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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl and the Haunted Piano at Houston » 420 weeks ago

Gagarin wrote:

How does that even happen? Isn't it a keyboard in a baby grand shell?

Good question! Glad to see someone post on the topic in here.

I thought his comment was a riot, and that he handled it well.

I wish people could just enjoy this reunion without looking for problems and issues that aren't there. The boys are all grown up now. They're playing like professionals, and they look like they're all having a great time out there. They gave the fans what was most wanted- a reunion. Why can't we just be happy with this, and stop bringing up crap from the past over and over again. Is it more fun for some to just hate Axl or something? Someone to pick on, pick apart, and kick down?

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » The Feud » 420 weeks ago

James Lofton wrote:

Damn Scarlett. That really sucks. So close......yet so far away. sad

I missed out on the Frisco show due to my health scare. Major bummer. I almost risked it but didn't want to be in the middle of a massive stadium crowd if god forbid I had some emergency.

Everyone who missed them this first go around will god willing have another chance. They will more than likely hit the US again next year. If I'm alive and healthy, definitely not missing that one.

Its great to see you back. 5

Awe, it's great to be back my friend. 5

How are you doing? We need to catch up. Are you ok? I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

God I hope we can see them play in the future together! Both you and I have been like little kids,  wishing and hoping all this time that it would happen. My poor son was so devastated that I couldn't go, and promised me if they came around again, he'd get more tickets. I think you might remember that it was on his birthday, that we saw GNR come on the stage at midnight- he was in awe of it, that he turned 13 while Axl came on stage, a memory he holds close to his heart today. Breaks my heart that I missed the show, keeping fingers crossed we get our chance soon, my friend!

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » The Feud » 420 weeks ago

Smoking Guns wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I agree. Slash wanted GNR back on top and if that meant falling on the sword and taking all the blame so Axl could feel like Slash as in the wrong and he was right so be it. Slash doesn't give a fuck about that. He did what it took to get GNR back to the top. Thing is Slash deserves the 50% more than Axl by far. The ONLY reason this shit is big is because of Slash. Really ironic when you think about it.

When you say "the only reason this shit is big is because of Slash" what do you mean?

If you're saying slash made GNR by himself....I think you're in the minority.

I am saying this tour with no Slash would be a small arena tour at best. Slash brought the crowd.

No my friend. I saw Axl play in arenas, never saw Slash in any around here. I wonder why?

they are playing in big venues because AXL AND SLASH REUNITED. Period.

I love the both of them, and am so happy they have finally reunited.

My son bought tickets for hubby and I and himself as Mother's and Father's Days gifts. Day before the concert at Fox Stadium, I took a bad tumble and broke two toes and had a massive cut from my knee cap to my ankle. I didn't get to see the boys play, it literally broke my heart into a billion pieces. How happy I was when my son gave us the tickets. My dream came true......well, almost. The dream was to see them play together again- they are playing together, and I for one an truly grateful.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Now we're getting Insider GN'R Info from a Senator » 797 weeks ago

Axlin08 wrote:

We'll know if it's true when Axl's housekeeper tells us.

14 What is her name again? Beta?

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread » 824 weeks ago

I haven't heard the album yet and I have to say I'm not surprised by the reports I am reading. Disappointed, yes, but surprised, no.

#6 Re: Management » Why Can't I stay in a forum? » 848 weeks ago

downliner wrote:

I dont understand the problem? When you make a post it automatically redirects you to the post you just entered. Underneath there is a link back to both the forum homepage and the forum you are posting in (in this case, Management).

Someone explain if Im missunderstanding smile

It won't work for me for some reason. Like I said above, every time I post or even read a thread, if I want to go back to that forum to read another thread, I have to click on Index and go back into it just to read another thread.

I'm not a complainer and I've tried everything I can think of before posting the problem here...........

#7 Management » Why Can't I stay in a forum? » 848 weeks ago

Replies: 5

For some reason, after I make a post, I can't go back to the forum it was in. I have to click on "Index" to get back to the main board. I click on "Forums" and the name of the forum at the top, but no dice.

Does this happen to everyone or just me? It's very annoying. 18

#8 Re: The Garden » Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma » 848 weeks ago

DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I hope they don't tag it on someone that really didn't do it for the sake of the county wanting an arrest.  Not saying the man they arrested isn't suspicious.

Agreed. All to often they are desperate to close a case, right or wrong, to quell the public.

Sometimes they even know who did it, but have no evidence against them and can't bring them in for questioning. Such as the case of a former co-worker of mine who was murdered. They tried to pin it on another guy, but he was in jail for drunk driving the night the murder occurred and he didn't even know the girl that was murdered, as he had never worked with her and both were kind of new employess. We had all been questioned about her boyfriend and a couple of his "older biker friends", who no doubt was involved in the murder, but there was no evidence against him, hence, he is still free to this day. The two kids that knew something about the murder- one committed suicide, and the other disappeared never to be heard from again. The case is still open to this day.

#9 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Steven Adler to be on VH1 Celebrity rehab » 848 weeks ago

sic. wrote:
Scarlett wrote:

I was shocked to see Jeff Conaway on there. I had no idea he had any addiction problems.

Last I saw Jeff Conaway (this was the Babylon 5-era), he was a born-again Christian and seemed to lead a reasonably healthy lifestyle.

I agree, that's why I was shocked to see him on there. He seemed content with his life, then bam, he's on this show?! :sick:

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl's "Tirade" in Rolling Stone - Bach speaks out » 848 weeks ago

I don't blame Axl for not wanting to do a reality show. Look how foolish and desperate Brett Michaels, Flavor Flave, Baz, Gene Simmons, and Hulk Hogan look doing these shows for money. It's destroyed the Hogan family, Brett Michaels, who didn't need a reality show to begin with to find girls now looks stupid, Flavor Flave is an absolute idiot, and Baz looked like a kid with a temper tantrum everytime something didn't go his way. I remember Ted Nugent got sick of him on one show and told him off. Is Gene Simmons that desperate for money that he has his family on TV acting like the Obsbornes minus Kelly's loud mouth?

We want this crap for Axl? No thanks........

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