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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Super-Speculative Reunion Thread. » 786 weeks ago

First Id like nothing more than to see the original guns get back together (axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven) and live happily ever after. But c'mon , it sounds great in theory but its self destructive in reality. a lot of fans act like little kids who want their divorced parents to get back together. Appetite for destruction was not just an album title it was a true story.

Guys, one thing is obvious even if there was a reunion i think its almost certain it wouldn't last long personality wise these guys have been doomed since 1987 or even before. It's cruel irony at its best...Cant be the best band ever because they are apart but cant stay together to be the best band ever. If it happened you guys would end up more pissed off then ever and there would be no more guns n roses at all in any form ever again. Would you be willing to end guns for what would probably be a 12 month tour that wound end up with 5 guys hating each other mor than ever and maybe even end up killing some of them.

Guns was what it was "the best Fuckin rock n roll band to ever hit a stage". Let that rest in peace.

Guns is now a Kick ass rock n roll band. It will never be the same again but it's sure as hell better than anything else out there now.

As long as Axl keeps rockin I'll be happy.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » When will it leak? *It Leaked* » 826 weeks ago

Bono wrote:

Quick thoughts song by song:

Chinese Democracy - a really good rocker that becomes an average song half way through

Shackler's Revenge - a bunch of noise with decent melody in the chorus but just too noisy

Better - Awesome. Catchy, fresh, classic Axl vocals.

Street of Dreams - Cheesey as hell. Wimpy vocals and the name change of the song is for the worse. Makes it even cheesier

If the World - Awesome. Completely original when you think of what's typical Gn'R. Strong vocals and great musicianship

There was a Time - Almost epic but too messy. Way too much production and nto good production.  Trys to hard. Has it's great moments but drags at times. Nice guitar solo but not something I'm willing to wait 6 minutes for. It's that kind fo song that could've been classic but "so close yet oh so far"

Catcher in the Rye - Shit. This song sucks now. Ruined by production. Bad vocals, stupid na na's. Easily the low point of the album

Scraped -  Weird. I'm not sure about this song. It's kinda funky but I'm not sure if I like it or if I'm annoyed by it. One listen I liek it the other I'm like "this sucks."

Riad N' The Bedouins - Just like Shackler's. A bunch of noise with some good melodies at parts but mostly just noise.

Sorry - AMAZING! Best song on the album. Great vocals, viscious lyrics, Awesome vibe it's subtle but hits the hardest of all the songs on the album.  For me it's an instant classic.

IRS - Average rocker. Nothing special about it and nothing overly shitty. Pretty much just a filler song in my opinion. Kinda the Bad Apples of the album

Madagascar - Very cool song, but it's kinda run it's course with me. It's got great melody, too bad about the samples. Kinda ruins the song in my opinion. Used to really love this song now |I just like

This I Love - Awesome. Maybe the most raw Gn'R song emotionally. Great guitar solo(less is more).  TIL has that timeless sound to it that I've never really heard in a Gn'R song before.

Prostitute -  An epic closer. Always liked this song. It's the perfect climax

ha ha

there isnt an average song on this album any one of these songs is the best song in the last 10 years

get your ears checked bro...btw scraped is awsome

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