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 Rep: 268 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Olorin wrote:


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Smoking Guns wrote:

Terrible list... I agree.  But the fact CD made it, and its not metal, is funny.

 Rep: 386 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Bono wrote:

16  A guy writes a blog on the WORST metal albums ever and he just so conveniently throws in Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osborne, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, Kiss,  who else did I miss? Oh the Motley Crue album sans Vince(which is actually pretty darn good) .Give me a break. This is nothing more than a  guy writing an article with the sole intention of pissing off the most fans possible to get a  reaction drawing attention to his blog.  Fake article, with a fake opinion. So transparent what this guy is doing.

 Rep: 268 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Olorin wrote:

I know... I liked CD but I have no problem with folk not liking it - but to take into consideration the never ending conveyor belt of anonymous and not so anonymous metal bands that have been churning out garbage for decades, and to make a top 10 containing those bands is ludicrous.

Its just another tacky, pointless internet space filler.

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Lomax wrote:

Some of the albums on that I listen to OFTEN.  Slang is an overlooked gem

 Rep: 768 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Axlin16 wrote:

Saw that list earlier today and it's total bullshit.

Bark At The Moon is Ozzy's BEST album (I will go to the pavement on this), and CD being on there is obviously a joke. Metallica St. Anger is arguable, not Load & Reload (which were basically their UYI albums).

Crue '94 is Crue's best album behind Dr. Feelgood. It's inclusion is another joke.

That Rob O'Connor guy, whoever he is... all he does is make these lists. And they are always WAY fucking off the mark. And everytime he makes them, he attacks keyboards and keyboardists. He bagged on VH's 1984 as their death knell before too. Amazing, I remember 1984 & 5150 being their best fuckin' albums....

He's a douche

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

johndivney wrote:

if you revise your memory you'll find Women & Children First & VH are their best fuckin albums.

 Rep: 217 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

Mikkamakka wrote:

It's more of a list of huge bands' unsuccessful records. I agree with Axlin, Crue '94 was a great album, I like it even more than Feelgood.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 10 worst metal albums of all time

metallex78 wrote:

Bogus list, just from the inclusion of Crue 94 alone. That is Motley's best album

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