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#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist » 831 weeks ago

Yup im with yas, only i love every track except if the world lol.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy release date? » 832 weeks ago

Im just gonna copy and paste what i said on another forum :

Im no marketing expert, but i do marketing and PR quite a bit as it goes hand in hand with my job. I would defo go about promoting the album in a different way, but then again i bet everyone on here would, marketing degree or not. The thing is Guns never do things the normal way, they do their own thing. If i get loads of PR from the band and an album, awesome. If i get an album release with SR, ITW, and other subtle promotion ( ie the press releases and song leaks i still don't think are coincidences), then awesome as well. I just want the damn album, and i don't care how they go about getting it to me laugh.gif .

Oh and yeah they have spent so much money and yeah its took so long to make blah blah. If, and yes its a big if, they just carried on the way things are and did in fact release the album next month, hell that would be quite personal towards the fans, seeing as we are the ones sitting here day in day out longing for the music, and hyping thr album up on the internet and fan sites, so, rather than being motherfuckers, it would be a nice touch wink.gif

And i just said all that because i don't give a fuck about where the album charts or how much money they need to make back, i just want to listen to music.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » APPARENTLY, incognito or someone has... » 833 weeks ago

as is the 'other guy who seems to know his shit ' .

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » new GNR song or poo wee? » 833 weeks ago

Well i dunno what it is, it sounds like loops from a mish mash of a few songs though?

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rankings/comments on all the new songs » 833 weeks ago

I dont have the favourites exactly, but if the world would be bottom of the pile with silkworms. Better, catcher, CD, and Shacklers and the blues are awesome, the others are somewhere in the middle!

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » New Bumblefoot Interview (w/ Shackler's Info) » 833 weeks ago

No its not bad at all, Ron is in the band, not BH therefore its good the song we heard is played by the guy in the band.......

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » The "Best Buy" leaks » 834 weeks ago

Ah heard them now, and yeah that torrent up there is just mixed with old leaks.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » The "Best Buy" leaks » 834 weeks ago

I hate if the world lol, love the other songs. Hope this version is way better, cant find them though sad

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