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 Rep: 217 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Mikkamakka wrote:

Very political answer. So, in one word, no.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

metallex78 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I had problems understand what he was saying, although the last sentence is the clearest for me. Slash wrote the core of Fall To Pieces when he was in GN'R (even Slash said it in one interview), but according to Axl, when he showed interest in that song, Slash lost his. Sounds bullshit to me.

In his book, Slash claims he wrote the majority of Fall To Pieces in the band he was forming with the Black Crowes drummer before VR started.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

metallex78 wrote:

Although come to think of it, that guitar playing in the Making of Estranged video sounds allot like Fall To Pieces, it also sounds allot like Back and Forth Again off Snakepit 1, so maybe Axl confused the two of them.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 55 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

FlashFlood wrote:

i wonder if scott would agree with axl on any accounts

 Rep: 96 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Yeah, I bought into the whole "reunion" idea - I even suggested a couple of (seemingly) plausible line-ups. Clearly I was wrong - there's way too much bad blood there for it to work. Nor would I want it to - Axl's worked with the current band for much longer than he ever did with Slash and co, and it'd be hugely disrespectful to shit on the current guys by reuniting with people he doesn't even like.

Of course, I was basing my ideas for a reunion on what then seemed plausible - if Axl had come out with his "homework assignment" (:D) before now, all the ill-informed speculation of the sort that I'd engaged in would've been nipped in the bud.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You know, I'd have a lot less problems with Axl had he done this years ago.

I think he didn't want to because of all the legal crap that was going on through the years. Seems that he's gotten a vast majority of it cleaned up at this point.

As to believing one over the other, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle although I tend to side with the clean guy over the guys who were wasted out of their minds at the time (Slash/Duff). I don't believe Axl 100% but I'm much closer to believing his side of things than the other guys. Call me biased, but I have a tough time taking drug addicts and alcoholics more seriously than someone who's clean. I say this as a person who's never done a drug in my life and has only gotten drunk a handful of times my whole life.

I don't wanna be flamed as a 'hater', but it's hard to choose between addicts and a clean guy who had and has serious mental problems.

I agree, it is difficult to believe any of them given the circumstances. It's never possible to believe one side of the story entirely over the other, even if everyone was sane and sober. The only way to get to the bottom of it would be to have actual proof of what happened, but I highly doubt any proof exists...regardless of what Axl claims.

 Rep: 55 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

FlashFlood wrote:

im in college and i get pissed when i have to write a five page paper. i just put that mygnr post into a standard double spaced format...axl wrote a fifteen page paper regarding keeping the name! lol

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

im in college and i get pissed when i have to write a five page paper. i just put that mygnr post into a standard double spaced format...axl wrote a fifteen page paper regarding keeping the name! lol

That's why he called it his homework assignment. LMFAO at the idea of Axl Rose frantically typing on a keyboard just like the rest of us forum nerds. 16

 Rep: 58 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Stepvhen wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:

Therefore from a creative point of view : Along for the ride; Not a legal point of view.

i understand your stance, i understood you yesterday, but i still think its a crock of shit

you are basically saying that duff had no creative input to gnr and was just cashing in off of other peoples talents...that he just happened to be in the right place at the right time...i say bullshit

NO I dno't think he was just trying to cash in. I think he loved being in guns with Axl and Slash and believed in that lineup.

I think he would (and did) bend over backwards to keep that core intact.
If that meant doing only Axls material for the next album fine. If it meant doing only slash's that was fine too. I think he was willing to compromise on his own creative input for what that album in order to keep the ship afloat.

I don't think he would have carried on like this for subsequent albums as he is a great talent, with a lot to offer, and aware of that. I just think at that point he would have sacrificed his own creative input for the ultimate survival of that line-up. Had the bridges between Axl and Slash been mended I believe he would then have reintroduced his ideas to the fold, when things were back on track.

The interview quotes, on this board, with Duff from that period seem to backup my claim

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