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#1 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Slash album reviews » 754 weeks ago

Pretty decent album.  My favorite tracks are Mother Maria (Beth Hart), Saint is a Sinner Too (Rocco Deluca), Gotten (Adam Levine), and Promise (Chris Cornell)...The guitar work at the 2:30 mark on Promise is vintage Slash, and 20 seconds of pure bliss.

Actually, this is a rather strong album.  It sort of reminds me of CD, in that it lacks a hit single and kind of grows on you the more you listen.  I have a feeling my favorite songs will change the more I listen...could end up being Kid Rock or one of the Myles Kennedy tracks.

The low points are Ghost, Crucify the Dead, and We're all Gonna Die...these songs are a little on the cheesy side.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Street of Dreams to be 3rd Single? » 814 weeks ago

Casual GNR fan checking in.

Anybody think the most famous baby on the planet might have been named after Axl Rose?  Tiger Woods named his new son Charlie Axel Rose.  I wonder if Tiger was/is a GNR fan.

I agree that TWAT is the best song on the album, but its a song that has to grow on you.  For me, half the songs on this album don't really get crackin' til after the 2min mark.  The piano playing on the intro of Street of Dreams, made it the only CD track that hooked me the first time I heard it...Skip through your AFD catalouge only listening to the first 3 seconds of each song,  even if you never listened to a single song you would have a good idea that you would like each song...Do the same thing with CD, and you will see why a generation of impatient people will never even give this music a chance....That being said, I like the way CD was put together....Its just not going to be as much of a commercial success.

I still really like CD and listen to some of it almost every day, but I am the only person I know in my circle (work, friends, randoms) that even knows GNR has a new album.  Haven't heard one song on the local radio (Richmond, VA).

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread » 820 weeks ago

It isn't because the music is "Too Complex" *my favorite excuse* or what have u, I just think it sounds very manufactured, very robotic, very tight and the music just doesn't breathe. too much studio magic etc etc.

sometimes I just want to hear a kick ass guitar solo without 2 billion effects on it.

The VR and GNR thing is perfectly easy to see

VR, dirty bluesy riff rockers could use a bit more focus a la Axl

GNR  too many ballads not enough balls which the old band lends

I get where you are coming from D-machine.  I think CD, Raid, Shacklers, and Scraped are the weakest songs on the album.  Those 4 songs could have been great if their arrangements had been more raw.   Its on those 4 songs that I really miss Slash and the rest of the original members.  I find myself wishing those songs had more prominent drum, rythym guitar, and bass riffs (especially in the intros)....and a lead guitar that connected with the songs better .  Could I at least get a little cymbals and cowbell? 

I think Axl is great at singing vocals, writing lyrics, and composing ballads...but he could use a little help on his rock arrangements.

That being said, I really love the album.  I haven't listened to a cd this much in years.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Elimination Round 3 » 821 weeks ago

Had to vote Chinese Democracy again.  The first 1:30 of that song gets on my nerves.  The intro should have been a seperate track, and the 90210 riff really annoys me.  The rest of the song is pretty good though.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Whats the opinion people in your life have on CD? » 821 weeks ago

My wife thinks listening to Axl is like nails on a chalkboard....I couldn't even get her to listen to half a song.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Best Buy exclusive dramatically limited 1st week sales! » 822 weeks ago

I am not sure where I read this, but I remember reading that Axl thought the sales of UYI & II sold a lot less than projected due to Tipper Gore.  Apparently she was the driving force behind the Parental Advisory stickers that started being required in 1990, and Walmart wouldn't sell albums that carried parental advisory stickers.  Axl went on to say that not being able to sell their albums in Walmart dramatically reduced their sales (not word for word obviously).

So, Axl was definitely already aware of the impact that Walmart has on album sales.  Which makes the BB decision that much more curious.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » There really seems to be a buildup now... » 822 weeks ago

The momentum continues to build (sarcastict voice)...Pete Wentz said on Howard Stern today that Gun's N Roses was his and Tony Romo's favorite band...not sure if he was talking about the new lineup or not though, because he did say Duff McKagan was the bassist that most inspired him.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Elimination Round 2 » 822 weeks ago

CD title track gets my vote again.

IRS is one of my favorites...great guitar work.

I think people are hung up on the title of the song.  IMO, the song is about Axl's desire to clear his name and set the record straight on the numerous rumors that have been surrounding him for the last decade+.  The private eyes, fbi, and irs may not have been able to help clear his name, but his forum posts have been a positive step towards vindication...Seems like Axl has always felt misunderstood.

For all we know, Axl may have intended for the acronym I.R.S. to stand for something other than internal revenue service....could very well mean Illusions, Reputations, Salvation
I---Illusions, Imputation, Incarnations, Izzy
R---Reputation, Rumor, Reality, Rose
S---Salvation, Substantiate, Scuttlebutt, Slash

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread » 822 weeks ago

People love sayin' that middle trip. Easy to say but not so easy to prove.

Unfortunately it's not in the middle and I can back up every last line in my bit or I wouldn't be here.

You love his work and whatever else. More power to you!

And no, I'm not bitter at least in the sense of how you used it conveys. Felt good gettin' some of that off my chest and as I said that's just the tip.

If that's your honest impression it's definitely not rose colored lenses you're wearing. And I looked up the definition of bitter once in a pocket dictionary and got "having anger at something unjust or evil". I'm not angry but when I am with this particular someone who I thought was once my friend... the definition fits.

Axl sounds like he is talking about indignation.  He feels that his anger isn't personal, but rather a righteous anger aroused by unjust or evil actions.

Look, I can see that the Axl v. Slash fued got pretty nasty, and Im sure some very regretable (unjust and evil) things were said and done by one or both sides.   It will be interesting to read about Slash's iceburg of unrighteous incidents towards Axl (according to Axl).  Im just not sure that Axl didn't help steer the ship towards this iceburg.

My theory is that what started out as minor conflicts/ differences in opinions escalated into this big blow up because of poor communication and compromise that eventually lead to resentment.  Conflict is a part of any relationship.   Some people are better at dealing with conflict than others.  Conflict resolution (the ability to put yourself in the other persons shoes and come to a compromise or at least to be able to respectfully agree to disagree) is often a skill that is subconsciously learned from watching your parents interact as a child.  I could be off, but Im guessing Axl and Slash weren't brought up in an environment where strong relationship building tools were on display.  Maybe these guys just needed a little counseling.

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