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 Rep: 485 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

Neemo wrote:

i diunno what yet but i'm thinking a musical biography type of thing

Nikki Sixx - Heroin Diaries or the Dirt
Reckless Road by marc canter
A Nirvana or Kurt Cobain book

any other suggestions for good musical biographical reading?

or suggestions on any book which you've enjoyed and would suggest that I read?

 Rep: 13 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

strat0 wrote:

I would suggest Catcher In The Rye. Fixing to start reading it. A friend's mom said it was a great read. hrm. idk what else at this time. I'll make a few more suggestions when i get home.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

I'm a huge Stephen King fan as my name indicates.  If you have never read The Stand, I highly recommend it.  It is probably King's best stand alone book (though my personal favorite is insomnia).  If you really want to read, I recommend the greatest series of books ever written - The Dark Tower.  Gunslinger will back me up on this.

 Rep: 221 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

polluxlm wrote:
Neemo wrote:

or suggestions on any book which you've enjoyed and would suggest that I read?

You know, 'any' can open a can of worms. 16

I recommend "Tragedy and Hope - A History of the World in our Time" by Carroll Quigley, professor of History at Georgetown and intellectual mentor to Bill Clinton, among many. It gives you an insider, unfiltered (in one sense) account of human development for the last 250 years. Researchers reference the book all the time, not because it has a conspiratorial theme, but because it tells it like it is without the usual bias'.

 Rep: 0 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

mrbill wrote:

Vanna White's autobiography isn't too shabby.

 Rep: 13 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

strat0 wrote:

Oh, more suggestions: I AM Legend(great book terrible movie) I,Robot   The
Alchemist   The Lost World(RIP)   LeGuin's Earthsea series

 Rep: 67 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

Tommie wrote:

In honor of Michael Crichton I would suggest either Sphere, or Prey. Although both have a sci-fi taste two them.

 Rep: 0 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

mrbill wrote:
Tommie wrote:


That's a damn good book. Read that about 12 years ago.

 Rep: 17 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

Locomotive98 wrote:

My recommendation for musicy books would be Wonderland Avenue by Danny Sugarman - an autobiography of the guy who was manager for the Doors as a teen and later Iggy Pop. Absolutely brilliant.

He also wrote a book about GNR, but that was shit.

 Rep: 109 

Re: I'm looking to buy a book

Saikin wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i diunno what yet but i'm thinking a musical biography type of thing

Nikki Sixx - Heroin Diaries or the Dirt
Reckless Road by marc canter
A Nirvana or Kurt Cobain book

any other suggestions for good musical biographical reading?

or suggestions on any book which you've enjoyed and would suggest that I read?

Reckless Road was alright.  Nothing really new or enlightening about it. 

I do want to pick up Heroin Diaries.  I've heard that's a damn good book.

I would suggest, if you liked the movie 300, Gates of Fire.  That's the real events behind the movie 300 (the book came before the movie though).

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