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 Rep: 58 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Stepvhen wrote:

Now this might seem crazy to you all But I just re-read Axls latest comments on a reunion and one thing in particular struck me. He seems to be saying that it is Slash who does not want a reunion rather than him.

"What's clear is that one of the two of us will die before a reunion and however sad, ugly or unfortunate anyone views it, it is how it is. Those decisions were made a long time ago and reiterated year after year by one man." - Axl

It would seem to me that he is referring to Slash as the "one man" rather than himself. The phrase "year after year" seems to me as though it was used to emphasise the dull drudgery that is Slash's anti Axl commentary in the mainstream media.

I think he is saying that Slash will not agree to a reunion.

Axl mentioned in a previous interview a long time ago that the new band members were always on his case to re-unite with the old band.

My guess Axl wanted to reunite and do shows maybe an album but he also wanted to keep the gnr name for his new version. Do an "original GNR" tour with Slash n Duff and then go back to doing Chinese Democracy GNR stuff with the current band. He did so much work with the nu-gnr that he couldn't just turn his back on it.

Slash being an ego monster would have obviously would say no in this situation.

Let the waters of Speculation flood these empty plains.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Aussie wrote:

That's quite possible, remember Weiland said that the contracts were drawn up at one point and the pens were ready to sign.

Perhaps Slash simply wouldn't agree to Axl's terms.

Whilst I don't think they have been in regular contact over the years to have a year by year knockback of a reunion by Slash.  I would still put my money on there having been at least one play for it by all parties over the last few years.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Mikkamakka wrote:

It won't happen. Axl was clear enough. He'd rather lock himself in his mansion and never release any new music than reunite with Slash and the old band. There are both serious personal and 'artistic' differences that cannot be saved. Axl doesn not have any interest in the reunion except money, but he's rather lose his own home than play a song with Slash on stage on a charity event.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Neemo wrote:

even ron alluded to the Slash thing in that Q&A...about understanding how someone would never wanting to work with certain people ever again

i really dont think a reunion is anywhere close to happening right now

 Rep: 287 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Aussie wrote:

Yeah I definitely don't see one on the immediate horizon either.  But I wouldn't be surprised if it got close at least once in the past.  Truth can be stranger than fiction at times.

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

It will never happen.

 Rep: 60 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Gong wrote:

The OP makes a good point.

Really it's a matter of semantics.

I'm sure many / most of you have already read Slash's book.

Go back and re-read the last part where Slash explains "once and for all" why he left Guns.

(the following is a paraphrase, I don't have the book in front of me)

'I would reunite with Axl if he changed his ways - showed up, showed up on time, etc.'

What's clear to me is that these 2 guys have some serious differences. It takes two to tango.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

PaSnow wrote:

I think you're way off. He's saying Slash said & did things which Axl felt were'nt best for GnR, so he kicked him out & is keeping him out for good. Axl holds the throne.

Kinda like a parent saying "I didn't want to do this to you but you made that decision for me" or something

 Rep: 281 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

faldor wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I think you're way off. He's saying Slash said & did things which Axl felt were'nt best for GnR, so he kicked him out & is keeping him out for good. Axl holds the throne.

Kinda like a parent saying "I didn't want to do this to you but you made that decision for me" or something

Yeah exactly, the comment about decisions being reiterated year after year by one man are about Slash I'm sure.  But he's not saying Slash refuses a reunion year after year.  He's saying he's continued his antics, which Axl views in a negative light.

 Rep: 58 

Re: Super-Speculative Reunion Thread.

Stepvhen wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I think you're way off. He's saying Slash said & did things which Axl felt were'nt best for GnR, so he kicked him out & is keeping him out for good. Axl holds the throne.

Kinda like a parent saying "I didn't want to do this to you but you made that decision for me" or something

Oh yeah good point

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