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A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

^ See the first half of the film is all about the missing patient

Hidden Text:

and then there's more emphasis on his wifes killer in the second half and that he's there to maybe get vengeance but they didn't really emphasise it. Almost felt like a secondary plotline to be honest.

 Rep: 31 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Stacey wrote:

Russ introduced me to LA Confidential last night, I thought it was great. I have Slumdog Millionaire on the DVR at home, going to give that a watch hopefully tomorrow night after work/dinner with my parents.
I really want to see Shutter Island, but other than that most stuff at the movies looks pretty lame. Dear John is still on my list, but my chick-flick pal has already seen it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

Alice in Wonderland. I wasn't overly impressed by it. Visiually it was ok but I didn't like Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter at all and I hated the story which is basicallya sequel to the original. lame. It had none of the wonder of the original  story. Alice went through Wonderland as if nothing suprised her. I'd give it a 5/10 It's definately not a positive "reboot" of a timeless classic.  the sad part now though is an entire new generation of kids will think this is the story of Alice in Wonderland when it's so not.

 Rep: 31 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Stacey wrote:
Bono wrote:

Alice in Wonderland. I wasn't overly impressed by it. Visiually it was ok but I didn't like Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter at all and I hated the story which is basicallya sequel to the original. lame. It had none of the wonder of the original  story. Alice went through Wonderland as if nothing suprised her. I'd give it a 5/10 It's definately not a positive "reboot" of a timeless classic.  the sad part now though is an entire new generation of kids will think this is the story of Alice in Wonderland when it's so not.

Yeah, I hate that it was marketed as Wonderland, when it really is just Alice Through the Looking Glass. I think two separate movies might have been great, or just Through the Looking Glass. The original is timeless.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

Just saw The Crazies. Not bad. I'm not really into horrors usually I find them cheesey and although this one was,  I liked it anyways.  It started off really good and really creepy. However it turned into a typical chase/slasher/zombie type movie but all in all I liked it.

On a  side note tonight was the first time in my life I sat in a  theatre all by myself.  Understand me here. I go to movies by myself a lot sad . haha! Seriously I like going by myself. I've never understood people who are like "Oh I wanted to see that so bad but nobody would go with me" Really like what the fuck? Just go. Anyways I'm getting off track here.......  I've NEVER sat in a theatre all by myself before.  I was the only person there and it was pretty cool.

On another side note I saw a new trailer for Nightmare on Elm Street and I gotta say, although I'm not a Freddy fan I'm going to go see this. It looks good and it looks like they've done away with the lame ass comedy. Looks pretty decent from what I've seen so far.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Alice in Wonderland. I wasn't overly impressed by it. Visiually it was ok but I didn't like Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter at all and I hated the story which is basicallya sequel to the original. lame. It had none of the wonder of the original  story. Alice went through Wonderland as if nothing suprised her. I'd give it a 5/10 It's definately not a positive "reboot" of a timeless classic.  the sad part now though is an entire new generation of kids will think this is the story of Alice in Wonderland when it's so not.

Burton is a shell of his former self. Way too commercialized at this point to be taken seriously anymore.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Harry Brown

Very good movie similar to Gran Turino.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Just saw The Crazies. Not bad. I'm not really into horrors usually I find them cheesey and although this one was,  I liked it anyways.  It started off really good and really creepy. However it turned into a typical chase/slasher/zombie type movie but all in all I liked it.

On a  side note tonight was the first time in my life I sat in a  theatre all by myself.  Understand me here. I go to movies by myself a lot sad . haha! Seriously I like going by myself. I've never understood people who are like "Oh I wanted to see that so bad but nobody would go with me" Really like what the fuck? Just go. Anyways I'm getting off track here.......  I've NEVER sat in a theatre all by myself before.  I was the only person there and it was pretty cool.

On another side note I saw a new trailer for Nightmare on Elm Street and I gotta say, although I'm not a Freddy fan I'm going to go see this. It looks good and it looks like they've done away with the lame ass comedy. Looks pretty decent from what I've seen so far.

I thought in someways that NOES2010 would be a reboot of sorts, like TCM2003 or Halloween 2007, or the part-sequel stylings of F132009.

Instead they seem to be going for a scene-for-scene remake, short of slightly altering Freddy's backstory. Hell, some of the actors actually look like the originals. Katie Cassidy could pass for Amanda Wyss daughter. Same haircut, same look, everything. Not to mention the scares, like the bathtub scene with Nancy, or the bedroom exploding with blood.

I don't know if that's the smartest move to make. Scene-for-scene remakes typically don't work for franchise films, which Bob Shaye obviously wants to pump sequels out for NOES.

The only time I ever saw it work was with Night of the Living Dead 1990, where Tom Savini specifically used the same gags, but altered all of them for different outcomes, which made the film seem familiar, yet fresh.

Maybe they'll do that with NOES2010, I dunno.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

PaSnow wrote:

Sunshine Cleaning. Pretty good movie actually. Reminded a little bit like Little Miss Sunshine or alot of Parker Posey type movies from the late 90's in their style of humor. Pretty obvious it was written by a chick.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Kick Ass - Wasn't sure what to expect with this but it was pretty entertaining. Kind of like Watchmen meets Scary Movie.

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