  but somewhere in malibu uncle axl is trying to think of something huge...
and while he's thinking about it.... the perfect time for it will have already passed....
sounds like a tune we've all heard before

 Rep: 768 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

Axlin16 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Yeah, the songs being played at sporting events is definitely a pretty big push. No one can say this album is getting no promotion because millions are hearing this on NFL broadcasts now. Its just not connecting with anyone.

I think a lot of the frustration centers on the "monumental promotion" and "this is just the beginning" comments from Azoff and Gould. For a brief moment people got excited at the aspects of something really happening. However, credit should be given to those two simply because the album was released on their watch. If this was still the Merck era, we'd have no album while he twiddled his thumbs sending emails to madison and davegnr2k.

I never understood that guy's thinking. GN'R Evo is different because it's a place that prides itself on basically being free, and not censored, even if it's the GN'R camp.

I understand the theory of connecting with the internet fanbase, but the way to do that, is through the official website. Make news announcements, or even put up a blog, that's written by Axl himself. That's how you connect with the fans on the internet.

Not through fucking internet forums. We sit around and joke around about "the nazis", but the sad part of it all is... it's really true. Sad, pathetic people of the big boards, typically are there exerting power trips. Now that might sound like sour grapes, but it's not really about that. It's about dealing with delusional people, who are trying to be legends in their own minds.

If I get an e-mail returned from say... Ron Thal... I describe that as - "Ron e-mailed me, and responded to blah blah blah".

The people here describe it that way.

But the others describe it as "my personal contact within the band, privately disclosed to me that things are happening. GN'R should be touring in 2009"

That's the sign of someone making something out to be something it's not. They are intentionally trying to sound like they are some sort of fucking band insider, intentionally to sniff their own farts.

Jarmo does that shit on a daily basis, and Madison used to do that stuff ALL the time with Merck.

And the fuckin' guy kept feeding the illusion, by continuing that kind of contact.

This kind of stuff is NOT helpful. It'd be like taking a bum off the street and saying "hey, do you want to be an official spokesman for GN'R?" It'd be ridiculous to do that. So why do you do that with forum admin's & Mod's?

It was a ridiculous plan on Merck's part that continued to backfire on a daily basis. It's the reason HTGTH is a shit hole, and the reason the internet fanbase's connection with GN'R is greatly fractured, and alot of hate stands, that has cost GN'R sales imo, and will cost them concert tix in the future, as it already begun in 2006-07.

Thanking Jarmo & Eric in the CD liner notes, was another further BAD move, continuing to feed that illusion.

It's fucking sad for anyone to get GN'R news, they've got to go through some forum admin. REAL sad.

If anyone wants to know why GN'R has become a joke within the FANBASE... read my post. And re-read it again.

They've got to cut this middle man bullshit out. I want to talk to Axl. AXL. He's just a guy. I don't want to talk to fucking Jarmo, or Madison, or Eric or Mysteron or Fernando or Beta or Del James.... AXL. And until they're ready to do that, all of the others can BUG OFF.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

polluxlm wrote:

Alex Jones just played CD on his show. How's that for promotion?:haha:

 Rep: 194 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

tejastech08 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Alex Jones just played CD on his show. How's that for promotion?:haha:


 Rep: 217 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

Mikkamakka wrote:
faldor wrote:

His silence could solely be due to the fact that he doesn't want to go full throttle until he has the whole "who's actually in the band?" situation taken care of.  For all the crap he takes and for everyone who calls this version of GNR, "The Axl Rose Band", he very much likes to give credit to the band.  He doesn't want people to view it as a solo act.  So if he were to go out right now with Robin out playing with NIN and apparently not budging from that, he'd ultimately be asked about that.  Maybe he doesn't want to broach that question until he has a replacement lined up.  It took nearly 2 years to replace Bucket and Ron was added to the fold in the weeks leading up to the Hammerstein shows.  So while many of you seem to think Axl is just sitting back in his mansion twiddling his thumbs and counting his money, it's entirely possible he's actually actively searching to round out the bands lineup, ONCE AGAIN.  And once that's taken care of, then it's full speed ahead.

No offense, but I think your theory is thin. We all know that interviewers had to sign a paper about what cannot be asked. He can go the same route again. On the other hand, 2 guitarists are pretty much enough, so if he gets the 'who's in the band right now?' question he can tell the name of his 6 players. He can add that 'we're looking for a guitarist for the third spot, though' comment. I can't bleive he'd fuck up his album promotion just because he doesn't wanna say he's looking for another guitarist or unsure about Robin's future commitment. Throw away the work of a decade, just for Robin Finck's absence?

 Rep: 194 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

metallex78 wrote:

Better has been played pretty much every night this week when I've been listening to Triple M here in Sydney, Australia. The DJ even made a crack about Axl being MIA in regards to promoting the album, and was wondering if he had actually been found yet.

R.B. Huckleberry
 Rep: 2 

Re: Better Official Single 12/02/08

I'm hearing Better every day on WAAF in the afternoon (the Mistress Carrie Show),

Maybe it's a viral campaign? 'Cuz my head & stomach are starting to hurt...

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