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 Rep: 2 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

MrWonderful wrote:

The last few days have been nothing short of epic.

IMO, the conventional (corporate) media took another major hit this weekend.  I think Axl (a mega huge icon) breaking his silence on fan forums, will have major ramifications that will not be fully realized for years to come.  Axl is definitely a trailblazer.  I think he did a huge service to his fans and the "little" man in general.  I'm guessing that this type of promotion (PR or whatever) is going to catch on fast. 

The Axl vs. Slash saga is very captivating material.  I bet an Axl autobiography would actually out sell CD.  How cool would it be to see Slash start visiting some of these same forums.  Even better yet...imagine being able to see Axl and Slash communicating in a closed chat on one of these sites.

The breakup of the original lineup seems very confusing.  You can pretty much throw common sense out the window when you get lawyers (or any other third party) involved.  Of course both sides believe they are right, the lawyers wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't have them convinced otherwise (worded bad..but you get what I mean).

The 2nd mygnr postings reinforce how prominent a figure Slash still is to Axl.  Axl may be pissed at him, but he wouldn't have given him so much attention if it wasn't someone he held dear.  The Slash "breakup" seems to weight heavier on him than any of his female breakups.

Unfortunately, I don't think an original lineup reunion will ever happen, despite the many positive factors that would seem to favor it.  All the original members respect each other musically.  They also seem very dedicated to the band...its like the name "guns n roses" is more than a name to them...its like a symbol for what they think music should be (Axl even stated as much in his postings, and look at how hard the other memebrs fought to retain their assciation with the name.) 

The only thing that seems to be holding the reunion back are the character flaws of Axl and Slash.  Notice the turnover rate in Nuguns and in Slash's projects.  They both seem to lack the ability to give and least in regards to conflict resolution.  They seem to be more caught up in determing who is right, than in trying to resolve the real issues.  This inability to repsectfully disagree with each other (and move on) ultimately leads to resentment on both sides.  Just like a marraige, once resentment sets in, Its over.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

buzzsaw wrote:

I think part of the resentment though is neither side really understanding where the other side is coming from.  Something like this - as bad as it might paint Slash - can actually be a positive because at least finally the cards are on the table.  It's hard to mend something if you don't really know what needs to be mended.  Also, as Axl stated, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

He is very Slash focused.  Some of it good (admitting again he can't make an old Guns style record without him) and a lot of it not so good (lawsuits, false accusations, etc).  There is some respect there no matter what.  I wasn't really sure of that until I read what he said.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Olorin wrote:
MrWonderful wrote:

Just like a marraige, once resentment sets in, Its over.

Yup, and then mum and dad start playing the kids off each other, trying to influence their loyalty.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Yep, and as it stands Izzy & Dizzy showed a slant towards Axl, and Duff & Matt towards Slash.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yep, and as it stands Izzy & Dizzy showed a slant towards Axl, and Duff & Matt towards Slash.

Matt and Dizzy don't count as far as I'm concerned. And I don't think Izzy really has a slant one way or the other. He seems to get along with both sides.

 Rep: 58 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Stepvhen wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yep, and as it stands Izzy & Dizzy showed a slant towards Axl, and Duff & Matt towards Slash.

Matt and Dizzy don't count as far as I'm concerned. And I don't think Izzy really has a slant one way or the other. He seems to get along with both sides.

Did he ever play on stage with Vr? I think he might have not sure.

Well Izzy Left Gnr when Slash and Duff were there.
He also left the earliest form of VR, the project, when Slash and Duff were there..... See a pattern

He has played onstage with Axl. Not so sure bout him playing with VR

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yep, and as it stands Izzy & Dizzy showed a slant towards Axl, and Duff & Matt towards Slash.

Matt and Dizzy don't count as far as I'm concerned. And I don't think Izzy really has a slant one way or the other. He seems to get along with both sides.

Did he ever play on stage with Vr? I think he might have not sure.

Well Izzy Left Gnr when Slash and Duff were there.
He also left the earliest form of VR, the project, when Slash and Duff were there..... See a pattern

He has played onstage with Axl. Not so sure bout him playing with VR

Hasn't he been known to hang out at clubs with Slash, Duff, and even Adler? I think Izzy gets along with everyone. He and Duff were always the most laid back in the band, although Duff has definitely taken a side in this fiasco.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

buzzsaw wrote:

IF you were to split it up the AFD lineup, this is how it would look:

Axl: Izzy

Slash:  Duff, Izzy

Izzy: Axl, Slash, Duff

Duff: Slash, Izzy, Axl (to some small extent - I think his problem with Duff is he feels Duff chose Slash over him)

Adler: Adler, that dude he blew for some smack

Izzy somehow managed to stay out of all of the mess and still gets along with both sides, and I think a lot of that is because he left before the huge blowout.  In retrospect, the Adler firing should have been a red flag to everybody involved for so many reasons.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

Matt and Dizzy don't count as far as I'm concerned. And I don't think Izzy really has a slant one way or the other. He seems to get along with both sides.

Did he ever play on stage with Vr? I think he might have not sure.

Well Izzy Left Gnr when Slash and Duff were there.
He also left the earliest form of VR, the project, when Slash and Duff were there..... See a pattern

He has played onstage with Axl. Not so sure bout him playing with VR

Hasn't he been known to hang out at clubs with Slash, Duff, and even Adler? I think Izzy gets along with everyone. He and Duff were always the most laid back in the band, although Duff has definitely taken a side in this fiasco.

Everybody but Axl was there for the 20th Ann. of AFD at the Key Club.  they are close enough even if they aren't as close as they were.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

IF you were to split it up the AFD lineup, this is how it would look:

Axl: Izzy

Slash:  Duff, Izzy

Izzy: Axl, Slash, Duff

Duff: Slash, Izzy, Axl (to some small extent - I think his problem with Duff is he feels Duff chose Slash over him)

Adler: Adler, that dude he blew for some smack

Izzy somehow managed to stay out of all of the mess and still gets along with both sides, and I think a lot of that is because he left before the huge blowout.  In retrospect, the Adler firing should have been a red flag to everybody involved for so many reasons.

What do you mean? Adler couldn't even do his job he was so strung out. He deserved to be fired and the whole band agreed on it. They gave him plenty of chances to straighten up and he never did. The breakup of the band was more about their egos than about one or more of them not being able to perform their jobs. Adler got exactly what he was asking for.

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