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NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

I, too, think about the whole 'can he stay healthy' argument. He will be 40 this year, coming off surgery, and has a slight tear in his rotator cuff. But then I think, the guy hasnt missed a game since 1992... 199 fucking 2!!

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

He should've missed the last 6 games or whatever last year.  He sucked down the stretch, as did the Jets.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say the injury caused his play to go downhill severely.  Fact is, the guy has tapered off down the stretch the last 5 years or so.  That ironman mystique may be catching up to him.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

war wrote:
faldor wrote:

he's prone to make some huge mistakes.  In a ball control offense it might not be the best option to have a gunslinger at the helm.

making mistakes has been a big part of his game from day one. that's the type of qb he is. it's been a ball control kind of offense in minnesota cause they've never had a qb that they can open up the play book with. the only concern i see as legit, regarding favre's style, is him butting heads with the head coach but i think the coach knows he's gonna have to loosen up now that he has decent qb and his job is on the line.

faldor wrote:

Brett Favre is one of the MOST OVERRATED athletes in sports over the last 10 years. He was good in his day, but he is far removed from that.  You can think back fondly of him throwing darts to Antonio Freeman and Robert Brooks but those days are long gone.

yes, they are. he's on the vikings now. favre is no more overrated than any other packer to play the game. those people are not football fans - just packers fans and they worship their team and it's players to the point of insanity.

faldor wrote:

I understand getting excited as a Viking fan, but take it from an outsiders point of view.

i wouldn't be excited if i didn't think it was a good thing. you act as if i only like him because he's a viking. i liked him before he signed and wanted him in minnesota before he signed.

faldor wrote:

The rest of the NFL could care less if it's Favre or Rosenfels.

the rest of the nfl doesn't care if it's favre or rosenfels??? the vikings have been thrusted into the contender mix by countless nfl experts. several coaches have chimed in calling this a game changer. hell, the packers did everything in their power to avoid trading him to minnesota last year for a reason.

faldor wrote:

Brett will surely give the defense 5 or 6 chances a game to make a big play.  It's just a question of whether they can capitalize on those chances.

that's 5 or 6 more chances than they had before they signed him and it's all they need.

faldor wrote:

Also, who's to say the guy can stay healthy?  He played well last season until he got hurt.  He had surgery in the off-season.  I wouldn't bet on him staying healthy all season long.

who's to say tarvaris jackson or sage rosenfels can stay healthy? i wouldn't bet much on any of them and if i had to pick i'd actually pick favre. both sage and tjack have already had injuries in the preseason and trianing camp. last year was the same way with their top two qb's.

the vikings and nfl doctors both think the bicep that they repaired is good to go and that the rotator cuff tear that he's had since he was in green bay will cause him discomfort but should be ok if he keeps the number of throws down from last year.

these people know more about his arm and durability than you and i. and the vikings know more about favre's current abilities than you and i and they're willing to take the risk.

ofcourse there is a chance he'll get hurt. but that's a part of the game. if he gets hurt plan b is rosenfels and you've given one of the game's most talented players a shot to bring the team to the super bowl and ended up with what you already had, in sage.

without favre, an injury at the quartberack position means plan b, which is tavaris jackson!!! he's terrible.

they've bought themselves a chance at greatness with favre and can go back to rosenfels any time they want while developing their drafted qb.

they will run on almost every first and second down and wait for the defense to cheat and favre will burn them when they do, all while avoiding too much wear on his arm.

 Rep: 67 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Tommie wrote:

I know its only preseason, and these games don't really matter.  But it would be nice to win one here eventually.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
CrashDiet wrote:

I know its only preseason, and these games don't really matter.  But it would be nice to win one here eventually.

It's gonna be a long season imho. Even before last weeks game, I predicted 9-7, miss the playoffs. The defense & OL is gonna fall apart.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

Minnesota was a contender without Favre.  He didn't exactly vault them into that status.  They were a popular Super Bowl pick last year because of that defense and running game.  I'll give you Tarvaris Jackson is awful, but I would've liked to have seen what Rosenfels could've done.  I know Vikings fans were excited at the thought of getting Favre ever since he was shown the door in Green Bay.  He was coming off a solid season.  He got off to a good start last year, then it ended miserably.  You're looking at the positives, which are good.  But let's not forget how bad he was down the stretch last season.  He had off season shoulder surgery.  Injuries are a risk with anyone, but I'd have to think even more so for 39 year olds coming off of shoulder surgery. 

It's such a contrast in how ESPN (the Brett Favre network) views this situation and the local sports media markets.  I'm not siding with ESPN on this one.  He's not as good as they want you to believe.  I won't go as far as some of the comments I've heard from football analysts outside of ESPN.  They pretty much think he sucks and Rosenfels is better.  I still think he's an average quarterback.  I wouldn't put him in the "sucks" category.  But I'm not convinced he's much better than Sage.  That is all.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Neemo wrote:

his rotator cuff is still fucked as well is it not?

yeah he's the alltime TD leader, but he's also altime INT leader too...and he makes bad judgement calls....will his ego allow himself to deal with a run heavy offense? or will he demand a change to the program

 Rep: 67 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Tommie wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
CrashDiet wrote:

I know its only preseason, and these games don't really matter.  But it would be nice to win one here eventually.

It's gonna be a long season imho. Even before last weeks game, I predicted 9-7, miss the playoffs. The defense & OL is gonna fall apart.

I hope your wrong, but I have a a feeling your right.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:
Neemo wrote:

his rotator cuff is still fucked as well is it not?

yeah he's the alltime TD leader, but he's also altime INT leader too...and he makes bad judgement calls....will his ego allow himself to deal with a run heavy offense? or will he demand a change to the program

He actually made the Jets, Thomas Jones, and the rest of their running game a lot better last year.  I can't deny that.  But he broke down at the end of the year, and his play has fallen off down the stretch the last 5 years or so.  Not so sure we can just all of a sudden expect that to change now that he's 39 years old.

 Rep: 108 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

war wrote:
Neemo wrote:

his rotator cuff is still fucked as well is it not?

yes, since he played with green bay

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