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 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

I wonder what I saw when I saw the trailer for it in 3D before Warth of the Titans. I thought the Hobbit trailer looked incredible and to be honest was the best 3D I had seen to date.

It would have been 24 fps 3D since movie theaters across the country aren't even capable of handling 48 fps right now. Jackson's 10 minute presentation at Cinema Con was an attempt to convince theater owners in attendance to upgrade their equipment so they can show the film in 48 fps (both 2D and 3D at that framerate). Problem is it sorta backfired. Not only is the higher fps effect very jarring to many people, they were showing unfinished footage with green screen backgrounds. That likely made the "soap opera effect" even worse.

Who knows how it'll turn out at the end of the day. I do know this however. I much prefer the IMAX footage in TDK and M:I4 to any 3D I've ever seen. IMAX footage on a real IMAX screen (not bullshit LieMAX) makes you feel like you're in the movie without any soap opera effect. You don't feel like you're watching actors on a set, you feel like you're in the damn movie with the characters because it's still at 24 fps, it's just that the picture quality is incredibly clear and the screen size is insanely huge. I was squirming the entire time during the Dubai sequence in M:I4. Felt like Tom Cruise's character was going to fall off the tallest building in the world, and I was going to fall with him!

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:

What's interesting to me about higher framerate filmmaking is that the biggest praise for Jackson's 48 fps Cinema Con footage was related to the landscape shots. Apparently they look amazing. It's just that when you use the same technology with actors on sets, suddenly it kills the cinematic effect we're all used to seeing. The future of higher framerates might actually be in documentary filmmaking rather than narrative filmmaking. And it could be an incredible future. If the descriptions of the high framerate landscape shots in Hobbit are true, my mouth waters at the possibilities with BBC documentaries like Planet Earth and Frozen Planet. Those documentaries already look great, but it sounds like high framerates could make them look absolutely jaw-dropping.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

I wonder what I saw when I saw the trailer for it in 3D before Warth of the Titans. I thought the Hobbit trailer looked incredible and to be honest was the best 3D I had seen to date.

It would have been 24 fps 3D since movie theaters across the country aren't even capable of handling 48 fps right now.

I don't know about DVD, but I could swear that Michael Mann's "Collateral", "Miami Vice", and "Public Enemies" were all 60fps HD. Was it just lowered for theaters, but filmed that way? He was really the first to take the leap into it, and it's literally so realistic that it looks like a documentary on Discovery channel. I'm not expert on this stuff.

I think for something that's going for a ultra-cool neo-noir vibe like Collateral or Vice, it's great. But for films that are time pieces or fantasy, not only no, but HELL NO. It totally takes away from it.

Mann took a shitload of criticism for Public Enemies because of this, for the same reasons the look of Collateral and Miami Vice were praised. Despite the weak story that buried an all-star director and cast, many critics and film goers alike buried the film in their mind only 30 minutes in because how in the living hell do you "escape" to the era of John Dillinger and 30's Chicago, when the screen looks like you're actually there so much to a point that it doesn't seem like a movie, but more like a flashback sequence on this week's episode of Highlander: The TV Series.

People were zapped out of the spirit of the film, and there was no getting them back.

Jackson doing this is a gutsy move, that could result in this long-awaited film looking more like an episode of HBO's Game of Thrones or Starz' Spartacus.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

And yes Bono, I was being a smart ass. I told myself off within my own post.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:
Bono wrote:

Apparently Prometheus is getting some early pre release luke warm reviews.

i read a review last night & it really curbed my enthusiasm. it seems the thrills & spills are gone.
i usually try and avoid reviews/hype for fear of spoilers, but Alien is perhaps my all time fave film (i just think it's the perfect 'popcorn' flick - it's entertaining as hell but it has some depth to it to - i fucking love Aliens as well) & i took the plunge & wish i hadn't as it p much told me the entire film & style.

re: Game of Thrones vs The Hobbit
the most recent Game of Thrones evoked the LOTR Battle of Helmsdeep or whatever it's called & it kinda looked really cheesy & cheap in comparison to Jacksons film. i would be surprised if The Hobbits standards slip to GoT level..

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

you're not missing anything.

except of course when fernando uses quotes from the film in his condescending tweets.

9 hours of mind numbing tedium while a host of terrible actors prance around talking stupid crap & elijah wood trys to throw a ring into a fire.

i have no interest in the hobbit.
esp since i cannot stand martin freeman.
tho i don't find him as unlikable as orlando bloom.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
russtcb wrote:
johndivney wrote:

you're not missing anything.

except of course when fernando uses quotes from the film in his condescending tweets.

9 hours of mind numbing tedium while a host of terrible actors prance around talking stupid crap & elijah wood trys to throw a ring into a fire.

i have no interest in the hobbit.
esp since i cannot stand martin freeman.
tho i don't find him as unlikable as orlando bloom.

I've heard a lot of people that share your opinion. More people I know in my personal life dislike the movies greatly than people who like them. I've never been a big fan of "fantasy" movies anyways, outside of watching The Neverending Story when I was a kid.

If you're not a fan of fantasy movies, than no you won't like it. Did you like or watch any of the Harry Potter films? It's along those lines, but far more adult-oriented.

As for LOTR itself, they really all were fantastic films, with Return of the King being the best. I'm not crazy about fantasy films either (took me YEARS to even watch the first Potter film), but LOTR was pretty awesome.

I'm not any kind of fanboy, plus I don't think they are NEAR as good as their fans make out. But then again I never thought the original Star Wars was as good as people make out.

I'll watch The Hobbit, no doubt, but to basically say LOTR is "shit" is a huge miscarriage of justice to those films. They are far better than that, and deserve better than that. They are good, and have lots of very talented actors involved with them, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Viggo Mortensen, Christopher Lee, Ian McKellan...

Back To The Future is still the best trilogy though. With Nolan's Batman and the Dollars Trilogy following behind.


 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
johndivney wrote:

you're not missing anything.

except of course when fernando uses quotes from the film in his condescending tweets.

9 hours of mind numbing tedium while a host of terrible actors prance around talking stupid crap & elijah wood trys to throw a ring into a fire.

i have no interest in the hobbit.
esp since i cannot stand martin freeman.
tho i don't find him as unlikable as orlando bloom.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Although I have heard some people say it is boring but those are always people who have not read the books. I hate being that person who says "oh you need to read the books" BUT with LOTR it does help a huge deal. With LOTR the books were so huge and the scope of the story was massive to see it put onto film in this manner was incredible. The movies are fucking fantastic especially if you've read the books because unliek any other adaptation they brought this inane otherw rold to life to almost perfect results. It is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest adaptation from book to film ever. And as for the acting well in my opinion it was great and each character was cast absolutely perfect. If you don't like character development and you're all about non stop action scenes do not watch LOTR.

russtcb wrote:

I've never seen any of the Potter flicks either but I've heard that comparison made before.

I've tried to watch the Harry Potter movies numerous times and always fall asleep. The just are not good. the common theme with Potter fans is "Oh the books are way better" Sorta like how Twighlight fans justify the Twighlight movies.  The way Jackson translated the LOTR books onto film though is unmatched.  Like Axlin12 said though if you don't like fantasy you won't like the LOTR movies. They really are the epitomy of fantasy.

russtcb wrote:

On a completely different subject, this looks like the WORST thing ever put to film:

You are the second person in 2 days who I've seen say this. I feel kinda weird ebing the guy to defend this movie but clearly you have not seen Twighlight 16  To be fair Rock of Ages does have Alec Baldwin and Russel Brand who  are no doubt good for a few laughs. the girls are hot in this AND I think there will probably be a lot of 80's rock excess jokes that we can all appreciate as well as some over the top "good vs evil" type jokes. Now I'm not saying I'm rushing out to see this BUT if I had a hot date and she wanted to see it I wouldn't put up a "fight to the death"  to avoid it.  Basically what I'm saying is there is way worse shit out there than this cause I can see this actually producing some laughs and the acting ability of the cast is top notch so....

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Agreed! 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
Me_Wise_Magic 91 wrote:

Agreed! 16

With what? 14

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