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 Rep: 194 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

One of the problems with the vocals, something I noticed immediately, but let slide (because's it's Axl's thing) is this double and triple vocaling the fucking tracks.

I can't find one single person other than him that likes that shit. Not one.

It makes the vocals sound overproduced, and unbalanced. He started doing that during the Illusions, and believe me, it's still just as stupid sounding now as it was then.

oh too? the honeymoon's over so fast? haha j/k 19

I knew if I said the slightest critique of this song, someone would be on my ass and fast.

I guess I deserve it. 16

The song is still bloody amazing.

Yes, you do deserve it, traitor. 16

 Rep: 1 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

shantaar wrote:

For the record I never thought "CD" was one of the stronger tracks, that said, they did a nice job overdubbing and mixing it, it's good, just not great. Don't be worried, the 1st single off "Appetite" was... "It's so easy" Seriously, so don't worry. AFD didn't take off till "Jungle" and the video that accompanied it. Chinese Democracy will rock!!

 Rep: 386 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Bono wrote:
faldor wrote:

I know I'm biased, but I honestly think the majority of people saying they hate the song had their minds made up before they even listened to it.

I think you're totally wrong there Faldor. I never had my mind made up at all and I don't think Chinese Democracy or any of the new materail is all that great. People seem to be pointing out the same issues I have. Aweful production, less than stellar vocals. It is what it is man. Alot of people aren't gonna like this and it's not because they've already made their mind up, cause the truth is the vast majority of people don't care one way or the other. The overwhelming majority have no axe to grind with Axl. The material just isn't that strong.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Bono wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

I honestly wonder if these people have heard It's So Easy. Just goes to show you that the term "casual fan" is literal. They've probably only heard WTTJ, SCOM, PC, and NR. People assume because he's singing in a deeper voice that he has lost his voice. They're fucking morons though because it's part of his range. It's part of what makes him an impressive singer.

No they aren't fucking morons cause then I'd be one of them. You watch when people start hearing songs like If the World and The Blues or Streets of Dreams or whatever it's called people are gonna think his voice sounds awful. I'm one of them. The vocals on CD are NOT that of an impressive singer. And I'm guess alot of people who listen to rock radio have in fact heard It's so Easy.

I truely belive alot of you are gonna come crashing down to earth when it becomes clear that a huge number of people are not gonna be impressed with this stuff and alot of the complaints will be about his voice. It doesn't make people morons to have that opinion. People know Axl can sing in a  lower voice. I'm sure many of them have heard Patience. Some of you are honestly gonna have to find a way to deal with the fact that Axl's voice has changed and for most people it's not a change for the better.  It's gonna be pretty lame in here if those who don't like the album are close minded retards while those who do are musicaly educated and open minded

 Rep: 386 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Bono wrote:

Let me clarify. I don't think his voice sounds awful on Chinese Democracy. I do think it sounds god awful at times in some of the other sonsg though. Axlin08 is 100% right though. The over production of he vocals on Chinese Democracy ruins it. there's no need for the triple layer of vocals. Like Madagascar said the "punk" style voice was all that was needed.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

war wrote:

actually the bad reviews are, without a doubt, coming from older people that haven't gotten over the breakup of the old band and that wait for the album.

i have been polling people at the college i work at.

thes students like the song the most, almost 100 percent of them and the ones that didn't care were not into rock at all.

most of the older people liked it as well but not as predominately.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

bigbri wrote:

Bono you are right that people are gonna criticize that, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from enjoying CD. I guess I'm easy to please in that regard.

We're getting CD, so I already feel like we've won for sticking it out. I don't need other people to believe the same way I do to feel validated.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

Bono wrote:
war wrote:

actually the bad reviews are, without a doubt, coming from older people that haven't gotten over the breakup of the old band and that wait for the album.

i have been polling people at the college i work at.

thes students like the song the most, almost 100 percent of them and the ones that didn't care were not into rock at all.

most of the older people liked it as well but not as predominately.

Are you fucking kiding? yeah only old people who are resentful of the old band's break up would review this poorly roll I mean the majority of earths population was devestated when Gn'R broke up. Too many of them unable to move on. Please. the only people who haven't gotten over the old band's break up are people who frequent Gn'R messge boards. most people dont' give a shit. Nice unbiased polling 16

By all means Bigbri enjoy it. I just think that people on Gn'R sites  better be prepared to hear alot of HONEST negative feedback.  The fact is most people don't care one way or the other but if given the choice over something they'd like or something they wouldn't like they'll take the thing they like.  I just find it pretty offensive and lacking in common sense really to say that the only way anyone could dislike these songs is because the've already made up their minds and aren't willing to give the songs a chance.  I know that didn't come from you, I'm just saying it in general.

Like I said I enjoy hearing it on radio but I think it's pretty clear the response to the song is pretty underwhelming. We'll know for sure in the coming weeks. more so in the coming months. We'll see if the songs have any staying power or if they simply fade away as quickly as a new Velvet Revolver single.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

bigbri wrote:

Yeah, Bono, I have prepared myself not only for general purposes, but also for the inevitable, "all buckethead does is shred" stuff from reviewers who know little about him. Oh yeah, there is gonna be crushing reviews of all aspects of this CD.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Radio Reacts To Guns N' Roses Single

faldor wrote:

Bono, I've heard PLENTY of positive reviews for the song.  You're making it sound like nobody in the world outside of these boards likes it.  That's just not true.  And I will stand by my statement, A LOT of people had their minds made up before even hearing the track that they weren't going to like it and will not give it a fair chance.  I'm not talking about YOU in that respect.  I've heard people say they don't like it because it's a) not Guns N' Roses without Slash, b) took too long to come out.  Are those valid reasons to dislike a song?  I don't think so.  So don't tell me I lack common sense.

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