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 Rep: 118 

Re: Duff gettin some "shit" for his blogs

mickronson wrote: … .html#more
(small mention of Scraped lol)
Duh!F!onomics: How It All Started
By Saul Rogueman on March 2, 2009 4:30 AM

As we all know, the death of print is upon us! The paper Seattle Weekly decided one way to help stay afloat would be hiring some celebrity bloggers. Not the worst idea, though they did get the result many would expect: a musician is better heard then read. One hire has caught my eye, ex-Guns N Roses bassist Duff McKagan. During Duff's brief time at this paper he has managed to prove that he is little more than your stereotypical aged rockstar. The part he has cast himself is the reformed rocker who has gotten sober and discovered the joys of rock climbing. In his blog attempts to expose the rest of the world, who experienced all of this years before "The Botox Years(AKA Velvet Revolvers formation)" as if they are some mind blowing revelations no one has ever experienced before. The poor, little, punk rock Irish man doesn't understand most people tried out things like sobriety and exercise while he was busy getting drunk, doing ludes with Pauly Shore and playing in really intellectual bands like The Fartz.

Duff's first atrocity against blogkind was a blog in the Seattle Weekly on October 22nd, 2008 when he unleashed The Birds, The Bees, and My Daughters, upon the blogosphere. This was the beginning of Duff seeing the blog as a way he could drop knowledge about his "mad parenting skillz". A topic he may be a bit better at then his new found position. After realizing his eldest daughter was coming of age he realized he may want to tell her about the time Daddy banged 6 groupies at once in the back of Gazzari's birds and the bees. It is at this point he gave us this gem:

"There is no way my two angels are gonna be ANY part of that nonsense, believe you me!"
I got news for you pal, if they are Daddy's little girls they ain't gonna be no angels. Just introduce her to some of the stories of the Daddy living in the bands rehearsal studio before they got signed and the imitations of the "Led Zeppelin Shark Story".

Somehow this blog graduated him to his newest position over at the Playboy Blog where he is their new economic blogger. I admit I am a bit jealous. I am much more qualified; I have been a professor at the Wouldknow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs for well over a decade now. Seeing as I have been a life long subscriber to Playboy and unlike Duff's father, I keep their issues out on my coffee table for all to see(duh! I am about to write about reading one of the articles, I walk the walk). Well now, musformation has agreed to give me a forum for my economic views. I will be debating Duff's stupid blogs in the hopes that Hugh and The Bunnies read this and offer me his position.

Let's "get in the ring" with this blog and kick it's "bitchy little ass".

Duh!F! says:

"The most frequent complaint I hear from the casual MSNBC or FOX Business Channel viewer is that there is so much damn financial jargon that the underlying info goes over our heads"

Saul says:

Hey dude, if you want to keep this gig you need to remember the call letters of the stations that are actually in this whole "economics thing." MSNBC in the afternoon is the one with the really hot black chick and the doughy white guy who claimed he bought Chelsea Clinton over in a red light district one time. CNBC talks about all those complex things with 3 letter acronyms, and that Cramer guy they keep on the air after they heard having an insane person with that name may boost their ratings like another show.

Duh!F! says:

"Mid cap" is what you call a company with market capitalization of $1 billion to $10 billion. This kind of stock represents a sort of happy medium between risk and security. Companies this size tend to have some upside growth (like a small cap) while retaining a larger cushion to fall back on. If you have a girlfriend who you don't want to lose, but still want to get some on the side, a mid cap might be the discreet call girl you're looking for!"

Saul says:

Oi gevalt! We are talking about billions of dollars here and you are talking about the time you cheated on Mandy Brix and bent over a girl in leather pants in a dumpster that you met outside of Canter's. Guy, this is real money we are talking about, the type of money that John Boehner goes soft over, after he learns that Nancy Pelosi gave it to her pet mouse. This is not how much the gift certificate to a plastic surgeon will cost to make the groupie in Indiana "go away".

Duh!F! says:

"Someone e-mailed me with timely question: Is now a good time to buy a house? In the case of this particular e-mailer, this would be a first ever foray into potential home ownership. Luckily for me, I have the go-to guy for just this question. My best friend has been buying and selling real estate in the Seattle area for the last 22 years and was more than happy to field a few inquiries from me." "This recession will certainly not last forever and the drop in home prices will have to plateau at some point."

Saul says:

Duff you like playing with real estate and stocks? Many people consider this high brow gambling. Lets gamble, I will raise you, your one friend and bring you two friends without such a positive outlook on things, meet Noriel aka "Dr. Doom" and Pete. They are really optimistic guys, and maybe a tad more qualified then the guy who spent his thirties thinking he was cool getting anti-aging tips from Iggy Pop.

Duh!F! says:

"Let's talk about your credit score for a second. If it is below 640, forget buying for now. Rent. If it is above 720 and you have verifiable income (verified by the bank), you are golden and should qualify for the lowest-fee loans. Most of us however, have a credit score somewhere between 640 and 720 and will end up paying higher fees on a loan."

Saul says:

Well your hairstyle is about as out of date as Suze Orman, and I know all wizards have the same haircut and facial hair so by that logic, I believe you on this one.

Duh!F! says:

"Now, on to my mission statement. Initially, I think that this column should serve two purposes:
1) To educate
2) To bring down The Man"

Saul says:

ROFLMAO OMG WTF. Once when I was a little boy(long before I realized my dream of becoming an economist), I once said to my father "Dad I want to be a musician when I grow up" to have him knock me down with "Son... you can't have it both ways". He was wrong! Duff you are THE MAN. I don't mean that in some Dane-Cook-Brospeak "Duff you just did $400 of blow off the Rainbow Room bathroom stall... YOU'RE THE MAN". I mean you are "The Man" you are trying to overthrow, you are not 15 years old listening to the Sex Pistols in your room. You are OLD, with "two little angels", you played in a band with Steve Jones of the damn Sex Pistols, you are a rich man with properties and stocks! You are the exact man you railed against. You aren't going to bring down the man because it doesn't serve your interests. Instead you are going to write blogs that glorify the stimulus package so that hopefully people buy stocks again. If they don't buy stocks again all the money you have invested for your two little angels abortion fund college fund will be gone, since "The Man" decided to run the country off Milton Friedman's misanthropic economic views for the last 30 years.

Well that's about all the time I have to devote to my resume for trying to steal Duff's job. I am sure Duff and I will be met in a battle of wits again shortly. Till then I must now figure out if my colored vinyl copy of Live ?!@ Like a Suicide is worthless ever since his buddy Axl s*t out that vocal intro to "Scraped".


time to put that kickboxing into practice!!
reminds of the episode of Frasier  "I hate Frasier Crane"

 Rep: 268 

Re: Duff gettin some "shit" for his blogs

Olorin wrote:

Seems like VR are getting it from all angles these days, must be kick an ex gunner season.
Not sure if this guy is trying to be funny or he is serious, the dig about Scraped was amusing. I agree it would be fun to see how handy Duff is with his feet on this guys face.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Duff gettin some "shit" for his blogs

PaSnow wrote:
mickronson wrote:

Duh!F! says:

"Mid cap" is what you call a company with market capitalization of $1 billion to $10 billion. This kind of stock represents a sort of happy medium between risk and security. Companies this size tend to have some upside growth (like a small cap) while retaining a larger cushion to fall back on. If you have a girlfriend who you don't want to lose, but still want to get some on the side, a mid cap might be the discreet call girl you're looking for!

I found this analogy funny 16

The stories author seemed bitter & full of envy.

Thorazine Shuffle
 Rep: 3 

Re: Duff gettin some "shit" for his blogs

I ended up reading over that pricks diatribes and just read Duffs interesting points.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Duff gettin some "shit" for his blogs

Axlin16 wrote:

Doesn't he understand? He's Duff "Money" McKagen!

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