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 Rep: 59 

Re: Lost: the final chapter

jorge76 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

^ The whole season disinterested me to be honest. When I saw the season premiere, and it introduced new characters & plotlines,  I knew it'd go badly. Just my humble opinion.

Yeah, I could see that.  I dug it myself, but I get what you're saying.

I said after the 1st couple seasons of Lost that I thought it reminded me of The Sopranos.  My biggest bitch (and one of my only) about Sopranos was that they had a main core of really interesting characters and concepts, but insisted on adding to that instead of flushing out all the stories from what was already there.  Lost did that same thing.

I'd rather have found out how the guy who we first saw with a fake beard (Tom?) ended up on the island as part of "The Others" than a lot of stories that were told after him.

The creators claim they knew how they wanted to end it since the beginning.  I'm not sure how much I buy that, but that's what they said.

Part of me wonders if they sort of rushed through some things in case they ended up losing people's interest and getting cancelled before they got a chance to do their big mystical ending.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Lost: the final chapter

Neemo wrote:

on one hand i liked it , on the other i felt that they rushed the end of the story, some of it was pretty cheesy just to be nostalgic about character traits or whatever..and the jack vs locke fight was kinda gay...anyway one thing is for sure....the Dharma Initiative makes pretty fuckign good beer


 Rep: 205 

Re: Lost: the final chapter

PaSnow wrote:

One thing I'm starting to really think is that it was supposed to be Jack vs Sawyer the last 2 seasons, but (imho not sure you guys agree) but it was just determined the guy who plays Sawyer isn't a very good actor, and can't carry the main drama storyline, so they wrote him out a bit & wrote Locke into the villian.

Remember a few seasons ago on the beach when they had guns Jack didn't want to use them, but Sawyer did (I think it was right when they met The Others, or right before). They clashed & the Island formed into 2 sides. I remember thinking cool show, I like Sawyer, but man he's a bad actor. Then the next season he was kindof downplayed & Locke was written in more to the storyline.

Just a thought.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Lost: the final chapter

Aussie wrote:

That's a great pic Neemo - love those Dharma labels on the beer!!!

I'm undecided on the final episode, I wish the writers would tell us a tiny bit more.  From what I read and from obviously my own opinion there are a few schools of thought.

One is that that what happened on the island is real and the flash sideways is a pergatory type place.  I could believe that but why is the island such a magic place if it's in the real world.

Others say that when the plane crashed they all died and what happened on the island is kind of like purgatory and the flash sideways is an alternate reality.

I've seen good arguments for and against the 2 above scenarios.  I also don't buy what the directors say about knowing exactly how the show was going to end right from the start.  Unless them saying they knew it would finish with Jack's eye closing was what they meant and they were happy for everybody to think it meant they knew exactly how the plot would end.  I say this because they seem to have changed up the story over time, not to confuse but rather you get the feeling that they were changing their mind.  I mean one of the directors said after about the very first episode that they weren't in pergatory.

PA Snow re your point, since I think the writers did change their mind on the hop quite a few times I wouldn't be surprised at all if what you say was accurate.

There are the the definite themes in there about choosing good vs evil, redemption, atoning for your past etc, all of which would presumably help them move on to the next life.  But it would be nice for it to be a bit clearer as to which world/reality was what.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Lost: the final chapter

jorge76 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

One thing I'm starting to really think is that it was supposed to be Jack vs Sawyer the last 2 seasons, but (imho not sure you guys agree) but it was just determined the guy who plays Sawyer isn't a very good actor, and can't carry the main drama storyline, so they wrote him out a bit & wrote Locke into the villian.

I actually thought earlier this season they were setting it up for Sawyer to become the new Man In Black, and Jack to become the new Jacob.  Just based off the way Jack had wanted to get back to the island once off and the way Sawyer was looking to do anything to get off of it, just like the Locke/Man in Black.

Aussie wrote:

One is that that what happened on the island is real and the flash sideways is a pergatory type place.  I could believe that but why is the island such a magic place if it's in the real world.

Well, according to what Michael said when Hurley saw him toward the end, the island was purgatory for you if you fucked up...  Then the flash sideways ended up being kind of purgatory too...

so...  I don't know?

Neemo wrote:

.anyway one thing is for sure....the Dharma Initiative makes pretty fuckign good beer


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