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 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

In retrospect, the Adler firing should have been a red flag to everybody involved for so many reasons.

What do you mean? Adler couldn't even do his job he was so strung out. He deserved to be fired and the whole band agreed on it. They gave him plenty of chances to straighten up and he never did. The breakup of the band was more about their egos than about one or more of them not being able to perform their jobs. Adler got exactly what he was asking for.

I didn't say Adler didn't deserve it.  It should have been an eye opener.  You could make a case for other members deserving it as well at times.  I don't know that they all agreed to it at the time, and if they did, you don't know why they all agreed to it at the time.  As has been stated many, many times, it's questionable as to whether Slash and Duff could have an opinion on anything during some of those times.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:

That is if you assume their side of the story is the truth, which I doubt. There's three sides to the story. Slash/Duff's, Axl's, and the truth.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Neemo wrote:

I'm sure each person who has ever been in gnr has their own side of the story...duff even already said that Slash's book isnt what he remembered happening so i dont think we can assume t hat even slash and duff are on the same page

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Olorin wrote:

I'm pretty certain Duff is capable of making his own decicions, I'm sure he has his own issues with Axl and vice versa.

Slash/Duff, as a whole, in this discussion doesnt work for me.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

Olorin wrote:

Snap! 14

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:

Regarding Adler, didn't Slash write about his firing in his book? Coulda sworn I remember Slash talking about how fucked up Adler was and that they took the "sometimes you just gotta turn a man loose" approach. Or perhaps I'm hallucinating, I don't know.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

DCK wrote:

Judging drug intake alone, there's one guy I belive more than the others. I'm not sure Duff and Slash could really care or have an opinion at all from 87 to 92. Do I belive the drunk guy or do I belive the for the most part sober guy.

I belive the sober guy.

Pretty easy. I've always belived him the most although Im not saying he's right on all subjects. Just look at The Dirt and see how different people see a situation

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

tejastech08 wrote:
DCK wrote:

Judging drug intake alone, there's one guy I belive more than the others. I'm not sure Duff and Slash could really care or have an opinion at all from 87 to 92. Do I belive the drunk guy or do I belive the for the most part sober guy.

I belive the sober guy.

Pretty easy. I've always belived him the most although Im not saying he's right on all subjects. Just look at The Dirt and see how different people see a situation

The thing is, Axl's viewpoint was and is skewed by his extreme paranoia. That is a mental/psychological problem which can be just as problematic as drug/alcohol use when it comes to telling a story.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
DCK wrote:

Judging drug intake alone, there's one guy I belive more than the others. I'm not sure Duff and Slash could really care or have an opinion at all from 87 to 92. Do I belive the drunk guy or do I belive the for the most part sober guy.

I belive the sober guy.

Pretty easy. I've always belived him the most although Im not saying he's right on all subjects. Just look at The Dirt and see how different people see a situation

The thing is, Axl's viewpoint was and is skewed by his extreme paranoia. That is a mental/psychological problem which can be just as problematic as drug/alcohol use when it comes to telling a story.

Amen brotha.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Axl Rose/Dexter forum chat discussion thread

DCK wrote:

The thing is, Axl's viewpoint was and is skewed by his extreme paranoia. That is a mental/psychological problem which can be just as problematic as drug/alcohol use when it comes to telling a story.

How would you know?

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