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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » what are we disappointed with? » 823 weeks ago

ok, uncle Axl once said the internet is like a big garbage can. I have to agree after reading some of the awful comments on the cd. I admit, the sales are dissapointing, the lack of promos, etc. That said, the disc is awesome. I defy anyone to listen to Axl's voice on "prostitute" and say he doesn't sound great.
Also please remember Appetite was not, i repeat not, an instant success. Only after the vid and single for "WTTJ" Did it take off. So be patience! Pun intended. Af for teh guitars, I think Robin is awesome, is he Slash? No, nor is anyone. i will never put down Slash. But I think Robin has his own style, awesome work on "Better" And "This I love" Please true fans unite, the cd is out, rejoice and enjoy! More will come, will it ever be '92 again? Probably not, but this is '08, so go see Mickey Rourke (who gets a mention by Axl) in the "Wrestler" and chill!!

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy official reviews thread » 825 weeks ago

first off, the reviews in all three local papers were very positive, perhaps shockingly so. 3 stars from Star Ledger and Daily News, a positive track breakdown from the NY Post, all by reviewers who are, admittedly, not fans.
Secondly, a fan review, I'd give the CD, 4 of 5 stars. It is epic and amazing. "Better", "IRS", "Sorry", "This I Love" are absolutely among the best GnR has ever done. I do think some fans will be like the Star Wars fans with Episode one, nothing will be good enough, they've built preconceived ideas that cannot be met. For the rest of us, enjoy! The wait is over!!

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single » 830 weeks ago

For the record I never thought "CD" was one of the stronger tracks, that said, they did a nice job overdubbing and mixing it, it's good, just not great. Don't be worried, the 1st single off "Appetite" was... "It's so easy" Seriously, so don't worry. AFD didn't take off till "Jungle" and the video that accompanied it. Chinese Democracy will rock!!

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » September Playboy, GnR article? » 834 weeks ago

Finally got the issue, Stephen Davis is the dudes name and the book is "Watch you Bleed" It's full of sh*t, and the article was the same old story we all know about the early days. Nothing new, but at least it keeps GnR in the public mind. Oh, good news the centerfold is a brunette. Axl always went for brunettes.

#5 Guns N' Roses » September Playboy, GnR article? » 835 weeks ago

Replies: 12

Hey guys, it's my first time on this forum, so bear with me. Did anyone read the article in Playboy's September issue? Was it any good or just the same old re-cap stuff? Even with a subscription, I missed the issue! It's the fates mocking me. Waiting for my replacement, but till then... Someone fill me in!

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