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 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

misterID wrote:

That's another thing that gets me. Why bring RJ up? What's the point. WHo was even asking about him? I might be wrong but it seems that the whole point of the so called "interview" was meant to stab former members, friends and fans that don't suck ass... the Axlites.

I don't post or lurk on MyGNR, but that seems to be the place Axl and his minions prefer; is there a lot of hater-slashphiles there that would have set him off or shaped his view of his fans?

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Olorin wrote:

50/50 I'd say, but there are so few people who use GN'R forums these days that it seems worse. I think if it came down to it, mygnr probably has the most users and highest traffic so thats why some of his minions pop up there. If HTGTH had more people using it I'd bet they would only use that site since Axl has it wrapped around his finger.

From outbursts on stage about people complaining about set lists and start times, to his digs in interviews directed at the forums, its a sad state of affairs that these small things can weigh on his mind so much. He must spend more time monitering the boards than anyone previously suspected. These forums are bad for your health hmm

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Aussie wrote:

Yeah that really surprised me, I mean nobody knew much about the Robert John shit, so why throw that out into the open???

He said Merck took forever to pay him and so he sued Axl even though Axl didn't know anything about it.  Surely RJ being mates with Axl from way back would have tried to contact him to talk about it before it apparently blew up and got so outta hand???  Maybe he couldn't get through to talk to Axl:

Anyone whose opinions I trust seems to thinks he lost his mind, lives in a fantasy world and knows everything.

Why wouldn't Axl have seen him to form this opinion himself, since I thought they were really good friends?  It sounds like he was on the outer and that their relationship fractured before the suing incident took place hmm

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Olorin wrote:

So there could be people who's opinions Axl doesnt trust, who think RJ hasnt lost his mind, lives in the real word and doesnt know anything?

This could be another example of people not being able to reach Axl and having to go through other people.
Its weird. I wouldnt be suprised he gets sued so often because people feel like they are being ignored and they feel they have to start legal action or be ignored forever.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Aussie wrote:

That whole last paragraph of that interview doesn't make sense:

I called Robert out of the blue back when, because I felt I knew something was wrong. Finally, he says he was gonna kill himself. I put up about 60-something-K on the mortgage, got a couple payments, but that wasn't where the trouble started. It was that the bank was foreclosing on that money, so he was pissed at our accountant, who kept on him trying to sort out what we should do and Robert avoiding him -- who was the others' accountant as well.

What???  So Axl's accountant was also the banks accountant???

I only learned of any of this near the end. He and Robert knew each other for years.

Who knew each other for yeas?  Did Robert and the accountant know each other for years???

He's one of the guys who allegedly saw Slash with his guitar in Vegas. And it seems genuine because he didn't know anything was going on. He's like, "Why was Slash there with his guitar?" And the Hard Rock people -- what did they have to lie about? They deal with all the bands ... enemies, whatever, so it's just business. As far as I know, we're all good with that.

Who saw Slash with his guitar in Vegas?  Robert or the accountant?  If it was Robert why would he believe someone that had "lost his mind and didn't live in the real world and doesn't know anything"???  Or did this incident take place before they had a falling out?

I'm lost hmm

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

buzzsaw wrote:

If you're lost, then you'll fit right in.  Axl is purposely vague.  That wasn't an interview - everything was very calculated.  He knows exactly what he said.  The problem is that nobody else does.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Mikkamakka wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

If you're lost, then you'll fit right in.  Axl is purposely vague.  That wasn't an interview - everything was very calculated.  He knows exactly what he said.  The problem is that nobody else does.

And nobody really cares.

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

Sky Dog wrote:

Axl is a pretty intelligent guy who unfortunately had little quality education. You can see this in his answers and his use of certain words inappropriately....his grammar leaves a lot to be desired. The run on sentences and rambling pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo just masks his rather pedestrian writing skills.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose Insists Original Guns N' Roses Lineup Is Dead and Buried

RussTCB wrote:


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