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 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:
jorge76 wrote:
faldor wrote:

And I wasn't aware you could pinpoint every crossover pop single there ever was.  There are none on CD, thanks for letting me know.  How come you didn't tell Kid Rock that "All Summer Long" was a surefire hit when his album came out?  Alright, maybe that's harsh.  To put it more mildly, why didn't Kid Rock realize it would be a smash hit and release it right away?  Surely he should be a pretty good judge of what could hit and what would miss?

I believe the story with "All Sumer Long" was that the record label wanted to release it as a single when the album first came out, but were talked into waiting until summer came, because Kid Rock thought it would blow up during the summer.   Which it did.

Do you think there is a crossover single on CD? 

All Summer Long was played on Rock, Pop, and Country stations.  No way in hell there is anything on CD that could do that.  Not even just Rock and Pop.  Based on how the first two did, maybe not even Rock.

Again, I like the album, but the thought that is has a crossover hit on it is laughable.

I always thought "Street Of Dreams" had crossover potential when I first heard it in 2001.  But now it's 8 years later, so who knows.  That would probably be my choice.  Any of the ballads really, "This I Love", "Catcher In The Rye", "If The World".  Are any of them surefire hits?  No chance in hell if there's no push by the band and/or record company.  If there is though, anything is possible.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Axlin16 wrote:
Olorin wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
faldor wrote:

That's utterly laughable comparing Axl Rose to 2 guys 99% of the entire world has never heard of.

Sorry, I'm still laughing.

Wait, what's your point.

I'm sorry, still laughing.


Wait seriously, you're comparing Axl Rose to the lead singer of White Lion and Faster Pussycat, please tell me you were joking.  If you're serious don't bother responding because it's not worth discussing.  Just quit right now or make pretend like you were just joking.  You'll be doing yourself a huge favor.

When you say the word "Axl Rose" to most people... they think of Bret Michaels.

Oh snap. 13

Say Bret Michaels to someone outside America, and they say "who?"

Say Axl Rose, and they say "Guns N'Roses."

And maybe it's just that. It's an America thing. I totally believe Axl's legend status internationally.

But in the states, like I said, most people confuse him at this point. That's how irrelavant he's become.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

The wait, buzzsaw, the wait.  Obviously people knew about the album for quite some time.  If you told me you had a secret to tell me that would change my life I'd be very intrigued.  But if you held onto that secret for YEARS I may eventually throw in the towel and 10 years later I may have lost total interest.  So it might take some time to win back some fans that gave up.  It might not happen, but it's worth a shot.

And I wasn't aware you could pinpoint every crossover pop single there ever was.  There are none on CD, thanks for letting me know.  How come you didn't tell Kid Rock that "All Summer Long" was a surefire hit when his album came out?  Alright, maybe that's harsh.  To put it more mildly, why didn't Kid Rock realize it would be a smash hit and release it right away?  Surely he should be a pretty good judge of what could hit and what would miss?

The wait is just an excuse used by people in denial. Did it have a little impact on the sales?  Sure, some.  I ask again (since nobody wants to answer this question) how many albums sold in week 1? How many in the first month?  How many in all of 2009?  The album sold initially.  People were aware of it, between downloads and people that had bought it playing it for them a lot of people had heard it by week 2 or 3.  So what happened?  Again, keep in mind all promotion does is make people aware of the album.  People were aware of it, so why (other than they just didn't like it) did it fail after a couple weeks?

This isn't a Kid Rock board.  I didn't even bring him up, I was just addressing the rediculous point someone was trying to make using Kid Rock.  Kid Rock is no stranger to crossover hits.  He knows how to do it.  If I had the album (which I don't) and I was at a Kid Rock board, then yes, I could have easily told you he had a crossover hit.  It's a summer song released at the right time with a classic hook musically and catchy lyrics that people can relate to remembering their past summers.  Predicting success isn't rocket science for the most part.  That's what made CDs lack of success so predictable.

Buzz, we all know the album sold a majority of its copies in week 1 and steadily declined from there on out.  Pardon the pun, but the buzz quickly died down when there was no promotional efforts made.  It's plain and simple.  I'm not making any of this stuff up.  IF Axl and the band hit the promotional trail full force and things went down the way they did then you'd be absolutely correct.  But that hasn't happen, and who knows if it ever will.

People were aware of the album, sure.  At some point over the last 9 years people may have heard of the Chinese Democracy saga but they didn't care to follow it as closely as "us".  They knew about the album coming out, there WAS a fair amount of promotion leading up to the release but you have to admit there wasn't any of the traditional methods used.  No appearances or interviews by the band.  That's pretty much par for the course for any release and  certainly helps with the awareness.  People may have known the album was out but aside from a few 30 second spots that aired during SNL one night they weren't given much of a reminder.  If they didn't frequent a Best Buy they'd never have the option of purchasing it.  Just because people may know something's coming out doesn't mean the work is finished.  We've clearly seen what happens when such little effort is put into a record release

 Rep: 475 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

misterID wrote:

Faldor... Don't feed the troll.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

DCK wrote:

And maybe it's just that. It's an America thing.

I guess it is.

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Sky Dog wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
Olorin wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

When you say the word "Axl Rose" to most people... they think of Bret Michaels.

Oh snap. 13

Say Bret Michaels to someone outside America, and they say "who?"

Say Axl Rose, and they say "Guns N'Roses."

And maybe it's just that. It's an America thing. I totally believe Axl's legend status internationally.

But in the states, like I said, most people confuse him at this point. That's how irrelavant he's become.

That is complete bullshit.....I say that respectfully.:haha:

 Rep: 768 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Axlin16 wrote:

Well I respectfully disagree. In the states, the man is not considered a 'legend' imo. We have a habit of respecting cats like Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley, and throwing Axl to the wayside. jmo 16

misterID wrote:

Faldor... Don't feed the troll.

He's not a troll just because he has a different opinion.

 Rep: 118 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

mickronson wrote:

No one is listening... I dont think anyway
thats how it feels to be a "gnr" fan anyhow

 Rep: 664 

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

James wrote:

Axl isn't Mike Tramp here. I could walk into any club, bar, store, theater,etc. and yell "Axl Rose!!!!". They'll all think I'm insane, but they'll know EXACTLY who I'm talking about. Yell Mike or Taime's name, and no one knows or gives a flying fuck.

Axl is in the elite group of people such as Jordan, Ali,etc. where he is known just from his voice and of course his face. When he resurfaced at that party in early 06, the news was everywhere.

Just because civilization isn't rocking out to Chinese Democracy doesn't put him on the level of those guys.

If you had to compare Axl to any of those 80s stars, should have compared him to Vito Bratta. Even then, the only valid comparison is how Vito was very talented and just walked away from it all.

Re: Please Play TWAT more when a tour happens

Sky Dog wrote:

Don't know who Vito Bratta is but everything else I agree with. Axl is still huge in pop culture in least the America I live in. Now, Chinese Democracy was not. For good and bad, Axl still gets a ton of press in the US when he actually even still steps out of the house. One thing I will agree with Buzz on is the public simply did not buy Gnr without Slash. Everybody knew it wasn't the real Gnr in 2002. However, Axl is still a huge rock and roll icon simply for the 87-91 years. To compare him to ANY of the other knock off cock rockers from the 80's is silly and down right ignorant. Axl has sold 100 million records, those guys don't top 5 million on a good day.

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