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Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Axlin08 wrote:

That's just the way it goes. Although I did respect Axl for the remarks about "if I had did that, i'd be like 'fuck me' too".

These guys are going to see it all through their eyes, with a pro-them slant on everything.

That's the human psyche.

That's not the fault of Axl or Slash or me or you for that matter. We ALL do that. The difference is some of us are telling the truth more than others in this world.

I actually don't think we will ever hear the truth about anything to do with GN'R.I do think it's cool that Axl has reached out to the fans and is telling his side,the way he sees it.Since reading what Axl has said I do understand some of the stuff alot more than I did before,like the thing about Axl owning the GN'R name,and ofcourse it does make more sense then some of the shit I read over the years about it,and yes after reading what Axl said I do think of Chinese Democracy as a GN'R album and not so much a solo album,either way it's cool. 9

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Axlin16 wrote:

W. Axl Mulder

I want to believe!

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Mikkamakka wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You know, I'd have a lot less problems with Axl had he done this years ago.

I think he didn't want to because of all the legal crap that was going on through the years. Seems that he's gotten a vast majority of it cleaned up at this point.

As to believing one over the other, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle although I tend to side with the clean guy over the guys who were wasted out of their minds at the time (Slash/Duff). I don't believe Axl 100% but I'm much closer to believing his side of things than the other guys. Call me biased, but I have a tough time taking drug addicts and alcoholics more seriously than someone who's clean. I say this as a person who's never done a drug in my life and has only gotten drunk a handful of times my whole life.

I don't wanna be flamed as a 'hater', but it's hard to choose between addicts and a clean guy who had and has serious mental problems.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

metallex78 wrote:

^ very true.

And without laying more blame on Axl for his mental issues, isn't some of the reason Duff and Slash were so trashed all the time is because they were trying to pass time while they sat around and waited for Axl to get his shit together?

And looking back over what Axl wrote, it just seems more than anything, that there was a lack of good communication between them all.
Surely if Axl said, hey guys "going on late is the only way I can perform and when I feel most comfortable on stage" do you think they might not have gotten so pissed at sitting around waiting for him?

And with allot of the other stuff he brings up, it sounds like they just needed to get in the one room and talk to each other, because allot of it ended up being "he said this", and "he said that" and ultimately that turned them against him.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Neemo wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:

Therefore from a creative point of view : Along for the ride; Not a legal point of view.

i understand your stance, i understood you yesterday, but i still think its a crock of shit

you are basically saying that duff had no creative input to gnr and was just cashing in off of other peoples talents...that he just happened to be in the right place at the right time...i say bullshit

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

metallex78 wrote:

What's this - Duff no creative input? That guy is much a big part of the original GN'R as Axl, Slash and Izzy were.

Check out his solo album Beautiful Disease, or Loaded. That boy's got talent!

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Mikkamakka wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

What's this - Duff no creative input? That guy is much a big part of the original GN'R as Axl, Slash and Izzy were.

Check out his solo album Beautiful Disease, or Loaded. That boy's got talent!

Duff's bass playing gave the backbone of GN'R's music. Nuff said.

Slash and Axl claim they only wanted to keep the band alive and all their intentions, all they done was for this. Bullshit. They were fighting with each other on how to lead the band. Izzy bailed when shit came. Only Duff wanted to keep Guns N' Roses alive, trying to calm down the parties, find a solution to make both happy and make music together. He didn't choose a side till Slash left and the band was still going nowhere.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Wow that was amazing to read...I hope some of the context doesn't get lost as he doesn't say what questions he was responding to, although if you read the questions thread it is usually obvious (how many people will do that though). At least he doesn't have a problem with VR playing GnR songs:

Not off topic but related to the GN'RTM , i've always wondered...

How do/did you feel about Velvet Revolver playing GN'R songs live? Did you worry about them mucking up the songs or decreasing their value by playing them. Are you glad the former members still play those songs so regularly on stage?

I seen Slashes Snakepit live in July 95 and they started playing instrumental Paradise city for the first 2 minutes before Slash stopped it by jokingly saying something like” We better stop so we don’t get sued!”

Dexter wrote:

It doesn’t bother me unless it’s being done at my expense and or to keep him associated as in Guitar Hero. Him being Guitar Hero’s fine but not when Activison in using Jungle, having Yahoo use Sweet Child unauthorized, claims no involvement with Slash, his or anyone’s image or VR or anyone or anyone’s music in either camp in promotion or commercials etc. I wasn’t broadsided. I read about it as it moved along but Activision continually denied it right up to the release. That’s some low life chicanery on all their parts.

Seems he is more angry about any of the music ending up being officially released without his permission.

What the hell did he mean by this though:

The battles were during the breakup. Our people and my individual legal basically forced me to go thru the motions with everything I had to make things work for over 2 years in the sense that if they felt I wasn’t making every effort 110% and with all the sincerity and all above board I wouldn’t have their support which I wanted, couldn’t afford to lose or risk losing. Which led to the trial period where Slash played the key bits of Fall to Pieces but once I showed some interest that was over.

I am assuming that last sentence is a metaphor, anyone care to speculate?

 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Mikkamakka wrote:

I had problems understanding what he was saying, although the last sentence is the clearest for me. Slash wrote the core of Fall To Pieces when he was in GN'R (even Slash said it in one interview), but according to Axl, when he showed interest in that song, Slash lost his. Sounds bullshit to me.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Aussie wrote:

Can someone explain who/what he was referring to with this part of his post:

The sharing thing is interesting but even with all this time the complications of the red tape and trying to get something out fall on my world to sort and not theirs. They are amazingly supportive and do their best to keep me in up spirits and focused which I had less and less of in Guns way before Sweet Child caught on. If that were to change then that may be something to look at. I hope for us to grow more together as we continue so who knows.

Somebody asked him if he thought about sharing the band name with the new guys. Silly question, really. (not you, the poster on MyGnR, lol).

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