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 Rep: 50 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Rex wrote:

Someone needs to give me a good tracklisting for a CD or a playlist on my iPod.

Please. big_smile

 Rep: 38 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

dr_love6977 wrote:

Instead of clouding up this thread with tabs, I made a separate thread for my Shackler's tabs.

You can find it here: … 201#p59201

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

If this does turn out to be all Ron I expect an apology from one Mr. Lofton. At the moment I think it's both Bucket and Bumble rocking together, but possibly no Robin which worries me some. If his work on The Blues Better or TWAT is gone I'll be pissed.

 Rep: 664 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

James wrote:
Communist China wrote:

If this does turn out to be all Ron I expect an apology from one Mr. Lofton.

For what? I've given props to all who are on the song. There's some killer guitar work on the song and even though I'm not a Fortus fan, he's likely on this and I give him kudos as well. They are on fire.

but possibly no Robin which worries me some.

Same here, and I have a feeling he isn't on it. I know some are getting a "NIN vibe", but that can be created without him on the song. There's nothing in the song that stands out as Finck.

If his work on The Blues Better or TWAT is gone I'll be pissed.

Same here, but if it gets us closer to the promised land, Finck can exit stage left.

 Rep: 341 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

bigbri wrote:

I'm not familiar enough with Ron's work to say if it is him or not. So I can't help there. All I know is what I've said before: Obviously Bucket influenced, circa early 2000s.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

I get the NIN vibe from the drumming, surprsingly, I can picture Freese kicking the shit out of that pre-chorus in my head, even though I know it's Brain. I don't see how re-recording Finck's parts would bring CD any closer but I agree whatever needs to be done at this point, short of removing Axl.

 Rep: 50 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Rex wrote:

Still waiting on a good tracklist. big_smile

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Theres a tracklisting thread. I'd check there.

 Rep: 50 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

Rex wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Theres a tracklisting thread. I'd check there.

Thanks for making me feel like a douche. 16

 Rep: 0 

Re: "Chicken Dinner" Shackler's Revenge Leak

lucawoo wrote:

The intro, dissonant guitar part sounds like something bucket would come up with, and the funky line played along side it, it is most definitely at least influenced by the work he must have done whilst still with GNR.  However that solo is 100% Ron fretless action, perhaps it is both of them, who knows.  Good track.

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