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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » How hard is it to leak a song? » 760 weeks ago


Would have liked to have witnessed that firsthand....must have been interesting to say the least. No,I don't agree with what thieves and pirates have done nonchalantly to GNR, but karma is a bitch and I do believe what goes around comes around, No I chose not to download because I know how much work goes into fucking making music.period.:rock:

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » How hard is it to leak a song? » 761 weeks ago


The established recording industry is sinking fast...and they had better throw out some liferafts if they hope to save it. The Moguls are losing their mogulity fast- and as for MSL & Skwerl-have no use for thieves in any shape-same goes for live free and a conglomeration of others that cooperated. I didn't have any inclination to download/steal from a musician because I am in that genre and I know the work that goes into each song. I heard the new songs at
the 06-07 concerts,and am looking forward to the 09-10 gigs

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » How hard is it to leak a song? » 761 weeks ago


MSL--none of what you claim to be true is actually true or has VERY little merit'
What about the role Live Free played? And anybody worth 2 cents can get a proxy server from china to timbuktu, you are out for self-glorification and I know enough not to buy it. Pay more attention to your illustrious wrestling career.
I have seen nothing you have written or produced to think of you on the same level as Coghill, a nobody wanting to steal fame that he was unable to earn on his own!

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » How hard is it to leak a song? » 761 weeks ago


MSL you know as well as I do "who" leaked chicken dinner and tagged it with that name, It was NOT Fernando. So, you may let that rumor die-didn't happen that way. And nobody was in "Tianamin square" either so lose that as well.
Most leaks come from low-level employees of the label who happen to grab it and use it as a bargaining tool...Some of the GNR leaks were apprehended at the strip club that was "supposed" to be secure-live and learn.
Other groups leaks can come from a variety of sources, whether an advance copy was handed to a "trusted" friend, or a privaledged person being around at the right time. I don't particularly approve of leaks-being a writer it would be tantamount of someone spoiling the ending of my book before the damn thing was even released in print! So call me what you may, I value loyalty, true friendship, and people not out to glorify themselves by smearing someone else's efforts illegally, I believe in Karma as well-and some people are seriously due for their past deeds to come around and bite them in the ass when they least expect it,this is my POV and I''m just expressing it.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Went To GUNS N' ROSES rehearsal! » 761 weeks ago


his is mainly directed at John Divney, 40+ is not exactly nursing home candidate, and a trained voice is a valuable tool to have...I don't see why people insist on bringing the age factor in-during the UYI tour he had a few off nights as well,and sounded like he had been gargling clorox! example: The Deer Park concert in Indiana-wasn't his best vocally, but I blame it on the trauma of being back in Indiana where a lot of concert-goers knew him before the fact. That could be enough to freak anybody out! (Before the incident in St.Louis his vocals were actually quite good, but when all hell broke loose I chose to leave-I'm allergic to cops! The concerts-some better than others yes! but for me nobody holds a candle to GNR when all is going good!! I'd rather see GNR on an "off" night than anyone else on a good night!
That is just my opinion though!!Did anyone else catch the cuckoo club appearance? I'd give a piece of my soul to have that proshot!!!!

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » TOP HIGHEST ATTENDED, non-festival, ticketed, concerts in U.S. » 762 weeks ago


wrestlemania? I was at several of the Illusion tours,in the US & overseas--
whether gnr makes a "list" really isn't important to me--the shows rocked and that is why I go!!

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Went To GUNS N' ROSES rehearsal! » 762 weeks ago


I like scraped-totally identify with the lyrics!

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » If its the same old set list will you go?? » 762 weeks ago


That particular VMA show was not their best performance..But they still stole the show. That speaks volumes.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rumor: GNR at download » 762 weeks ago


So true, it would be nice though- Download rocks, it's crazy !!

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