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 Rep: 633 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:
faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:

If I'm DJ Ashba, so far I've gotta feel dumb for not just going on tour with Sixx:AM on CrueFest.

The lineup for CrueFest was announced well before the annoucement of DJ's addition to GNR, and SixxAM wasn't on there.  So I'm not sure the 2 go hand in hand.

I would agree though that DJ must see the potential in joining GNR over staying with SixxAM, hopefully we all get to see that come to life soon.

The CrueFest announcement was made only about a week before GNR's announcement. I'm reasonably sure they knew DJ was going to join GNR and that's why Sixx was left off CrueFest.

Obviously just my guess/opinion

Really?  I thought there was a larger gap.  If it was that close, then I'm sure they knew something.  I remember it being more time in between though.  I could be wrong.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Mikkamakka wrote:
NY Giants82 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Back on topic: is anyone who is still interested in the Axl Rose/GN'R saga? It's so boring that doesn't even worth speculation.

I very much am. If its not worth speculating on, why even bother coming to the GNR section of this site? roll

As you might have realized, I didn't post here too much in the last couple of months. In the past I enjoyed speculating what would or would not happen, but now... it's so predictable. Nothing will happen and when Axl finally does something, he won't be satisfied with it and will blame somebody else. That's it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Axlin16 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Neemo wrote:

there are a few crazy rumors floating around about the status of gnr at the moment...

I think GnR is the same as they were in the 2004-2005 era. Just not really there. I'd imagine Tommy, Richard are probably tired of it. That or they're just used to it. I wonder if they're still under contract, or if it expired after the albums release.

Who knows.. but yeah, GnR definitely is on hiatus for the near future. Don't plan on seeing them at all anytime soon.

Most accurate, spot on post in the entire thread.

Wholeheartedly agree. It's dead.

I really think the whole damn thing is, and have for the longest time. I think the addition of DJ Ashba, for what it seemingly no good reason, just makes it even more bizarre. All I can guess, is he hasn't worked out the way they thought, and the brakes were slammed on the whole thing.

Another long shot, by infinity, could be the possibility that 'business' is blacklisting this GN'R, and demanding reunion, after the bomb of CD.

I think alot of Europeans, who apparently still really dig Axl Rose over there, misunderstand the severity of Axl's situation in the states. People are DONE WITH HIM AND THIS WHOLE BULLSHIT WITH NEW GUNS. They're DONE!

People seriously underestimate how much 'power' & 'sway' he's lost in this business with the bombing of that album. The powers that be, are WILLING to pass on this GN'R. They are no longer something that just HAS to be apart of someone's fold, because it doesn't mean much anymore, because it's not really GN'R.

I've said from day one Azoff only got into bed with Axl to try and put the Guns N' Roses brand name in his back pocket for a rainy day, with the hope one day, he'd be able to coherce a reunion out of Axl. Irving Azoff doesn't need Chinese fuckin' Democracy, never did.

Another theory could be that, and this would tie into Andy Gould dodging that question of "working with Axl" back when, is that what Andy Gould knows and Irving Azoff too, is that they never have worked with Axl, other than getting the album out, and nothing more. Like in baseball with relief pitchers, that the team of Azoff/Gould were brought in in a "mop up" role with this album, after Axl let the score spiral into a 13-0 deficit, and they're just there to get the game finished (CD released). And their involvement ended there. Could be very possible imo.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

misterID wrote:

You say that every 4-6 months. And as usual, the rant is fabulous! 16

 Rep: 5 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Paxcow wrote:

you people are all ASSHOLES! delete my membership if you want! i don't care!!!! FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Stop trolling.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

Aussie wrote:

Nice language and way to abuse posters Paxcow.

So I take it you believe that all is well in the Guns camp?

 Rep: 57 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

supaplex wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I think alot of Europeans, who apparently still really dig Axl Rose over there, misunderstand the severity of Axl's situation in the states. People are DONE WITH HIM AND THIS WHOLE BULLSHIT WITH NEW GUNS. They're DONE!

if nobody cares about him in the states doesn't mean he's finished. he can still make money outside the states if he really wants to. but the more he waits the harder it will get.

and they are doing now what they've been doing for the last 10 years. nothing has changed

 Rep: 664 

Re: Eddie Trunk: What's Up With Guns N Roses?

James wrote:
Paxcow wrote:

you people are all ASSHOLES! delete my membership if you want! i don't care!!!! FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

Wish granted. Well, a partial wish. Not sure how your deleted account would affect posts of yours quoted by others. I'll throw you into the dipshit troll category reserved for captain winkler so you're basically just a guest even if you happen to log in.

In other words, don't bother logging in.

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