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 Rep: 67 

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

Tommie wrote:

Really makes you wonder what isn't being released to the press.  I'd bet my next paycheck there is something that they aren't telling us.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

James wrote:

This case has went colder than a witch's tit.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

PaSnow wrote:

Yep, isn't there some statistic where if a case isn't solved or have a prime suspect within 48 hours the odds of it being solved are drastically reduced.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Yep, isn't there some statistic where if a case isn't solved or have a prime suspect within 48 hours the odds of it being solved are drastically reduced.

Yeah, and in the case of child murder, its even higher. Majority of kids killed are killed by someone they know, but if they dont find out fast, they usually never find out.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

Gunslinger wrote:

Hopefully something will turn up soon but it is disturbing that more info hasn't been divulged at this point, that usually isn't a good sign.

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

I hope they don't tag it on someone that really didn't do it for the sake of the county wanting an arrest.  Not saying the man they arrested isn't suspicious.

 Rep: 2 

Re: Two girls(11 and 13) murdered in rural Oklahoma

Scarlett wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I hope they don't tag it on someone that really didn't do it for the sake of the county wanting an arrest.  Not saying the man they arrested isn't suspicious.

Agreed. All to often they are desperate to close a case, right or wrong, to quell the public.

Sometimes they even know who did it, but have no evidence against them and can't bring them in for questioning. Such as the case of a former co-worker of mine who was murdered. They tried to pin it on another guy, but he was in jail for drunk driving the night the murder occurred and he didn't even know the girl that was murdered, as he had never worked with her and both were kind of new employess. We had all been questioned about her boyfriend and a couple of his "older biker friends", who no doubt was involved in the murder, but there was no evidence against him, hence, he is still free to this day. The two kids that knew something about the murder- one committed suicide, and the other disappeared never to be heard from again. The case is still open to this day.

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