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 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Aussie wrote:

Can someone explain who/what he was referring to with this part of his post:

The sharing thing is interesting but even with all this time the complications of the red tape and trying to get something out fall on my world to sort and not theirs. They are amazingly supportive and do their best to keep me in up spirits and focused which I had less and less of in Guns way before Sweet Child caught on. If that were to change then that may be something to look at. I hope for us to grow more together as we continue so who knows.

Also he talked about an instrumental for End of Days - what's that about?  Or was he just referring to Oh My God (but that wasn't an instrumental?):

The instrumental I wrote for End of Days that’s more a solo effort at least presently.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

-Jack- wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Can someone explain who/what he was referring to with this part of his post:

The sharing thing is interesting but even with all this time the complications of the red tape and trying to get something out fall on my world to sort and not theirs. They are amazingly supportive and do their best to keep me in up spirits and focused which I had less and less of in Guns way before Sweet Child caught on. If that were to change then that may be something to look at. I hope for us to grow more together as we continue so who knows.

Also he talked about an instrumental for End of Days - what's that about?  Or was he just referring to Oh My God (but that wasn't an instrumental?):

The instrumental I wrote for End of Days that’s more a solo effort at least presently.

He said he made an instrumental inspired by various clips of the movie before it came out. I forgot exactly what he described it as but he gave it a name. Look through the transcripts. It's not OMG

 Rep: 221 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

polluxlm wrote:

That breakup post is the most detailed information he's provided in his entire career. More detailed than all the ex members.

Axl couldn't have handled it better. This is much less watered down and way more real than any in depth interview could be. Here we hear what the man has to say, not what some journalist thinks should make print.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Acquiesce wrote:
bigbri wrote:

We've asked for his side, and he gives it to us. Don't shit on him for what we wanted. We as a community, maybe not you particularly, but we all wanted to hear from him. We got it.

It's not shitting on him to question his version of things. I commend him for interacting with the fans. I think he comes across as a very likeable and a fairly sincere guy, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to question if his side of events is the ultimate truth. I have no doubt that he believes it happened that way, but I don't believe it did. I also thought his story on My World was laughable.

Other than that I think he has done himself a huge favor to put his side of things out there. If only he had done it long ago. I think it would have cut through most of the BS.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Once again, this is the best Christmas present ever Axl. I know it must be difficult to take on so many emotionally difficult questions, yet at the same time feel relief for getting it off your chest. Believe me, we've all anxiously wanted to hear it for years, and thank you very very much. It must've taken quite a while to compile that response together.

And as for the reunion talk.... ummm. Let's just say Axl walked out of the room, slammed the door shut, locked the door, then threw a padlock the size of a football on the door, walked to the outer office, slammed a baseball-sized slab of C4 on the wall with a detonator, walked out of the building, locked that door, picked up a box of nine-inch nails and hammered them throughout the frame of the front door, walked away to a safe distance, detonated the C4, leveling the building, got in Airwolf, took to the skies, and laid about 6 more missles down on where the building used to be, making it just a black mark on a foundation slab.

The reunion ain't EVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRR going to happen.

I'll shut up about it.

 Rep: 38 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

dr_love6977 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Once again, this is the best Christmas present ever Axl. I know it must be difficult to take on so many emotionally difficult questions, yet at the same time feel relief for getting it off your chest. Believe me, we've all anxiously wanted to hear it for years, and thank you very very much. It must've taken quite a while to compile that response together.

And as for the reunion talk.... ummm. Let's just say Axl walked out of the room, slammed the door shut, locked the door, then threw a padlock the size of a football on the door, walked to the outer office, slammed a baseball-sized slab of C4 on the wall with a detonator, walked out of the building, locked that door, picked up a box of nine-inch nails and hammered them throughout the frame of the front door, walked away to a safe distance, detonated the C4, leveling the building, got in Airwolf, took to the skies, and laid about 6 more missles down on where the building used to be, making it just a black mark on a foundation slab.

The reunion ain't EVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRR going to happen.

I'll shut up about it.

I don't know. If he shows up, you should ask him...

 Rep: 475 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

misterID wrote:

The reunion ain't EVVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRR going to happen.

I'll shut up about it.

Can we admit I was right, now? 16

It seems like he's wanted to tell his side on things for a long, long time. It answered A LOT of questions I had. And I'mreal glad he hasn't given up on CD... See what communicating with the fans get you... Understanding!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Axlin16 wrote:

And one of the interesting things that he didn't do, which alot of people felt he'd do, is he wasn't bitter about it at all. And the ones saying he was, are people LOOKING for it, probably Slashites.

Bottom line is... I think he just flat out doesn't trust those guys at all, and if he were to team up with them, he'd probably be waiting for them to slit his throat from ear to ear in his sleep.

Obviously i'm exaggerating, but a band is just like a marriage. If the trust isn't there - it's NEVER going to work.

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

I don't believe half of the things Axl says,also I don't believe half of what Slash says,there's more to the story than we've heard from either one of them.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Slash_McKagan wrote:

I don't believe half of the things Axl says,also I don't believe half of what Slash says,there's more to the story than we've heard from either one of them.

That's just the way it goes. Although I did respect Axl for the remarks about "if I had did that, i'd be like 'fuck me' too".

These guys are going to see it all through their eyes, with a pro-them slant on everything.

That's the human psyche.

That's not the fault of Axl or Slash or me or you for that matter. We ALL do that. The difference is some of us are telling the truth more than others in this world.

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