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 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Horror Movie You've Seen....

slashsfro wrote:

House (1977) not the crappy TV show but the weird Japanese film that is a real treat to watch.  Some of the effects are creative (keep in mind that this was in 1977) and there's everything in this film from campy dialogue to excellent visuals.  I noticed some giallo inspired stuff too as well.  There's a really nice soundtrack too.

 Rep: 58 

Re: Most Recent Horror Movie You've Seen....

Stepvhen wrote:

Martyrs, as far as horror goes it doesn't get much better. I hated it first and my friend who made me sith through it I was just so pissed with him but a month or so later when I looked back on it. That film really moved me, and the message reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's whole surrendering to the Moment and accepting the present for what it is stuff. Heart wrenching.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Most Recent Horror Movie You've Seen....

PaSnow wrote:

Oops, wrong thread.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Horror Movie You've Seen....

slashsfro wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:

Martyrs, as far as horror goes it doesn't get much better. I hated it first and my friend who made me sith through it I was just so pissed with him but a month or so later when I looked back on it. That film really moved me, and the message reminds me of Eckhart Tolle's whole surrendering to the Moment and accepting the present for what it is stuff. Heart wrenching.

This is the french film that was released in 2008, correct? 

Anyway, any recommendations for The Evil Dead (1981)? I can acquire it via the usual method (torrent).  Just wondering whether or not it's worth the time.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Horror Movie You've Seen....

Axlin16 wrote:

I've always thought it was an overrated, overhyped, piece of crap. Don't know if there are any Raimi nutswingers here. I thought Evil Dead II (which is a virtual remake of ED I) is better, and Army of Darkness is pretty good for campy horror.

But even with all that said, ED II & III are still 'fair' films at best. When Bruce Campbell is not on screen, you're bored as hell. Or I was at least.

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